New Poll STUNS Anti-Gunners
If they’re speaking for all Americans they’re clearly misinformed…or worse, lying.
How can we say that?
Because a new poll shows the majority of Americans would rather live in a neighborhood with tons of guns.
The reason?
Americans aren’t dumb and realize the more guns in an area, the more likely the crime rate will plummet in response.
IJReview gives us a little bit more to go on here:
According to the latest poll by Rasmussen Reports, American voters “overwhelmingly” prefer to live in neighborhoods with high gun ownership, as opposed to areas that don’t allow firearms.The polling shows 68 percent of Americans “would feel safer” living in a neighborhood where firearms are readily available. Meanwhile, that number for those who want gun-free neighborhoods are much lower:“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 22% of Likely U.S. Voters would feel safer living in a neighborhood where nobody was allowed to own a gun over one where they could have a gun for their own protection.”The study is on par with other polls showing Americans’ preference for firearms in the home. A Gallup poll from last year show that nearly six out of ten Americans say guns make homes safer.Source: GallupIn addition, a study conducted by Harvard University showed that gun control doesn’t necessarily lead to less crime. In many cases, it results in a greater prevalence of crime and violence.The Rasmussen poll was conducted by surveying 977 likely American voters with a “95% level of confidence.”
When you see statistics like this, you can rest assured the people who were conducting the polls weren’t trying to prove any one person right over the other.
They were just getting down to the facts.
Thats because most Americans understand the role of guns in America, as well as their place in history.
Without the freedom to own a weapon it means we aren’t free.
It’s as simple as that.
And no matter what anti-gunners try to say, that’s going to be true for years to come. As long as there are thugs out there willing to commit crimes there are going to be people who know the only way to protect oneself is to own a gun.
Do you think this poll is accurate?
Tell us in the comments below.
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