The Inconvenient Truth about Australia’s Gun Ban Liberals Want Hidden
The real reason for the shootings has nothing to do with guns, you know that. If we were to trace the source of gun violence it would come down to a few elements.
Popularization of macabre violence in the media, a reliance on mood-altering pharmaceuticals, poverty caused by the welfare, and of course a destruction of the nuclear family.
Nonetheless, shootings happen and when they do the typical liberal response is to say we need to ban guns to end shootings.
What the liberals are never able to admit is their plans just won’t work.
Need proof?
Australia banned guns all the way back in 1996.
Guess what’s happened since?
Not only has violent crime climbed…
Wait for it.
The number of guns in Australia has climbed too.
Steven Crowder reports on this:
Isn’t it annoying when people say “I told you so”? Uh huh. Let’s just leave it at that and move down to Australia, where in 1996 the government flat out banned guns. Why? A looney lone nutcase went on a shooting rampage in Tasmania and killed a bunch of people. Because leftists believe the guns are the problem and people are just svengalis to guns, they banned all the guns. Of course, Obama, Hater-of-Guns-and-Freedom in Chief, praised the move. And may have been green with indignant envy that the Auzzies did it and the Americans hadn’t. Just guessing here.While “gun violence” went down, “violence” of the every other variety kind of went up. Weird. Take away people’s means of self-defense, and they can’t defend themselves. That’s got to be called something…lemme think about it…Oh right, LOGIC. Behold charts:But since the gun ban, guns have been creeping back into Australian hands. They’ve belly-crawled across the barren desert, they’ve slithered across rivers, they’ve infiltrated homes, they’re beating wives and abusing children! No, actually they’re helping the Australians. Defend themselves. Dang it, there’s that logic thing again. And now the Auzzies are hoping to get their hands on a Turkish shotgun, which has the leftists all in a crazy twitter of paranoia. So not much of a routine change, actually.Since the gun ban, Australia has issued 37,000 gun licenses in the past five years, a jump from 177,675 to 215,462. In New South Wales (NSW), gun ownership has gone up 10%.Alarmingly, in 22 of the state’s 600 postcodes, registered guns outnumber people.Here’s the part that will annoy every anti-gun advocate in a thousand mile radius:Got that? Gun ban in 1996. The government flat out confiscated weapons. It was mandatory. A gun grab. Now more people than ever have guns. Gun crime has not gone up. Because gun bans totally work…NOT.Not to worry, the Australian media is worried about impending doom and is already blaming the United States for any future issues they might have. They’re being sneaky about it, but here it is:Detective Superintendent Mick Plotecki said the United State’s popular national gun laws, and the country’s influence on Australia through popular culture, was likely to be driving the increase in licence holders in the state.‘There is an element in the community who are swayed by the US culture that guns are a right rather than a privilege,’ Supt Plotecki told News Corp.Yes, they’re blaming the movies. It’s the Terminator’s fault, you guys. It’s totally Mad Max’s fault. It’s totally the fault of America and stuff. But hey, for now we Americans can revel in the idea we’re also exporting some of our nifty ideas, like freedom and the basic human right to self-defense. Which is a right, by the way, not a privilege. Man, that logic thing keeps coming up. Annoying.“It’s not the gun that makes the danger, it’s the person that makes the danger, and blaming a gun for the danger is the wrong way around.”…………………………………………
Like Crowder said…”hate to say we told you so.”
That’s the nail in the coffin for any liberal or anti-gunner who thinks banning guns is the answer. Think about how many of these mass shootings have been carried out by someone who’s certifiably crazy.
If they didn’t have a gun they’d have used another weapon.
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