'We used to call this cross-dressing'
The U.S. Navy plans to go “gender-blind” with new uniforms and hats issued to sailors in 2016. (Image: U.S. Navy)
Welcome to the U.S. (unisex) Navy.
Sailors will soon be issued “Dixie Cup” hats and gender-neutral uniforms to satisfy Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ demands. A preview of the new uniforms was revealed Monday.
“Having service members don the same headgear is symbolic of a Navy that is gender-blind,” Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen told Military Times on Monday. “We have been working hard to design covers and uniforms that improve uniformity across the force as well as improve the function and fit of sailors’ uniforms according to Mabus’ plan for uniform and cover redesign.”
The new hat will be issued to sailors with a rank of E-6 and below next April. A re-designed Service Dress Blue uniform for men and women will be issued beginning Oct. 1 next year, and the female version of the iconic “crackerjack” uniform will be phased out by next fall, the newspaper reported.
“We have done several wear-tests and have incorporated sailors’ feedback,” Lt. Cmdr. Christensen added.
Feedback on’s website was resoundingly negative.
“We used to call this cross-dressing. Our senior military leadership have obviously bought into the pop-social theory, espoused by today’s progressives, that gender differences are a result of experience and cultural conditioning,” a user identified as OldNavy207 wrote Tuesday.
“Years from now people in our country won’t even know who to have sex with,” another user added.
“The U.S. Navy, 242 years of tradition unhampered by progress, but crippled due to political correctness,” said Michael Llyod.
Mabus told skeptical midshipmen in May the move was designed to improve moral and and cohesion.
“We are not trying to make women look like men, but make everybody look like a U.S. sailor or Marine,” Mabus said at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, on May 13, Marine Corps Times reported.
Copyright 2015 WND
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