'Both barrels' fired by moderator on Benghazi, private server
Hillary Clinton
Radio host Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday that pundits missed the real story of last night’s Democrat debate: Hillary Clinton was “ticked” that a network finally asked her tough questions.
The Univision/CNN debate from Miami, Florida, on Tuesday featured moderators Maria Salinas, Jorge Ramos, and Washington Post political correspondent Karen Tumulty all confronting the former secretary of state with tough questions.
Clinton – and her supporters in the crowd – were displeased with the development.
“Who specifically gave you permission, Mrs. Clinton, to operate your email system as you did? Was it President Barack Obama? And would you drop out of the race if you get indicted?” asked Ramos. “If you get indicted, would you drop out?”
“Secretary Clinton, a Washington Post poll just yesterday found that only 37 percent of Americans consider you honest and trustworthy. Now, when you’ve been asked about this in the past, you’ve said that this is the result of many, many years of Republican attacks on you. But Americans have also had more than 25 years to get to know you for themselves. Is there anything in your own actions and the decisions that you yourself have made that would foster this kind of mistrust that people have for you?” added Tumulty.
The Democrat front-runner bristled at inquiries, even saying “Oh, for goodness… And it’s not gonna happen! I’m not even answering that question,” regarding the FBI’s investigation into her handling of government documents as secretary of state.
Clinton's supporters booed at the questions and cheered after Clinton's refusal to discuss classified emails she composed and sent over her “home brew” server.
Limbaugh gave the moderators credit for putting Clinton on the spot.
"You know, for all the criticism we've had of this little guy [Jorge Ramos], he went both barrels at Mrs. Clinton last night and ticked her off. [...] I don't know what the audience for this was. But even so, it was brought up. He did ask these questions," said Limbaugh. "Did you see how irritated she got?"
Clinton blamed the perception that she is dishonest on not being a "natural politician."
"What does that mean, 'I'm not a natural politician like my husband or President Obama'? asked Limbaugh. "That means, 'I'm not as good a liar as my husband. I'm not as good a liar as President Obama. I can't fake sincerity like they can. ... When I think you're a stupid fool and need to be put in jail for asking me that question, that's what you're gonna know when you look at my face. I'm not capable of smiling at you when you ask me if I'm going to get indicted. I want to put you in jail."
Jorge Ramos asked Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton about the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, terror attacks (Photo: screenshot)
Clinton was also asked about her response to the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya, which resulted in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. The former secretary of state initially blamed the attacks on an obscure anti-Islam YouTube video.
"You sent an email to your daughter Chelsea saying an al-Qaida group was responsible for the killing of the Americans. However, some of the families claimed that you lied to them," said Ramos. He then played video of Pat Smith, Sean Smith's mother, saying the Obama administration lied to her.
Clinton insinuated Smith was merely a grieving mother who did not realize she was "absolutely wrong."
"Do you recall ever having heard a drive-by media reporter challenge Hillary Clinton this way?" asked Limbaugh. "And then do you ever recall the drive-by media reporter actually playing audio from Ms. Smith for Hillary Clinton to react to? Do you hear those audience boos when Jorge was asking the question? What do you think that means? They're ticked off that this came up because they know this is bad news, and they think Jorge's on their side. They think Jorge is in the tank for Hillary, and he's not supposed to be asking this kind of stuff. They're booing him for bringing this up."
The former secretary of state's assertion that an indictment by the Department of Justice is "not gonna happen" is likely to anger FBI agents attempting to determine if she violated a subsection of the Espionage Act related to "gross negligence" with her private server. A separate track of the investigation is focused on possible co-mingling between the Clinton Foundation and State Department business.
Copyright 2016 WND
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