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Friday, April 1, 2016

We Have Selected Our Candidate For President

We know that many of you have been waiting for Conservative Tom (probably waiting with baited breath) to select who we are going to support in the upcoming election.  That choice has been made.

Today, it is with no hesitation we announce that Conservative Musings will endorse Bernie Sanders as our candidate for President.  We do this based on three criteria. They are:

First, he is an experienced gentleman (emphasis on gentle) who has known struggles as a carpenter and writer.  He is the only person in the campaign who has known the struggles of the poor. Trump surely hasn't and neither have Hillary Or Ted Cruz.

Secondly, other than John Kasich, he is the most plain spoken man in the race. Normal people can understand him.  He talks the language of the everyday man.  We need our leaders to be able to communicate with the "great unwashed" populace of the country. No one does it better than Bernie.  Hillary only tells lies, Trump is so crude, Cruz is way too slick for most voters, he does not communicate well.

Thirdly, he will be the only candidate left in the Democratic race. Hillary will be indicted. Democrats must support the man who ran for the nomination and not do what the Republicans seem to want to do--to destroy their party through an open convention.

Lastly,  Bernie has been consistent. He has always been a socialist and wears the banner with pride. His campaign has been one where he continues to promote his ideas, while repugnant to some, they are his ideas and no one else's.  He has never wavered from his views and for this he should be supported.  Hillary has been on every side of every issue, we don't know where Trump has been or is going and Cruz, well, he says he is an outsider but his wife and he have worked on the "inside" for years, so how can we trust him.

Therefore it is our great pride that we endorse Bernie Sanders for President of the United States.

Conservative Tom

P.S.  Please note that it is April 1st and yes, this is an April Fools Day message!!

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