Are we losing what has been so great about America? Are we no longer the hope of the world, the bright light on the hill as Ronald Reagan once so eloquently said? There are many of us who are very concerned that the wonderful things that brought our forefathers (and to be politically correct, fore mothers) to this country were the freedoms that made this country different from all others in the world.
In Europe where my fore bearers came, my family could not own land. They could own a home but no acreage which made making a living hard since they were in the livestock business. So when they came to this country and could own ranches of thousands of acres, it was wonderful and they prospered. Today, new immigrants would have a very hard time starting in the agricultural business due to the high entrance cost and the lack of financing due to the current state of banking.
Additionally, our freedoms are quickly being eroded. Our freedom of speech is limited to what is politically correct. Violate those strictures and see how long your freedom to say what you want lasts. The right to own guns is under attack daily by those who know better like Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama.
Recently it was disclosed that in certain states, the police can enter your home without your knowledge over an eighteen month period, without a search warrant, to gather evidence. So there goes our 4th amendment right.
Try drinking and driving and getting caught. Your fifth amendment right to not incriminate your self is gone, if you do not submit to the breathalyzer. You are considered guilty and there is no way to avoid it.
And of course there is ObamaCare which requires you to purchase a product (health insurance) and if you do not, you are fined. There is no way that our government should be able to do this. If this requirement stands, how long will it be before they will require you to buy a car from GM or Chrysler, to get your mortgage from Chase or Bank of America, or whatever other product they deem is in your (really the government's) best interests.
The loss of these rights has not occurred overnight rather they are like the Damocles Sword over the head of every citizen in the United States. Slowly but surely we lose more each and every day. It is not noticeable on a daily basis, but when looking back, it becomes frighteningly clear.
We must stop this eroding of our freedoms for if not, the United States will become another great civilization like Greece and Rome that ends on the junk heap of history.
The following article talks to more of the loss that the United States is experiencing. What is your opinion? What will you do to change things? I am listening.
Segel: Thoughts on the Degradation of America
Ken Huber can no longer see the America of his youth reflected in anything that is presented to the public. From his and many American’s observations a dark change has overtaken the country. “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” remain only as the words to a cherished old song. Today, the double standards of this country shine out like a condemning light for all to see.
In the America of today, the President of the United States, his entire administration and every member of Congress can repeatedly lie to the people…and even when confronted with those lies our elected and appointed leaders can pass off the charges with little to no concern and justify their actions by claiming they “misspoke”. Let any citizen, from a sports celebrity to the average man on the street “misspeak” to Congress and he or she face perjury charges.
We have become a country where millions of dollars are spent to rehabilitate criminals, but there is no money available to ease the pain those criminals inflict upon their victims.
We cannot place troops on our border to protect citizens from the drug gangs and guard our country from an illegal invasion by foreign nationals. At the same time we have placed thousands of American military personnel on the border between the two Koreas to stop any invasion from the north.
The redistribution of wealth is alive and well in America. Our government works around the clock to take money from those who labor to support themselves and their families. It passes that same money on to those who neither labor nor contribute monetarily to the well being of the nation.
Class warfare abounds. Anyone who is conservative, industrious and works diligently to build a family fortune is labeled as the “greedy rich”. At the same time billion dollar companies such as General Electric, who are friendly to the Administration, are not even required to pay taxes.
The double standards surface in a multitude of ways across the country. Some scream out that abortion is killing the unborn. At the same time they support the death penalty. They don’t burn books, but they have offending passages deleted from the texts. They teach homosexuality in public schools, but punish those who may utter the word “God”.
These same voices speak out to allow pornography on television and the Internet, but bring litigation against those who may place a Nativity scene in the public square. They believe the human embryo should be used to advance science, but they are enraged at the idea of using animals for research.
These are the same voices that cry out a person is a racist if he speaks negatively about the actions of any minority. At the same time, when those same “racist” charges are challenged they suddenly become free speech. Protests against any liberal organization or individual are immediately labeled as anti American. That same type of protest against a conservative is the individual’s right to free expression.
We have a nation that was built from nothing by strong and freedom loving patriots. Today, instead of having leaders to defend our nation, we have a body of individuals in Congress who are afraid to even reduce our debt or balance the budget.
Ken Huber is right to think the way he does. America today is no longer free…. and its leadership is a far cry from being brave.
Well said!