We have been concerned with the danger of electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) for many years. The damage it could do to our economy is much worse than any other weapon. To ignore the possibilities is foolhardy. We need to have contingency plans in the event that some nation deploys this weapon against us.
It would not take a lot of weapons to really hurt us badly. Tactically placed bombs could leave us in a position from which we could not respond and would make our lives a real living Hell.
It is hard to conceive the crisis that would be created by an EMP attack. All electric circuits would burn out. Not only would computers not work but the very infrastructure of the grid would end. No late model cars or trucks would work as their circuits would be fried. Refrigeration at stores would no longer work, leaving us without food. Gas station pumps would not operate, leaving us without fuel. No security systems would work leaving stores, homes, offices and warehouses open to be cleaned out by roving mobs. Banks would be closed as their computers would no longer work (and there would be no electricity), so there would be no money available.
The only food to eat would be that which did not require refrigeration. Heating homes could only be accomplished by fireplaces. Transportation would be by animal, on foot, or some older motorized vehicle for which the owner had fuel. The only money would be what you had on hand otherwise, it would be a barter society.
In other words, the modern economy would vanish in a second. We would be back 100 years in a flash. Could we, modern Americans, survive or would we tear each other apart in an effort, to get our share? What would we do if we had no food, no water, no transportation, no heat and no money? I do not think it would be pretty.
Some will say that their bank or company has back up, hardened locations which could survive an attack. Good for them, however, if does not solve the basic needs questions. If the entire electrical infrastructure is no longer working, if your bank has records, what good does it do you if the banks are closed due to no electricity? How long would it take to completely re-electrify the country? My guess would be years at best.
The only survival plan for this potential issue is to have food and water supplies as well as stored fuel. This, however, brings another issue to the fore. What happens when everyone is hungry and your supplies are attacked by the mobs when they learn that you had them?
These are not great thoughts, however, with the potential of Iran having an EMP weapon, we need to take actions that will insure they do not have the delivery system. If we can prevent the weapon being delivered, we can prevent the disaster. Other than pre-storing food and water supplies as we did in the 60's in response to the Soviet nuclear threat, preventing the deployment of this weapons is our only defense. Would our current President or any President take the necessary actions?
The following article does a great job of looking at EMP in the hands of the Iranians. Let us know your comments.
Conservative Tom
The EMP Death Ray
David Solway - FrontPage Magazine, January 3rd, 2012For the facts are these:
The “evil genius” is an Iranian ayatollah, who may go by many names. He is the de facto political leader of the Shi’a branch of Islam. His intention to destroy the United States of America and obliterate Western civilization is on record. Indeed, as historian Emmanuel Sivan has warned in Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics, the igniting of a planetary conflagration is an integral part of Shi’a Islam’s belief and thought. Known as Shi’ite Twelver theology, it posits that Allah’s kingdom will be established on earth by the Twelfth or Hidden Imam, whose advent can be hastened by kindling an act of apocalyptic violence. This is why the concept of M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) is idle when applied to Iran; as the astute Canadian blogger Bill Narvey points out, Iran’s leaders believe that their “religious prophecies [for] world supremacy can only be realized by…a deadly apocalyptic showdown with the non-Muslim world.” The Muslim death count is immaterial since all good Muslims are assured of eternal life in Jannah, the Islamic paradise or heavenly garden. As for the death ray, it is no fantasy; it is an electromagnetic pulse, or EMPEMP attack over American territory, “There is a sword of Damocles over our heads. It is a threat that is real but has been all but ignored.”
William R. Graham, chairman of the Congressional Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack, testified that Iran has already conducted EMP missile tests from frigates in the Caspian Sea. Additionally, Graham draws attention to Iranian military writings that “explicitly discuss a nuclear EMP attack that would gravely harm the United States.” And Iran could get away with it since it is almost impossible to identify the origin of what—especially if it is carried out by sea—would be essentially an anonymous attack. As Bob Owens indicates in a recent PJM article, “the most likely avenues of attacks are locally launched missiles from submarines or freighters in the Gulf of Mexico or off either coast, where distance to detonation from launch is measured in seconds, and which are not the focus of our outward-facing early warning and detection systems. Such vessels could be easily scuttled after launch, and the rogue agent responsible for the attack may not be found until well after the attack is over, rendering our nuclear counterstrike abilities utterly moot.”
As mentioned above, the damage to the nation’s electrical grid following an EMP assault would be catastrophic. The cascading effect on major infrastructures would result in the destruction or critical impairment of the financial system, the communications network and cybernetic functioning, farming, distribution of food and water, fuel production and delivery, all forms of transportation, law enforcement, medical care, trade and industry and, of course, military defense. The state of civilization in America would be peeled back by hundreds of years and a state of nature in all its raw ferocity would supplant it.
This is no mere pipe dream. It is what the ayatollahs appear to be planning. Iran has already put a satellite into orbit, demonstrating that it has the means and the technical know-how to launch a nuclear or EMP payload. The accumulating death toll would be astronomical. Gingrich and Forstchen direct us to studies which “estimate that 90% of all Americans might very well die in the year after such an attack.” German director Wim Wenders’ film Until the End of the World, as well as William Forstchen’s recent novel, One Second After, depict in their different ways what such an event would entail. It is hard to assimilate so unthinkable a prospect, and inertia or dismissal is a natural response to the probability of cataclysms. Nevertheless, in today’s explosive world, and in the light of the developments I have outlined, it is a realistic picture. We would be foolhardy to ignore it.
There is no question that the electrical network that powers the nation must be hardened and rendered resistant before it is too late. This is precisely Graham’s argument. Alternatively, one way to neutralize the threat would be to initiate an EMP strike over Iran from the Persian Gulf, turning the tables on an enemy state that presents an imminent danger to the U.S. Properly conducted, the source of the attack could not be identified and the gander will have trumped the goose. The fact that oil prices would spike temporarily is something that would happen anyway when war breaks out in the Middle East, an event that is clearly inevitable. Better sooner while we still have the upper hand than later when the ayatollahs will have cut off our hands entirely. Those who minimize the likelihood of such a catastrophe, like The New York Times William Broad, are living in the cloud-cuckoo land of leftwing political complacency. An upholstered reverie is no consolation when the lights go out.
An EMP attack is distinctly possible, perhaps even probable. To regard such an irruption as merely fictitious, as nothing but a celluloid fable or the wild imaginings of sci-fi enthusiasts rather than an appalling aspect of enemy calculation, is to make a category mistake whose consequences we might not live to deplore.
Very good stuff here Tom. I wrote a piece a few years back with this same tone, though I was speculating on an EMP attack by the North Koreans. This type of attack would be very easy, it doesnt take a genius, you take a boat out in the middle of the ocean launch a nuke into outer space somewhere over America, and you most likely knock us off the grid. One thing that is very frightening is the simple fact that every one has debit cards these days, no real money. Hell one has to wonder if your actual cash would be of any value in the event we went off the grid for any extended amount of time. I'm no expert in this area but all the research I did at the time if i recall correctly seemed to indicate we would be without power for a matter of months rather than years or a year. Keep it coming sir.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. One thing I would emphasize is the medical aspect. There will be no way for drug manufacturers to keep producing life saving and sustaining medications. It wouldn't take long for Diabetics, Heart patients, Cancer patients and those with suppressed immune systems to be gravely affected. I have heard the average pharmacy only keeps about one week to one month worth of medications on hand.
ReplyDeleteAs for the grid system, I have read that we do not manufacture the transformers here in America and that they take approximately ten years to produce. I'm not sure if that is accurate, but it is what I have read.
I have recently written a book about a world post EMP and am seeking representation to get it published, I am trusting God that it will be. If you know any agents or publishers please let me know. I'm new to this but I have faith my book will enlighten many on the dangers America is facing.
TC, have you checked with your State University's publishing arm? Sometimes they do publish things for state residents. It would be self-published. Otherwise, check with Amazon as they are trying to cut out the publishing companies and doing it themselves.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggestions, I had not heard that about Amazon. I will look into it.
TC and Christopher, thanks for the comments. I will get more information on this subject in the future and post it to the blog. As I said before, I think this weapons is far more dangerous to us as a country as it would destroy our economy. Without being able do conduct business, even for a couple months, we would be in a "heap" of trouble.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine if an EMP blast(s) was followed by an invasion? Could we be conquered so quickly?
Tom, the concerns you voice and the scenario you mention is the basis of my book. I wrote it to capture the attention of young adults and hopefully get them to thinking.
ReplyDeleteAs stated above, just have to figure out how to publish it and market it.
Look forward to future posts on this topic!
Great blog! Thought I'd let you all know that former Chairman Pete Hoekstra of the HPSCI is going to be on a radio blog show called EMPactRadio Wednesday the 11th of this month to talk about this topic. It should be extremely informative and interesting. Here's the link if anyone wants to check it out: http://empactradio.org/pvp/episode83-congressman-pete-hoekstra/
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link, I'll check it out!