The thing about the nation at large right now is we have a liberal media that looks to shape and fashion young children in the image of their God, and not the God so many conservatives love and follow.
The left has fashioned a god out of pleasure and hedonism and has tried to peddle their brand of religion to our kids. They’ve wrapped it up in enticing packages like entertainment and free condoms and birth control, and pretend that none of this is bad for our children or our culture.
Fortunately, as one young cultural warrior has pointed out, there exists a silent majority that is rising up, and she’s helping to lead the charge.
Posing in front of a Hobby Lobby with a Chick-fil-A cup while wearing a Pro-life t-shirt, Fisher has proven she’s willing to stand on the cultural front lines and is asking that others join her.
Fisher was quick to draw the ire of liberals, who despite their claims to the opposite, proved to be vicious and hateful to this proud and opinionated wife and mom.
Fisher didn’t know that her simple picture was going to blow up like it did. As she said in an interview at American Prosperity’s Defending the American Dream Summit, she intended to do it because she felt it was humorous.
“I like everything the picture represents — the religious freedom, the Christian values, but I didn’t think it would blow up the way it did–not at all.”
So, just to give liberals a bit more fuel to the fire, Fisher posted another photo a few days later on the fourth of July.
This was the tipping point, as collectivists and progressives couldn’t handle so much freedom in 400×600 pixels.
As Fisher points out, this photo was for all the haters who were attempting to show that an American, gun-loving mother is somehow the same as an AK-47 jihadist.
[I did this] “to show them that I wasn’t going to just sit down and shut up.”
This is the kind of woman Americans need to see more of in the spotlight. Not celebrities who are going to take their clothes off for cash. But women who will stand up for liberty forever.
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