Exclusive: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson calls Christians to 'take the fight to the enemy'
Houston Mayor Annise Parker
Don’t give power to a radical homosexual. Case in point: the city of Houston.
In an unprecedented attack against religious freedom and free-speech rights, Houston Mayor Annise Parker, an open lesbian, recently issued subpoenas demanding pastors turn over sermons dealing with homosexuality and any remarks they’ve made in opposition to that city’s “non-discrimination” ordinance, which in part allows transgendered men to use ladies’ restrooms.
Why would the mayor want to silence Christians? After all, aren’t LGBT people all about “tolerance”?
Well, no. Mayor Parker and radical “gay” activists want to criminalize and censor anyone who speaks out against the perverse LGBT agenda.
LGBT groups and the left-wing media have campaigned to portray homosexuals, and now transgendered people, as minorities bullied by Christians. As a result, the LGBT agenda has a foothold in the popular culture. Homosexuals have ascended to positions of power.
LGBT activists across the country are proposing bizarre laws that are blurring gender lines. California Democrats passed AB 1266 (co-ed bathroom law), which allows transgendered boys to use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms .
Despite the all-out effort by the far left to portray the LGBT lifestyle as “normal,” there is growing evidence revealing the disturbing truth:
Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder.” Dr. McHugh also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment (sex-change) surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people.
Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic stating that 70-80 percent of children who had expressed transgender feelings “spontaneously lost those feelings” over time. So if kids weren’t being pressured to embrace being transgendered, most would eventually get beyond the feelings.
But you won’t hear about these findings in the mainstream media because it threatens their whole concept that LGBT people are “born” that way.
Christian pastors threaten the LGBT’s scheme to normalize abhorrent behavior. If we don’t stop the attack on these Houston pastors, the left will surely be emboldened to use their Gestapo-like tactics against any other group that opposes them, and we’ll end up like Canada.
The left in Canada is silencing conservatives by criminalizing free speech. The criminal prohibitions on speech in Canada or so-called “hate speech” laws are used to silence and stifle a single (traditional values) viewpoint. This sounds eerily familiar. Remember the IRS targeting tea-party groups?
The left likes to harass Christians who don’t conform. A case has arisen in Idaho, where city officials have told ministers they have to officiate same-sex weddings or face fines and jail time. The ministers refused, now they face a 180-day jail term and $1,000-a-day fine.
If liberals want to go after intolerance, why don’t they target mosques and imams? Islam has harsh edicts against homosexuality. They won’t go after Muslims because they need them as part of their coalition to take down the Christians.
Weakness emboldens evil. There’s a leadership vacuum and lack of effective activism within the conservative Christian movement today, and that has emboldened the left.
Christians may not agree on everything, but we can certainly agree on the need to protect our freedoms and the family. But we will never win playing defense. If Christians unite and go on offense, we can defeat these radicals.
For proof that playing defense is a losing strategy, just look at the Republican Party. GOP leaders are so afraid of being called “racists” that they’re letting Obama have his way. Meanwhile, Obama is constantly putting them under pressure by going on offense with his evil agenda.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
When I was younger, I worked as a union organizer. The unions taught us to go on the offense, intimidate and pressure the other side to get them to cave. After founding my nonprofit (BOND), my work has taken me around the country and I’ve worked with many churches. But there seems to be a notion that there’s something un-Christian about going on the offensive. We need to stop accepting this lie.
Despite a major push by LGBT groups to equate their agenda to the civil rights movement, a 2013 Pew Center study shows that 48 percent of blacks oppose same-sex marriage. But if black churches don’t conform, liberals are going to eventually destroy their churches. The black church needs to enter this fight.
Why are we losing? Many Christians have unforgiveness and anger in their hearts but don’t realize it. The left is angry too, but their training complements their anger. They have no qualms about being malicious to advance their godless agenda.
On the other hand, too many Christians don’t know how to go on offense. Turning the other cheek doesn’t mean not fighting back. It means to forgive your enemy while you’re kicking his tail!
If the tactics Christians are using do not result in victory, then something is wrong. As Christians, our victories these days are too few. It’s time we stop playing defense and take the fight to the enemy!
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/houstons-lesbian-mayor-turns-tyrant/#cRb4TQRrZcuZIT0v.99
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