Here are the reasons cited by Todd:
1. Edward Snowden’s Disclosure of NSA Spying: Many Americans are outraged by Snowden’s revelations of widespread spying on Americans by the United States government. Others are concerned that an analyst should have access to that information, and the security breach that allowed him to release private government documents to the news media.
2. Veteran’s Administration and the Falsification of Wait Times: News reports that a number of VA health centers not only did not see ailing veterans in a timely fashion (which may have resulted in deaths), but that they actively created false documents to hide the fact, have infuriated Americans.
3. Lost IRS Emails: During Congressional investigation as to whether or not the Internal Revenue Service had discriminated against Conservative non-profit groups, it came to light that the agency had lost, intentionally or unintentionally, an unspecified number of potentially relevant emails.
4. Americans have widely criticized the breakdown in theInternet registration system designed to allow Americans to sign up for the Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as Obamacare.
5. Obama’s Handling of ISIS, or ISIL: The administration clearly failed to recognize the threat presented by the terrorist organization, and many Americans still feel Obama is doing too little, too late.
6. DHS Border Failure: Americans have lost confidence in the Department of Homeland Security, which failed to prevent a huge surge of illegal immigrants from entering the United States during late 2013 and 2014.
7. Secret Service Security Breaches: As reported here, an armed intruder was actually able to cross the North Lawn of the White House, enter the building through an unlocked door and overcome a uniformed officer, and reach the East Room before finally being stopped by a Secret Service agent. On his way to the east side of the building, the intruder passed right by the staircase to the family quarters. On another occasion, the public has learned, an armed private security guard was able to occupy a service elevator with the President and Secret Service Agents.
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