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Monday, November 27, 2017

Left Cannot Stand It When You Disagree With Them

Susan Sarandon Claims Liberals Hate Her After Saying “Hillary Was Dangerous”

For a long time now, we’ve known that liberals’ version of “tolerance” includes very little toleration of other belief systems, in spite of the fact that “tolerance” (there aren’t air quotes demonstrative or cloying enough to place around that word) is purportedly one of the core tenets of the liberal philosophy.
Susan Sarandon, long a card-carrying member of the Hollywood left, found this out the hard way.
Sarandon, astute readers may remember, had supported Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Democrat primaries and refused to throw her endorsement behind Hillary Clinton after her preferred candidate was vanquished, going with the Green Party’s Jill Stein instead.
Instead of “tolerating” her beliefs, Sarandon said in an interview with the left-leaning London Guardian this past weekend, liberals absolutely hate her for it.
“I’m not attacked from the right at all,” Sarandon told the paper.
TRENDING: A Year After Hillary Defines “Threat to Democracy,” She Falls for Her Own Trap
“Instead,” the Guardian’s Emma Brockes wrote, “she is accused of not checking her white privilege, of throwing away her vote on a third-party candidate (the independent Jill Stein) during the US presidential election, and of recklessly espousing a political cause that let Trump in through the backdoor.
“Liberals in the US, it seems, can summon more hatred for Sarandon right now than they can for Paul Ryan,” Brockes noted, apparently with some degree of unwarranted surprise.
Brockes said that what gets Sarandon’s critics most “is that she won’t admit her error. Sarandon’s very physiognomy suggests defiance; she looks indignant even at rest.”
While one wonders what resting physiognomy says about its subject’s political beliefs, there is a telling word here: to the left, Sarandon’s opinion doesn’t just constitute something that differs from their worldview. It’s an “error.”
According to the interview, Sarandon actually supported Hillary’s political career until the then-senator from New York voted in favor of the Iraq War. While one on the right might agree with that vote and disagree with Sarandon’s across-the-board pacifism, one can’t help but at least acknowledge her consistency on the issue.
“I got from Hillary people ‘I hope your crotch is grabbed’, ‘I hope you’re raped’. Misogynistic attacks. Recently, I said ‘I stand with Dreamers’ and that started another wave.”
She was then asked if it came from the right.
“No, from the left! ‘How dare you! You who are responsible for this!’” Sarandon said.
RELATED: A Year After Hillary Defines “Threat to Democracy,” She Falls for Her Own Trap
When told that feminist Katha Pollitt called her an idiot, Sarandon responded with, “I’m flattered … that’s why we’re going to lose again if we depend on the DNC. Because the amount of denial … I mean it’s very flattering to think that I, on my own, cost the election. That my little voice was the deciding factor.”
She was then asked if she had said Clinton was more dangerous than Trump.
“Not exactly, but I don’t mind that quote,” Sarandon responded.
“I did think she was very, very dangerous. We would still be fracking, we would be at war (if she was president). It wouldn’t be much smoother. Look what happened under Obama that we didn’t notice.”
And for having these opinions, the left devoured Sarandon, one of their most visible, active and consistent celebrity surrogates. Conservatives can clearly disagree with Sarandon’s beliefs while noting that she represents an individual who couldn’t bring herself to vote for Hillary Clinton — as is her God-given right as an American citizen. For that, she’s been subjected not just to public ostracism, but to absurd and sickening threats.
And to think, this is the same side whose heroine once referred Trump supporters the “basket of deplorables.” Et tu, sinister?
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What do you think about Susan Sarandon's stand against Hillary Clinton? 

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