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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Obama's War On Coal Plants Declared By Executive Edict

Obama Ramps Up His War On America

June 26, 2013 by  
Obama Ramps Up His War On America
The Barack Obama regime opened a new front in his war on America yesterday when he unveiled his plans to skirt Congress and cut so-called carbon pollution from existing power plants.
Most in Congress recognize the reality that the majority of Americans have concluded that anthropomorphic global warming is so much hokum and that any effort to further burden Americans with laws and regulations to stop something that doesn’t exist is a non-starter. But the collectivists, progressives and outright anti-human environmental lunatics that make up Obama’s inner circle don’t take “no” for an answer. So Obama says he’s going to regulate coal out of business.
Never mind that the first section of the first article of the Constitution grants all legislative powers to Congress; never mind that temperatures have not risen in 20 years, despite an increase in so-called “carbon pollution”; never mind that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but is, along with oxygen, one of the two most important gasses in our atmosphere and vital to life; never mind that more regulations on energy will drive up energy costs and the prices of appliances, cars and machinery, and will further cripple the moribund economy and will drive more of the middle class toward poverty; and never mind that so-called renewable energy is not about creating renewable energy but is about transferring wealth, Obama is dead set on  his agenda to destroy the American way of life.


  1. "Never mind that the first section of the first article of the Constitution grants all legislative powers to Congress"

    Never mind that the EPA was created by an act of Congress and given authority by Congress through the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and numerous other laws passed by Congress to regulate corporations that pollute the air and water in this country.

    "never mind that temperatures have not risen in 20 years"

    Never mind that this guy is wrong...

    °C °F
    1880s 13.73 56.71
    1890s 13.75 56.74
    1900s 13.74 56.73
    1910s 13.72 56.70
    1920s 13.83 56.89
    1930s 13.96 57.12
    1940s 14.04 57.26
    1950s 13.98 57.16
    1960s 13.99 57.18
    1970s 14.00 57.20
    1980s 14.18 57.52
    1990s 14.31 57.76
    2000s 14.51 58.12

    "The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850."

    "never mind that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but is, along with oxygen, one of the two most important gasses in our atmosphere and vital to life"

    Never mind that plants do not have unlimited capacity to process CO2, and when humans put more CO2 into the air than plants can process, we get global warming.

    "never mind that more regulations on energy will drive up energy costs"

    Never mind that this is a temporary, transitional cost or that the do-nothing alternative is to make the planet uninhabitable.

    "and will further cripple the moribund economy and will drive more of the middle class toward poverty"

    and never mind that it has been Wall Street with their criminal schemes -- not EPA -- that has driven the middle class into poverty .

    "Obama is dead set on his agenda to destroy the American way of life"

    Hardly. He is, as we all should be, dead set of saving our species from extinction at our own hands.


  2. David, You have been drinking the coolaid wayyyyyyyy too long.

    The data to which you refer from the IPCC has alll been modified to fit the argument.

    Can you say that this is not the earth warming NATURALLY?

    The earth has been warmer and colder than now way before automobiles, energy plants etc.

  3. Climate scientists from all over the world using different methods of measurement agree that humans are causing the global warming. This is a settled issue among scientists. You are accepting more conspiracy theories from people who do not understand the scientific data.


  4. "This is a settled issue among scientists" is an incorrect statement. There are thousands of scientists who do not agree with that statement. The "flat earth" belief was also accepted by most scientists of the day--that was wrong and so is this.

    My belief that this is a natural occurring event was solidified by a trip to Alaska last year. There are several glaciers where the location of the front edge was marked by signs. The glacier has been retreating since the 1860's which I believe is far ahead of the creation of cars and electricity producing coal plants.

  5. My statement is correct. A survey of 12,000 peer-reviewed articles by climate scientists shows that 97% agree that humans cause global warming…

    If you think this study was done by "stooges", please note that it corroborates other studies (see link) that also show around a 97-98% consensus in the scientific community. As I told you, it is a settled issue. 97% agree with me, 3% agree with you.

    As for your Alaska trip, the rate of CO2 released by humans burning fossil fuels for energy began accelerating with the Industrial Revolution in the 1880s, and the rate of melting of the polar ice fields have increased dramatically in recent decades in direct correlation with the increased in the rate of CO2 in the atmosphere. If it is all just caused by "nature", how do you account for the correlation? Moreover, the climate scientists -- or at least 97% of them -- agree on the basic physics of how it all works.


  6. David, sorry, that "survey" is biased and inaccurate. That must be the way these Henny Pennys do business. Make up facts to meet their argument. What false prophets! They along with Al "I am making billions on this global warming scam while driving my SUVs, living in big houses and flying around the world in my private plane" Gore. They are all frauds preaching to the unthinking. Read the following:

  7. The results of the survey were confirmed by a second methodology….

    "In a second phase of the project, the scientist authors were emailed and rated over 2,000 of their own papers. Once again, over 97% of the papers taking a position on the cause of global warming agreed that humans are causing it."

    Every researcher who has studied the level of consensus on this topic finds the same result -- about 97% agreement. They are ALL "stooges." Right? Here are thousands more "stooges" for you to dismiss…

    Also, the esteemed National Academy of Sciences…

    I could go on, and on, and on...



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