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Sunday, April 19, 2020

In A Time Of Crisis, Pelosi Goes Into Blame Mode--A Preview Of This Fall

INSANE: Pelosi Blames Trump, Not Virus, for Destroyed Economy in Letter to Colleagues

(PoliticalLookout.Com)- Nancy Pelosi has lost it. In a letter sent on Tuesday to her Democrat colleagues, the House Speaker made the insane claim that the “truth” is that the President is responsible for the virus getting worse, for the economy being destroyed, and much more.
Pelosi, who has repeatedly taken jibes at the president and even tore up a copy of his State of the Union speech on live television, also made the inaccurate suggestion that President Trump called the virus a “hoax.” This claim has been pedalled by multiple Democrats, including failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, despite having been debunked on several occasions.
In the letter, Pelosi told her colleagues that she had spent much time thinking about the pandemic and current economic crisis over the Easter weekend. She said she had time for “deeper prayer and reflection” and that, as a result of that, she thinks it’s time the Democrats embrace some “truths” about the president.
You can read the full letter here if you really want to expose yourself to this level of crazy, but you only need to read the second “truth” to see how deceitful and disingenuous Pelosi is being.
“The truth is that in January Donald Trump was warned about this pandemic, ignored those warnings, took insufficient action and caused unnecessary death and disaster,” she claimed.
It’s an interesting claim and one that takes a lot of guts to push when you consider the fact that in February Pelosi encouraged people to get out of the house and spend time in San Francisco’s restaurants and shops. Pelosi went out of her way to visit China Town, at a time when Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were accusing Americans of being racist towards Chinese people.
Pelosi can be seen on video walking around China Town, telling people to get out and enjoy the food.
In contrast, President Trump took decisive action restricting travel from China even before the World Health Organization declared the virus a global health emergency.
Pelosi also claims in the letter that the “truth” is that Trump was handed a “strong economy” which is now a “disaster” because of him, that Trump is a “weak person,” and that he failed to test enough people in March.
She even claimed that it’s his fault the United States didn’t have enough personal protective equipment, even though President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden failed to stock up on key medical supplies even after the Swine Flu and Ebola outbreaks.
Ask yourself; when Pelosi tells you the “truth,” is it really the truth? Or a grudge?

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