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Friday, April 30, 2021

These Congressmen Will Never Get An Answer


Census rigged!? Bombshell letter reveals shocker

In a bombshell letter sent Friday, top Republican lawmakers have called into question the results of the 2020 Census — and officially asked whether President Joe Biden’s White House rigged the count to steal potential seats in Congress from Republicans in the upcoming election.

Should evidence be found that Biden did what over a dozen Republican lawmakers are now investigating, it would be the scandal of the century.

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Early estimates of the Census results in December indicated a bigger gain for historically red states — and losses for blue states — in Congress than what the official data showed.

“Given the extra time it took to complete the 2020 Census – including not meeting the statutory deadlines by months – we have questions about the methodology and the role the Biden White House may have played in releasing these numbers, especially as the results differ from evaluation estimates released mere months ago in ways that benefit blue states over red states,” the letter read.

The group has questions “about the level of White House involvement in the process” given some Democrats’ prior statements that they believed former President Donald Trump was “scheming about how to rig” the very same Census.

Conservative lawmakers want to know what explains the large difference between the earlier estimated results and the official results.

“The apportionment population results released by the Census Bureau are strikingly different from the population evaluation estimates released just months ago on December 22, 2020,” the lawmakers wrote. “Remarkably, the differences benefit traditionally blue states – which gained population compared to the estimates – over red states which tended to lose population compared to the estimates.”

“This trend calls into question whether there was any political interference with the apportionment results released by the Census Bureau,” the letter read.

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The letter was signed by Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and Bob Gibbs of Ohio, Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin, Jody Hice and Andrew Clyde of Georiga, Michael Cloud of Texas, Scott Franklin and Byron Donalds of Florida, Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs of Arizona, Ralph Norman of South Carolina, Fred Keller of Pennslyvania, Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, Jake LaTurner of Kansas, Yvette Herrell of New Mexico, and Clay Higgins of Lousiana.

You can read the bombshell letter in its entirety here:

April 30, 2021

The Honorable Gina Raimondo
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Dear Secretary Raimondo:

We write today with concerns about the apportionment count released by the Census Bureau, and whether the process which derived the count was fair, accurate, and independent from any White House interference. Given the extra time it took to complete the 2020 Census – including not meeting the statutory deadlines by months – we have questions about the methodology and the role the Biden White House may have played in releasing these numbers, especially as the results differ from evaluation estimates released mere months ago in ways that benefit blue states over red states.

After months of delays, apportionment results were finally released on April 26, 2021. The representational stakes are very high: Texas is poised to gain two seats, Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon poised to gain one, and seven states, including California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia are each losing one seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

When our staff contacted the Census Bureau on the morning of the release with questions about the apportionment count, they were referred by Census officials to the White House for questions. Yet the statute is clear: it is the Secretary of Commerce who reports the apportionment count to the President, not the other way around.

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Referring our staff’s questions to the White House about the results produced by the Census Bureau is entirely inappropriate, and raises questions about the level of White House involvement in the process. The White House involvement is surprising, since Democrats including Chairwoman Maloney previously accused the Trump White House of “scheming about how to rig the process for political gain.”

However, during transcribed interviews with senior Census officials in August 2020, none of the officials indicated that they had any contact with the Trump White House, and one official explicitly denied having any conversations with the White House.

Yet now during the Biden Administration, the Census Bureau is referring questions to the White House about the release of Census numbers. This is concerning. While Democrats falsely accused the Trump Administration of using the Census process for political gain, President Biden has done just that. Even as President Trump sought to ensure the accuracy of the 2020 Census apportionment results by excluding illegal aliens from the apportionment count, President Biden reversed course, deciding to dilute American citizens’ representational interests by rescinding this commonsense measure.

Several liberal states with sanctuary policies may have lost more congressional seats if illegal immigrants had not been included in the apportionment base. Furthermore, the apportionment population results released by the Census Bureau are strikingly different from the population evaluation estimates released just months ago on December 22, 2020. Remarkably, the differences benefit traditionally blue states – which gained  population compared to the estimates – over red states which tended to lose population compared to the estimates. For example, New York was estimated to have a population of 19,336,776, but was attributed an apportionment population much greater than that of 20,215,751, a difference of nearly 900,000 individuals.

Likewise, states such as New Jersey and Illinois experienced large population increases of hundreds of thousands of individuals compared to the December estimates, while states such as Arizona, Florida, and Texas experienced large decreases from the December estimates.

This trend calls into question whether there was any political interference with the apportionment results released by the Census Bureau.

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To conduct oversight over these important issues, please provide the committee with the following information no later than May 14, 2021:

1. All documents and communications from October 15, 2020 to the present indicating whether the apportionment count was independently audited, and if so, when and by whom.

2. All documents and communications from October 15, 2020 to the present referring to or containing any analysis of the error rate involved in the apportionment count and any factors that could be contributing to such an error rate.

3. All documents and communications from January 20, 2021 to the present indicating the most senior official who approved, authorized or denied the final apportionment numbers to be released or discussed with Congress prior to their public release by the Census Bureau.

4. All documents and communications from January 20, 2021 to the present between and among Census Bureau employees and anyone employed by the Executive Office of the President, including but not limited to the White House Office and the Office of Management and Budget, referring or relating to the apportionment numbers and the release of the apportionment numbers.

5. All documents and communications from January 20, 2021 to the present referring or relating to the decision to revoke the Presidential Memorandum entitled Excluding Illegal  Aliens from the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census and thereby include illegal aliens in the apportionment base, including any consideration for whether such a decision would advantage candidates belonging to a particular political party.

6. All documents and communications from January 20, 2021 to the present, sufficient to show what the apportionment results would have been if persons without a lawful immigration status had been excluded from the apportionment base.

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7. All documents and communications containing any reference to or analysis of the differences between the December 22, 2020 evaluation estimates and the actual apportionment results of the Decennial Census, as well as an accounting of potential errors attributable to either the evaluation estimates or the apportionment results. To make arrangements to deliver documents or ask any related follow-up questions, please contact Committee on Oversight and Reform Republican Staff at (202) 225-5074. The Committee on Oversight and Reform is the principal oversight committee of the U.S. House of  Representatives and has broad authority to investigate “any matter” at “any time” under House Rule X. Thank you for your cooperation with this inquiry.

Democrats Are For The Wealthy


Democrats' 'Working Man's Party' Image Shattered as IRS Data Reveals the Undeniable Truth


There’s an old saw that blue-collar working-class voters are the bedrock of the Democratic Party.

This may have been true a generation ago, but no longer. Political realignments over the last 20 years have caused the voter base of both major parties to flip.

The Democratic Party is now undeniably the party of the wealthy.

According to Bloomberg, IRS data from 2020 shows that Democrats represent 65 percent of taxpayers with a household income of $500,000.

Meanwhile, the same data establishes that 74 percent of taxpayers in Republican districts have household incomes of less than $100,000.

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The Bloomberg report also references Census Bureau data that showed the typical congressional district represented by a Republican was 14 percent richer than the typical Democratic district in 1992. But nearly 30 years later, in 2020, Republican districts were 13 percent poorer than their Democratic counterparts.

A somewhat less scientific analysis from 2020 reinforced that the GOP is the party of working Americans. According to The Cook Political Report, 85 percent of counties with a Whole Foods store voted for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, while only 32 percent of counties with a Cracker Barrel Old Country store did so — a “culture gap” of 53 points.

This demographic shift is part of a long-term trend that began well before the arrival of Trump and his MAGA policies on the political scene.

A 2015 study revealed that families registered as Democrats have higher annual salaries than Republicans.

Is the Democratic Party the party of the working class?
1% (13 Votes)
99% (1418 Votes)

And, according to a Vox report from 2016, top-end wealth in America over the past several decades “has increasingly concentrated in a handful of metropolises. … Most of these very prosperous cities (especially New York, San Francisco, Boston, and Los Angeles) have become very solidly Democratic.”

“The places with the largest concentrations of wealth,” Vox said, “are now disproportionately represented by Democrats. In 2014, 17 of the 25 wealthiest congressional districts … were represented by Democrats. And overall, the median household income in Democratic-represented congressional districts was about $2,000 more than the median household income in Republican-represented districts.”

Even the 2016 version of Joe Biden recognized the tectonic shift in party demography. During an interview with Joe Scarborough on MSNBC that year, Biden described his party as a bunch of “limousine liberals” who failed to connect with “working-class voters.”

Despite these metrics, many cultural elitists on the left continue to perpetuate the canard that Republicans are country club snobs and that the Democrats are the party of the little guy, the underdog and the downtrodden.

Pew Research Center survey conducted during the Obama years revealed that more than 60 percent of Americans believed that Republicans were the party of the wealthy, but only 20 percent felt that way about the Democrats.

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Conversely, 67 percent of Americans believed that the Democratic Party favors the poor and middle-class, and only 26 percent felt that way about Republicans.

But if the Democratic Party is home to so many high-earners, why does it support so many wealth-killing measures, such as Biden’s 43.4 percent capital gains tax and the steep hike in the corporate tax rate?

The answer is that, generally speaking, its members view affluence — even their own — with scorn. Financial success does not inspire pride but shame. It is not something to be celebrated but punished.

When the Pew Research Center measured how wealthy people are perceived by members of each party, a solid majority of Republicans expressed the view that the rich were hardworking, intelligent and honest. Only a bare fraction of Democrats endorsed that perspective, though — most of them described the well-off as “greedy.”

That’s why, during the COVID-19 pandemic, blue states had no problem cannibalizing their economies by imposing draconian lockdowns that left millions of working-class Americans unemployed and unable to pay their bills. The party of the rich decimated small businesses through inflexible, and often irrational, regulations of dubious public health value.

Meanwhile, high-earning Democrats — such as Amazon’s Jeff Bezos — thrived.

Whether Democrats’ opprobrium toward wealth owes to socialist influences or to guilt based on misguided notions that any success is the result of “our history of slavery, genocide, dispossession, and discrimination,” as one liberal academic has claimed, the undeniable fact remains that the Democrat Party is now the silver spoon set.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Rightful Suit. Will He Win?


Texas Official Sues Biden Administration, Alleges 'Discrimination' Against Whites


The Texas agricultural commissioner is suing the Biden administration, claiming the way some provisions in the American Rescue Plan that provide aid to farmers and ranchers are being interpreted leaves out many white ethnic groups who qualify as “socially disadvantaged,” and thus discriminates against them.

The suit by Sid Miller, himself a rancher, comes in his capacity as a private citizen, not a public official, according to his complaint.

The crux of Miller’s class-action suit, filed Monday, is that the Biden administration has narrowly and vaguely interpreted the concept of who is considered “socially disadvantaged” and therefore eligible for financial assistance under certain provisions of the bill. Because of this very narrow definition, the lawsuit said, ethnic groups that have suffered prejudice and discrimination are left behind.

“Equal rights under law is the cornerstone of American constitutional jurisprudence: the principle that all citizens, regardless of status, wealth, race, color, religion, or creed, have the same rights and are entitled to the same standard of justice,” the lawsuit said.

“As a nation, we are devoted to the task of satisfying these sacred ideals and providing equal rights to citizens of all races, as the Constitution requires. Profound progress has been made, and extraordinary milestones reached, throughout our history, serving as an inspiration to humanity and the nations of the world.”

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The suit says the Biden administration wants to make some Americans more equal than others

“Yet, today, the Department of Agriculture lurches America dangerously backward, reversing the clock on American progress, and violating our most sacred and revered principles by actively and invidiously discriminating against American citizens solely based upon their race,” the suit said. “This is illegal, it is unconstitutional, it is wrong, and it must stop.”

It added that the Department of Agriculture’s interpretation of the phrase “socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers” is limited to “African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Alaskan natives, Asian-Americans, and Pacific Islanders.” White farmers and ranchers are not included, according to the suit.

“These racial exclusions are patently unconstitutional, and the Court should permanently enjoin their enforcement,” the lawsuit argued,

Is Joe Biden simply pandering to minorities with his policies?
100% (38 Votes)
0% (0 Votes)

The suit said a simple glance at American history can prove that people have faced prejudice based on their ethnicity.

“Indeed, throughout American history, many white ethnic groups have been subject to ‘racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities,’ including Irish, Italians, Germans, Jews, and eastern Europeans,” it said. “Members of these ethnic groups unambiguously qualify as members of a ‘socially disadvantaged group,’ and as “socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.”

The lawsuit trolled Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who found after a much-ballyhooed claim of Native American ancestry that she had but a drop of Native American blood in her veins.

Miller’s suit noted that he, as well, might be construed to be eligible.

“Plaintiff Sid Miller is a farmer and rancher. His ancestry is overwhelmingly white, and primarily Scotch-Irish. As is the case with many Americans, his ancestry is not limited to just one racial or ethnic group. Mr. Miller also has approximately 2% African-American ancestry,” the lawsuit said.

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“An interpretation of the underlying statutes that excludes plaintiffs like Miller because he is not ‘black enough’ would raise grave constitutional concerns,” the lawsuit says.

“America First Legal opposes discrimination in all forms,” Miller said in a statement, according to The Dallas Morning News.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Biden Starting On Shaky Ground


Poll shocker! Biden approval near historic low

President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office has been off to a shaky start. His focus on reining in the coronavirus during the early months of his administration has paid off, because he can check off many of his campaign promises centered on the pandemic.

Still, the American people aren’t convinced Biden is a strong leader.

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According to the latest polling, Biden’s overall approval rating is the third-lowest of any president since World War II during his first 100 days in office.

“All told, 52% of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Biden’s work in office,” ABC News reported. That’s lower than almost every president at 100 days in office since former President Harry Truman.

Only lower is “Gerald Ford in 1974 (48%, after his unpopular pardon of Richard Nixon) and Donald Trump at 42% in 2017. For the 14 presidents from Truman to Biden, the 100-day average is 66%.”

Biden’s approval rating has faltered despite huge support from the mainstream media. The evening news has given Biden 59% of positive press — compared to four years ago, when those news channels gave Trump 89% negative press.

“Biden’s honeymoon appears to be ending, if it was even there in the first place,” Rick Klein, ABC News’ political director, said. “What’s so striking here is, you can at the same time say President Biden is in so much stronger position than his predecessor, but so much weaker than almost everyone else that we’ve seen at this point in a presidency.”

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Biden has delivered on some far-left climate change and economic promises since entering the White House.

But many issues have proved to be tougher for administration — including controlling illegal immigration, where Biden is grappling with how to enact promised reforms in the face of a steep increase in unaccompanied minors seeking to cross the border.
