We should not even be having a discussion on the validity of Americans owning guns. It is our right under the Constitution and any discussion or law to the contrary should be Un-Constitutional. In fact, we believe, that ALL Americans should be able to own any weapon they desire.
Until the 1930's Americans could own any weapon they wanted. They did not need to register it, did not have to get a permit to own it and it could be purchased at the local department store or sometimes even the drug store. Guns were available, easily purchased and somehow, there were few shootings.
Then the "smart ones" decided that we should outlaw liquor which gave rise to the rum runners and the "Chicago" style gangsters with their Tommy Guns. All of a sudden we needed to stop these people from killing each other with these guns that fired "thousands of bullets" a minute. At this point the first gun regulation started and it has been downhill ever since.
Today we are facing a political class, which conveniently excludes itself from obeying any law including gun control(see our post yesterday regarding the exclusion of "any government official" from the proposed assault weapons ban.) Their ultimate idea is an America without guns. Correction: America without guns owned by the common law abiding citizens. The ruling class will still have their weapons as well will the thugs, knuckle dragging neanderthals, and criminals but we have just repeated ourselves.
However, the Founding Fathers knew human nature and how these "smart ones" think, we mean feel, as thinking is not required to be a part of this class. They knew that given enough time, they would want to take this Constitutionally regulated Republic away from the citizens and grant all power to themselves. We are at that point now.
The Feinstein attempt to take away all guns must be defeated, whether it is in the halls of Congress, locally (as in the following post) or by citizen action. We should reverse all the laws that have been passed since the 1930's.
We should allow any citizen to own any type of military hardware up to and including tanks, rocket launchers and if someone wants, an F-16. Why, you say should a citizen own these weapons? Because, he as a free citizen of this country has the right to them!
In 1776, the top line of military hardware was the musket. It was used successfully against the British and Spaniards. No longer were soldiers running around the country with axes or even bows and arrows. They carried the most up-to-date gun and cannon.
The Founders would think no different today. They would want a citizen to have the same equipment as the government as this is the only way the populace can be an effective counterbalance to an overbearing government.
We understand that Supreme Court decisions in the past have ruled against this argument, however, Justices can get things wrong. We saw that in the ObamaCare court case. It is time for the Court to reverse itself and grant Americans the right to defend themselves against the government. The Founders would agree!
Conservative Tom
The Gun Fight Will Be Local
January 25, 2013 by Bob Livingston
Senator Dianne Feinstein (Communist-Calif.) introduced her draconian and unConstitutional bill to ban weapons with scary-looking features and high-capacity magazines and create a national registry system yesterday. It was classic sleight of hand.
The bill was introduced with sound and fury by a person who has stated it’s her goal to confiscate every firearm in America. It was done in violation of Washington, D.C.’s existing gun laws. Of course, laws don’t apply to the 1 percent (just ask David Gregory). They get special exemptions and specially exempted body guards to watch over them. Over the course of the coming days, the gun grabbers will hail her as a heroine.
The CINO (conservative in name only) Republicans in Congress will wail and gnash their teeth. Threatened by Tea Party challenges from the right and the National Rifle Association, most will not cave.
Senators are already indicating that passing a gun ban will be a tough sell. And Congressional Republicans — who have already alienated conservative Americans by agreeing to an unConstititutional fiscal cliff deal that raised taxes on 77 percent of the population — would be committing suicide by passing more gun laws.
That’s not to say you can ignore Congress. Lawmakers will do all they can to walk the tightrope between what their masters want (disarmament of Americans) and what the voting population and the NRA will endure.
The real gun grab is coming by stealth. President Barack Obama’s (Fascist-Who knows where?) bank, Bank of America has frozen the accounts of two gun manufacturers. Another gun manufacturer has had his liability insurance, held by GEICO, cancelled because his vehicle “does not meet our underwriting guidelines because it is used in conjunction with a company that deals in the weapons industry.” GEICO, of course, is owned by Obama’s BFF, Warren Buffett.
On the State level, gun rights are being snatched overtly and covertly. New York just rammed through a comprehensive gun ban that will allow weapons to be confiscated once the original owner dies. It will also institute a database of gun owners and require re-registration every five years.
In Missouri, the Senate is considering a bill that would require a parent or guardian of a Missouri school student to notify the school board in writing that he or she owns a firearm. Parents of children who commit crimes with guns would be prosecuted as felons.
Though ordered by a recent Federal appeals court to create a law that would allow for concealed carry in Illinois, gun grabbers there are rather seeking ways to circumvent the ruling and keep guns in the hands of criminals but away from law-abiding citizens.
States like Texas, Wyoming, Tennessee, South Dakota and South Carolina have bills pending before their legislatures that would block enforcement of unConstitutional Federal firearms laws. Other States like Pennsylvania, Alabama and perhaps a dozen more, have pro-gun rights bills set for their next sessions.
Dozens of local sheriffs have declared that they will defend the Constitution and resist unConstitional gun laws. The real gun fight will go on at the State and local levels.
Meanwhile, the gun grabbers and Obama through his executive orders are Balkanizing America. It seems that disarmament and division are their main goals, and they’re using children as human shields. And don’t forget, they’ve accumulated billions of rounds of ammunition to deal with those who won’t peaceably comply.