Is Ebola Obama’s October surprise?
Curious timing, this announcement that the U.S. now has Ebola patient No. 1.
Five weeks before a national election.
First case in Texas, where President Barack Obama’s de facto amnesty policy for illegals allowed for an influx of tens of thousands of immunity-compromised, disease-carrying, individuals from the Central American backwaters. People rife for “catching” the Ebola virus.
The first patient, Thomas E. Duncan, was allowed to travel freely into the U.S. from Liberia, despite, as we have learned, having hand-carried a convulsing 19-year-old woman to an Ebola clinic in Monrovia — a woman who died from the disease the next day. And despite being told two times that Duncan had been to Liberia, hospital workers sent him home with antibiotics. Home to a residence with three children. Children who then went to school.
But it’s worse. Much worse. Duncan traveled through Dulles International Airport, where he had a layover of nearly three hours, and then to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.
We were initially told that 12 to 18 people — now including a total of five children who went to four different schools — had come into contact with Duncan after he had become symptomatic. By the next day, that list had expanded to a total of 80 to 100. Those initial contacts are being isolated for 21 days.
“It’s a constant process of interviews and locating as many contacts as are out there,” Dallas County health official Erikka Neroes said. “We expect daily that there could be more people added.” Others could fall off the list as time passes and they show no symptoms. “It’s constantly evolving,” she said.
Those initial contacts are being isolated for 21 days, the purported incubation period for the disease. Twenty-one days, and as another case pops up, those concentric circles grow until you have more being isolated for 21 days and more being isolated for 21 days…
And with hundreds upon hundreds and perhaps thousands upon thousands being isolated; well, what about the Nov. 4 election?
And is it not just a little curious that the government ordered 160,000 hazmat suits in response to a disease that is said not to be airborne? And is it not just a little curious that a large government supplier of emergency response products specializing in “high risk events” said in a public tweet that Disaster Assistance Response Teams were told weeks ago to prepare to be activated in the month of October?
“What we are now hearing is just the tip of the iceburg as we enter October,” noted the company’s Twitter spokesperson. “Ebola virus will cripple EMS and hospitals.”
The government has assumed the authority to lock down and/or quarantine areas at will. Don’t think it won’t exercise that presumed authority “for the greater good.”
The fear hysteria will also lead to a public outcry for a vaccine. It’s a vaccine U.S. drug manufacturers hold the patent on. Millions of willing medical slaves ripe for the picking.
The masters in the dark rooms of the pharmas know exactly how to conjure up mass fear hysteria so that the people clamor for vaccinations. So we have another multibillion-dollar hoax — like the great swine flu “pandemic” — to bring in a demand for more vaccinations. Vaccinations that are worthless for people’s health but that further enrich Big Pharma.
Now comes the great Ebola epidemic. Obama’s October surprise.
Here’s how you prepare for and avoid Ebola and any other disease. Load up on vitamin D3. The key to avoiding disease is immunity and the key to strong immunity is vitamin D3. The power of immunization protection comes from within. It is a healthy internal environment that protects the individual and the population.