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Friday, April 24, 2015

Of Course, Hillary Will Not Be The Democratic Candidate, Its A Foregone Conclusion. It's Obama For The Foreseeable Future.

Will the Clinton-Cash Scandal Doom

 Hillary’s Presidential Bid?

How should one think about the unfolding allegations
 rocking the Clinton-Industrial Complex (which
 includes both her campaign and her foundation)?

By now, you may have heard about Peter 
Schweizer’s book, Clinton Cash: The 
Untold Story of How and Why Foreign 
Governments and Businesses Helped 
Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

The book isn’t even out yet, and Clinton’s team is already sheltering in place like Churchill’s
 cabinet during the Blitz. That’s in part because Schweizer, a conservative author and dogged
 investigative journalist, has teamed up with the notorious right-wing rags the New York Times 
and the Washington Post to essentially re-report and expand on allegations made in the book.
 Source: The National Review
- See more at:

Americans And Citizens Of The World Who Love Israel and Israelis Must Be Prepared To Defend Her As The Time Is Rapidly Coming When They Will Be Called Upon To Do So.

Author(s):  Shlomo Cesana, Gideon Allon, Yori Yalon, and Israel Hayom Staff
Source:  Israel Hayom.     Article date: April 22nd, 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a ceremony marking Memorial Day in Jerusalem, Tuesday
(Photo credit: Reuters)
Israel on Wednesday marked the annual Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism Remembrance Day, mourning and honoring its 23,320 fallen soldiers and victim of acts of terrorism with a series of services held nationwide, and ushered by a two-minute siren that sounded across Israel at 11 a.m.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is a bereaved brother himself — his brother, Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu was the only Israeli soldier killed during 1976's Operation Entebbe in Uganda — spoke at the state service, held on Mount Herzl.
“For those of us personally familiar with this inferno, no other moment will ever be as shocking or as painful. We know this wound never really heals.
“Anyone who has lived through the anguish of bereavement and the terror of war, cannot relish war. When I have to decide whether or not to send our troops into battle, I think of every solider as if he were my son, of every family as it they were my family. But given no other choice, we have to be ready to engage in battle to defend our nation and our people. Only this unwavering willingness will deter war, or, if need be, decide its outcome.
“The State of Israel will continue to thrive only if we are willing to defend it at all cost,” Netanyahu continued. “We have to carry on the path our loved ones have paved, united… We are one family, Jews and our non-Jewish brothers — Druze, Muslims, Bedouins, and Christians. We are partners, for better or for worse, through the joy and the pain.”
Commenting on the stark segue from somber Memorial Day to the celebrations of Independence Day, Netanyahu said, “Tonight, when the light of Independence Day torches lights up the sky, we will feel profound gratitude to our fallen heroes, and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded, how have shielded is with their bodies.
“We will express our gratitude for all that we have been given, for the wonder of independence, the gift of freedom, the miracle of regeneration. May the memory of the fallen be blessed, and their lives forever linked with the eternity of Israel.”
Speaking later Wednesday at the state service honoring the victims of terrorism, Netanyahu said, “I do not know why the land of Israel must be earned with suffering, but we know it binds us to our nation with love.

“The heavy toll these bloody events have exacted has also made us stronger, turning us from a helpless people to a determined nation, one that counters its enemies' blows. We have always known that we have to ensure our moral superiority. Our advantage lies in our restraint, and with avoiding blind vengeance.”
Immeasurable pain
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon spoke Wednesday at a Memorial Day service held at the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery in Tel Aviv.
“This immeasurable pain is like no other and it known no relief. It is there every minute of every day.
“Even fallen soldier encompassed the world and the loss is agonizing. Our fallen sons and daughters will remain forever young, and the questions about where would they be today, remain relentless, only increasing over time.”
Ya'alon noted that “for 67 years, the State of Israel has been fighting against those who seek to harm us and unfortunately, we have had to pay a heavy price. We must forge on, up the mountain and to the top, as David Ben Gurion put it 61 years ago, but during this journey, we lose the best of the best.”
'We spare no effort to prevent the next war'
Memorial Day events were ushered in by a one-minute siren that sounded across Israel at 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Speaking at a service held at Yad Labanim, in Jerusalem, Netanyahu said, “A proud nation bows its head today and lowers its flag in unrivaled gratitude in memory of our loved ones who perished — 23,320 soldiers in Israel's campaigns: Jews, Christians, Muslims, Bedouin, Druze and Circassians.
“The bonds that tie us to our land and our country are strong and eternal. We are among the few people with a connection to their homeland spanning thousands of years, and there is no other people torn from their land who defied the rules of history and returned to establish a national life in that land. Israel is the source of our life.
“The blood of our loved ones is soaked in its soil, and when the pain rises up and the torment of loss increases, we will take comfort in the fact that our sons and daughters fell during the most noble of missions: ensuring the existence of our nation,” the prime minister continued.
“I say the existence of our nation because the Jewish people have no future without the State of Israel — and it will have a future if we succeed in defending our country.
“On this day, on the day when our private grief is intertwined with the nation's pain, we salute the heroism of the fallen — and we will lovingly cherish their memory. We will also remember the wounded who defended us with their bodies, and we will wish them a speedy recovery and good health.”
Speaking of Israel's struggle for its secure existence, Netanyahu said, “Over the years of Israel's fight to return to its land and establish its sovereignty there, the battlefields have remained the same — only our enemies have change. But even as our enemies' threats to destroy our home — the State of Israel and that which preceded it — increase, so too our determination to defend our home increases. The spirit that lives in us has not weakened over the years, it only grows stronger.”
In a letter sent Tuesday to bereaved families, the prime minister wrote, “The pain tears through our hearts, grief stifles us, and the longing never lets go.
“On this day, the people of Israel bow their heads with respect and gratitude. The past year has seen the family of bereavement grow, as it was joined by the families of those killed in Operation Protective Edge. Unfortunately, the reality of the Middle East is such that we have to continue to fight for our place here, which cannot be held without this sacrifice.
“It is only because of this iron wall, whose every brick is held by our sons and daughters who serve in the Israel Defense Forces and Israel's security services, that we are able to live our lives, and raise our children and grandchildren.”
President Reuven Rivlin spoke at the state service held Tuesday evening at the Western Wall.
“Defending our existence is still at the core of our lives. Our commitment is to know that we spare no effort to prevent the next war. We are committed to go on living, for the sake of our loved ones who are gone, for the sake of our children here.
“Memorial Day is a day when we, all of us, come together in national mourning. On this day we open the floodgates of pain and longing; but we will be doing a disservice to our loved ones if this day focused solely on grief and pain,” the president said.
“It is the fate our sons and daughters that we mourn today. But at the same time we cannot stand over their graves if we cannot focus on the meaning of their sacrifice. Our commitment, to our sons and daughters, our grandchildren and our granddaughters, is to know that we are doing everything we can to prevent the next war.”
Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, who also spoke at the Yad Labanim service, said, “Let no one be fooled — we have won the battle but the war rages on. Let our enemies know, wherever they may be, neither missiles, nor terrorist attacks, nor terror tunnels will deter the people of Israel.”
Wednesday evening will see Memorial Day give way to Israel's 67th independence celebrations. Festivities will be ushered in with the official Independence Day torch-lighting ceremony on Mount Herzl.

Why Does It Surprise Anyone That Obama Lies? If His Lips Are Moving, He Is Lying! This Time His Lying Will Have Disastrous Results To The Middle East And Israel.

Obama Hid Intel Estimates of True Iran Nuclear Breakout Time

“For God shall bring every work into the judgment concerning every hidden thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
US President Barack Obama has known for years that Iran is just months away from a nuclear bomb, yet kept it to himself until it was convenient, reported Bloomberg Tuesday.
According to the report, the Obama administration has long estimated a two- to three-month breakout time, yet only declassified this information April 1, “just in time for the White House to make the case for its Iran deal to Congress and the public”.
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz acknowledged to the news agency that the US has known for “quite some time” that Iran is closer to a bomb than the administration has let on. He added that Iran is “right now spinning, I mean enriching with 9,400 centrifuges out of their roughly 19,000. Plus all the . . . . R&D work. If you put that together it’s very, very little time to go forward. That’s the 2-3 months” estimated for Iran to produce enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon.
Yet all this time, Obama has insisted that Iran was not nearly that close to achieving a nuclear bomb. Back in 2013, before a visit to Israel, Obama told Israel’s Channel Two, “Right now, we think it would take over a year or so for Iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon, but obviously we don’t want to cut it too close.”
That same year, in an effort to downplay Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s more alarmist estimate of six months, Obama told the Associated Press in October, “Our assessment continues to be a year or more away. And in fact, actually, our estimate is probably more conservative than the estimates of Israeli intelligence services.”
David Albright, a former weapons inspector and president of the Institute for Science and International Security, told Eli Lake at Bloomberg that he felt the administration was being intentionally vague in 2013.
“They weren’t clear at all about what this one-year estimate meant, but people like me who said let’s break it down to the constituent pieces in terms of time to build a bomb were rebuffed,” he said. Albright and his group came up with their own estimate, measuring only the production of highly enriched uranium, concluding that Iran was a mere month away.
A spokeswoman for the National Security Council downplayed Albright’s numbers to USA Today, saying the intelligence community maintains “a number of assessments” of the time Iran needs to become a nuclear threat.
Albright’s position, however, is supported by leaked International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) document, first published by the Associated Press in 2009. It concluded Iran “has sufficient information to be able to design and produce a workable implosion nuclear device based upon (highly enriched uranium) as the fission fuel.”
Kenneth Pollack, a former CIA analyst who is now an Iran expert at the Brookings Institution, told Lake that estimating breakout times is an imprecise business. “The idea there is such a thing as a hard and fast formula for this is nonsense,” he said. “All the physicists come up with different answers depending on what inputs they use.” This makes Obama’s manipulative use of a foreshortened timeline all the more sinister.
On April 2, Obama identified one benefit of the nuclear framework deal, saying, “even if it violated the deal, for the next decade at least, Iran would be a minimum of a year away from acquiring enough material for a bomb.”
Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence doesn’t buy it. “We’ve been researching [the administration’s] claim that a deal would lengthen the breakout time for Iran from two to three months to a year,” he told Lake. “We’re just trying to confirm any of their numbers and we can’t confirm or make sense of what they are referencing.”
Israel has consistently maintained that a nuclear Iran is a dire threat to the security of the entire world, and that successive US agreements with the Islamic Republic have put Israel in grave danger. Netanyahu has said on numerous occasions that “Israel will not allow Iran to develop a military nuclear capability,” or endanger Israeli citizens.


Fatah And Palestinian Authority Lose Big!

  • This is a vote of no confidence in Abbas and Fatah.
  • When you tell your people that Jews are awful, and do not want peace, and just want to kill Arabs and destroy their homes and holy sites, then people say, "This means Hamas is right. We should be killing the Jews and not making peace with them."
  • Hamas has now apparently realigned with Iran, which is "rebuilding relations with the military wing of Hamas," and has recently sent Hamas "tens of millions of dollars."
Hamas's crushing victory in the April 22 student council election at Bir Zeit University shows that the Islamist movement continues to maintain a strong presence in the West Bank.
Hamas supporters on campus won 26 seats, compared to 16 for their rivals in the Fatah faction, headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas.
The results of the election mean that Bilal Barghouti, who is serving 16 life terms in prison for his role in a series of suicide attacks against Israel, has become the "Honorary Chairman of the Bir Zeit University Student Council."
The Hamas victory came less than 48 hours after its supporters scored a major achievement on another campus: Palestine Polytechnic University in Hebron. There, Hamas supporters wonthe same number of seats as their rivals in Fatah – a move hailed by leaders of the Islamist movement as a "huge achievement."

Hamas supporters are shown in this video screenshot marching during a student council election rally at Bir Zeit University, near Ramallah, on April 20, 2015.

Besides being a political and moral victory for Hamas, this is a vote of no confidence in Abbas and Fatah.
The outcome of the election on both campuses shows that many Palestinians do not believe in Abbas's political program, particularly the peace process with Israel. Moreover, the results show that many Palestinians still do not consider Fatah a better alternative to Hamas.
In 2006, Fatah lost the Palestinian Legislative Council elections to Hamas largely because of its failure to reform and combat financial and administrative corruption. Since then, Fatah has done almost nothing to draw the conclusions from that defeat.
The same leaders who led Fatah to the 2006 defeat continue to hold key positions in Fatah, ignoring demands for reforms and transparency.
The landslide victory of Hamas at Bir Zeit University came in spite of an ongoing security clampdown by Abbas and Fatah on supporters of the Islamist movement in the West Bank.
In recent months, the crackdown reached university and college campuses, where dozens of students affiliated with Hamas have either been detained or summoned for interrogation by Palestinian Authority security forces.
The results of the Bir Zeit University election show that the crackdown has failed to weaken or deter Hamas supporters in the West Bank.
It is evident, in fact, that Abbas's campaign against Hamas has had a boomerang effect, resulting in increased support for the Islamist movement among Palestinians, especially those living in the West Bank. When you tell your people that the Jews are awful, and do not want peace, and just want to kill Arabs and destroy their homes and holy sites, then people say, "This means Hamas is right. We should be killing the Jews and not making peace with them."
Hamas sees its electoral triumph as a "victory for the project of resistance" against Israel. "This is a referendum that shows the strength of Hamas (in the West Bank)," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri. "It's also a victory for our project of resistance."
Another Hamas official, Hussam Badran, said that the results of the university student council election "prove that the Palestinian people in general, and the youth in particular, have endorsed our program of resistance." He said the results also showed that Hamas continues to enjoy widespread support among Palestinians.
What the Hamas officials are saying is that many Palestinians continue to prefer the option of an armed struggle to peaceful negotiations with Israel.
Shortly after the Bir Zeit University results were announced, Hamas supporters took to the streets in various parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to celebrate their victory. On April 24, Hamas supporters are also planning a "victory rally" at Bir Zeit University to celebrate the results of the election.
The Hamas victory at Bir Zeit University shows why it is not a good idea, at this stage, to hold parliamentary or presidential elections in the Palestinian territories. Abbas himself has long been aware that a free and democratic election would result in another Hamas victory. That is why he has been in no rush to call on Palestinians to head to the ballot boxes.
But Abbas is not the only one who should be worried about the Hamas electoral victory. This is also bad news for efforts to revive the stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. In wake of the Hamas victory, it is hard to see how Abbas or any other Palestinian leader would sign any peace agreement with Israel.
The Hamas victory did not come as surprise to those who have been closely following the anti-Israel messages coming from the Palestinian Authority. The PA's incitement against Israel is one of the main reasons Palestinians have been turning to Hamas.
Hamas has apparently now realigned with Iran, which is "rebuilding relations with the military wing of Hamas." Iran also, it seems, has sent Hamas millions of dollars over the past few months. Hamas shares "the same long-term objectives as the ayatollahs: the completedestruction of the state of Israel," and to that end, wants to undermine and destroy anyone who recognizes Israel.
To avoid this, the Palestinian Authority must first stop its ongoing campaign to delegitimize and isolate Israel. This campaign is being waged through the media, mosques and public rhetoric.
The Palestinian Authority must also maintain security coordination with Israel. The coordination is vital to the PA itself, not just Israel. Without Israel's help, the PA will not be able to prevent Hamas from taking over the West Bank.
Finally, to stop the Palestinians from rallying around Hamas, the Palestinian Authority in general — and Fatah in particular — need to embark on comprehensive reforms. Above all, they need to stop blocking the emergence of new leadership, and get rid of all the icons of corruption and bad government.
Unless the PA does these three things, Hamas's popularity among Palestinians will continue to rise, bringing the Islamist movement closer to taking over the West Bank.
The Palestinian Authority is shooting itself in the foot.

Anyone Who Thinks That Obama Cares For Anyone But Himself, Is Deceiving Themselves

This is the first of two articles on an interview with President Obama’s half-brother Abongo “Roy” Malik Obama conducted via Skype with film director Joel Gilbert. The first article focuses on Malik Obama’s charge that Barack Obama exploited the family in Kenya for political purposes and now has abandoned them. The second article examines the family foundation Malik helped established in Barack Obama’s name and allegations Malik managed funds for the Muslim Brotherhood.
NEW YORK – After making “a very big deal” of them in his autobiographical book and in his first campaign for the White House, President Obama has cynically abandoned members of his African family, charged half-brother Abongo “Roy” Malik Obama, who was the best man in the president’s wedding.
“He says one thing and he does another,” said Malik Obama, speaking from his home in Kisumu, Kenya, via Skype with filmmaker Joel Gilbert.
“He’s not been an honest man, as far as I’m concerned, in who he is and what he says and how he treats people,” Malik said of his half-brother, noting their relationship was once “very close.”
“Disappointed, disappointed, used and also betrayed,” Malik answered.
“In the beginning, I didn’t think he was a schemer. His real character, the real personality, the real him, is coming out now.”
Malik said the way his half-brother “has turned and become a different person with the family is the same way that I see him behaving politically.”
“Do your other family members feel the same?” Gilbert asked.
“Yeah, a lot of them do,” Malik answered. “We may be putting a good face forward, (but) deep down inside everybody is really disappointed and upset and angry I guess.
Obama made his African roots the focus of his autobiographical “Dreams from My Father” and his introduction to the nation in 2004 at the Democratic National Convention. At the DNC in Boston, Obama told of being the son of a “foreign student, born and raised in Kenya,” who “grew up herding goats” and went to school “in a tin-roof shack.”
Malik recalled meeting Barack for the first time in 1985 on a trip to Washington, D.C.
“We had a couple of days we shared together, and I was just really overwhelmed and happy,” he said.
Malik said he was the one who encouraged Barack to visit Kenya in 1988. Malik confirmed that he took Barack to visit the grave of their father, as told in “Dreams from My Father.”
“We were together and were really tight at the time and you could talk to him, and we just took everything for granted,” Malik recalled. “I loved him unconditionally, and I felt, I thought, he loved me and the family unconditionally.”
See Obama’s 2004 DNC speech:
He remembers when Barack, then a community organizer, gave him a tour of his work in Chicago.
In 1992, when Malik was best man at Barack’s wedding, their relationship was still very positive.
“We were very close,” Malik said.
Malik confirmed that Barack served as the best man in his wedding one year later.
Gilbert noted having the impression that the African family formed “the basis” for Barack’s political career.
“Yes, that unusual story contributed greatly to what he is right now,” Malik said, showing Gilbert an early copy of “Dreams from My Father.”

Malik Obama displays a 1980s-era photograph of Barack Obama in Kenya, wearing African garb
Malik Obama displays a 1980s-era photograph of Barack Obama in Kenya, wearing African garb
Malik explained the original title of the book was “Where My Father Lies Buried,” a title later changed to “Claims of Inheritance” before it was published as “Dreams.”
Malik said Barack sent him a copy of the pre-publication manuscript that included Barack’s handwritten edits, because “he felt like as a representative of his dad, his only elder brother, I should go through the book just to make sure that everything was OK.”
“It was a tedious process, and so I just did the best I could,” Malik said.
Malik said the problems with his relationship with his half-brother began when Malik attended the first presidential inauguration, Jan. 20, 2009.
Gilbert asked him if he felt treated with honor.
“No,” Malik answered. “I didn’t feel like we were actually welcome and treated well. I didn’t feel that we were really a part of his program.
Gilbert commented that the way the family was treated sounded “very awkward.”
“Yeah, not even then, even up til now, it’s like that,” Malik answered. “If I need to see him, then I have to really make an effort and when I go, I do go, then I go in through the back door or at night. This last visit when I went my aunt died in Boston, I really was crushed and broken.”
In “Dreams from My Father,” Barack Obama explained that he first learned his father in Kenya had died when he was attending Columbia University in New York City and his Aunt Zeituni called him from Kenya with the news.
Gilbert asked Malik if he had asked President Obama for some funds to help bury Zeituni in Kenya.
“Yes I did,” Malik responded. “I told him that she’s our aunt, she’s your father’s sister, she loved you very much, and we need to do something for her. We need around $20,000, and he said that was too much and that it seemed like she deserves what she got.

Barack Obama's African family
Malik Obama has his right hand on Barack Obama’s shoulder in this family photo
“And I was saying in my mind, ‘What kind of person is this?’” Malik said. “And I told him, ‘You say you’re your brother’s keeper; I don’t feel it, and I don’t see you living up to what you say.’ She had really been good to him when he came. I felt really sad that he would just abandon her like that. I just left. She was stuck there for a month. People were trying to raise money, and we finally got her back.”
Zeituni Onyango, half-sister of the father of the president, died in her sleep in a nursing home at the age of 61 in Boston on April 8, 2014. She entered the U.S. on a temporary visa, moved to South Boston in 2000 and lived illegally in the U.S. until she obtained asylum in 2010.
Malik said the Obama extended family in Kenya is living in impoverished conditions.
“Extreme hardship, poverty,” Malik said. “In Africa people are really hard up. Infrastructure is poor; there’s no electricity.”
Malik expressed disappointment that as president, Barack has not done more to help the relatives he made the centerpiece of his autobiography, explaining that as far as he was concerned, Barack “doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore.”
“How does that make you feel?”
“Hurt, crushed, it’s just hard to really imagine,” Malik answered. “I don’t understand how somebody who claims to be a relative or a brother can behave the way that he’s behaving, be so cold and ruthless, and just turn his back on the people he said were his family.”
‘New lifestyle’
As WND reported in 2011, Malik Obama was a major character in “Dreams from My Father.”
A key passage in the autobiography features Barack Obama’s reactions to his half-brother when Malik is the best man at his wedding to Michelle Robinson.
Noting that Malik had converted from Christianity to Islam, Obama wrote that Roy had “sworn off pork and tobacco and alcohol.”
Obama continued: “Abongo’s new lifestyle has left him lean and clear-eyed, and at the wedding, he looked so dignified in his black African gown with white trim and matching cap that some of our guests mistook him for my father.”
Obama observed that Malik was “prone to make lengthy pronouncements on the need for the black man to liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.”
Obama was featured in a family portrait taken on a trip to Kenya in 2006 as a U.S. senator.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Malik surfaced in a widely published photo in which he can be seen dressed in African garb, holding up for the camera a photograph of his half-brother, also in African garb.
Born in Kenya to Kezia
Born in Kenya, on March 15, 1958, Malik was the first child of Barack Obama Sr.
The son of Kezia, the Kenyan Barack H. Obama’s first wife, he was only 18 months old when his father arrived in Honolulu in 1959 to begin undergraduate studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
According to the narrative in “Dreams From My Father,” the Kenyan Barack H. Obama abandoned Kezia in Kenya and subsequently married Stanley Ann Dunham in Honolulu, where the couple had Barack H. Obama II on Aug. 4, 1961.
In September 1962, the story goes, Barack H. Obama Sr. left Dunham and Barack Obama Jr. and headed for Cambridge, Massachusetts, to study economics at Harvard University.
However, WND found that Dunham left Hawaii with Barack Obama Jr. in August 1961, just three weeks after her son was born, and there is no evidence she ever lived with Obama Sr.
As WND reported in 2011, Barack Obama Sr. filed an Immigration and Naturalization form on Aug. 17, 1962, requesting to extend his temporary stay in the United States that listed Malik as his only child. There was no mention of Dunham or Barack Obama Jr.
DNA test?
In the Skype interview, Malik Obama acknowledged he had watched a DVD copy of Gilbert’s documentary, “Dreams From My Real Father,” which the filmmaker sent to him.
In the film, Gilbert posits his theory that the “Frank” mentioned 22 times in “Dreams from My Father,” now known to be Communist Party agitator Frank Marshall Davis, is Barack Obama Jr.’s biological father.
Gilbert says the emphasis of his film is Davis’ influence on the young Obama as a mentor, but he maintains there is strong evidence to support his theory that Davis was the real father.
Gilbert’s circumstantial evidence for a Davis paternity – including intimate magazine photos he believes Davis took of Ann Dunham and mention of Davis’ reference in a novel to a sexual relationship with a teen – has been challenged, but Gilbert contends the theory still is plausible.
He argues further that “the body of my entire film is about many pieces of evidence.”
Regarding the nude photos, he disputes the contention that the model in the photos was published before Ann Dunham came to Hawaii. Davis’ photos appeared in many titles of vintage men’s magazines throughout the 1960s, he said, and publication dates listed in a 1998 retrospective collection are inconsistent with original magazine dates. He argues further that Ann Dunham’s front teeth and recessed teeth are a match to the magazine model.
Regarding the reference to an “Anne” in Davis’ novel, “Sex Rebel,” hand-written letters have surfaced in which Davis confirms the book was autobiographical “non-fiction.”
In the interview, Gilbert asked Malik if he believed Barack Obama Jr. had a resemblance to Davis.
“There’s a great resemblance,” Malik agreed. “I think Frank Marshall Davis and Barack do look alike.”
Malik referenced the facial moles and pigmentation spots that appear to indicate a genetic link between the two men.
Gilbert then asked Malik if he thought Obama Jr. resembled Obama Sr.
“Not really, I don’t,” Malik replied. “Your movie definitely puts a lot of questions in my mind.”
Gilbert asked Malik if he would “like to see or do a DNA test one day to know for sure.”
“That would really prove whether we are related or not,” Malik responded. “Yes. I would be willing to do that. I don’t know how I’d deal with it, if it really came out that he is a fraud or a con.”
“It might be the reason why he made such a big deal about you politically, but personally he doesn’t feel the bond,” Gilbert suggested.
“I’m agreeing,” Malik said. “Yeah, I agree with that, because it’s hard to understand how somebody can make such an about turn and make a big play about where he comes from and then once he gets what he gets, wants nothing to do with that place anymore.
“We need an explanation, and if you can provide the explanation, it would be better for all of us so we won’t be hanging, hoping for nothing,” Malik continued.
“That’s what I really feel for my people … because they keep hoping. Maybe they’re hoping for nothing,” he said. “Because he doesn’t mention it [his African family roots] anymore, where he comes from or who his relatives are. He doesn’t say any of those things anymore.
“It’s really disappointing, Joel, but that’s life. We live with it and move on, and we wait for the truth to come out.”
Gilbert asked Malik what he would like to see happen next in his relationship with President Obama.
“I’d like to see him be for real, not be so deceptive,” Malik answered.
“He should live up to his word and be the leader that we expected him to be,” he said. “If he truly is my father’s son, then he needs to behave in a way that if my father was back, was alive, he would be proud of him, because although my dad went through what he went through, he would never abandon his family.”