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Why is the media not filled with the news of two white men being killed by black kids? Because it is only news when someone other than a black kills black people, otherwise the media is not interested. You see, they want to make the racial story.
When 90% of all black killings are done by black individuals, isn't it time for the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world to focus on the real problem for blacks--that being the deaths by their own race? However, they would rather play the race card and stir up trouble rather than helping their own.
We need a new set of leaders in the black community who are willing to point out that the race has a problem and it is not the white man/yellow man/brown man. Until the black population addresses its problems, all the government programs in the world will not help them out.
One teenage boy has been arrested and another is still being sought by police for the murder of 88-year-old Delbert "Shorty" Belton, a World War II vet who was beaten to death Wednesday night outside his favorite hangout: the Eagles Lodge in Spokane, Wash.
The teenage suspect has been charged with first-degree robbery and first-degree murder,according to CNN.
He was picked up around 10 p.m. Thursday, reports The Los Angeles Times. Images of two black suspects, taken by surveillance cameras mounted at local businesses, were released by Spokane police after Belton was found inside his car, unconscious and with severe head injuries, the Times said. Belton died Thursday morning from the beating.
The Eagles Lodge is a popular bar where Belton often played pool.
"It does appear random," Spokane police Lt. Mark Griffiths told reporters. "It appears he was assaulted in the parking lot and there was no indication that he would have known these people prior to the assault."
The Los Angeles Times reports the teen who was has been arrested has a lengthy record, including a conviction in 2012 for fourth-degree assault, obstructing a police officer and misdemeanor rioting, according to juvenile court officials.
Belton was a Purple Heart recipient who survived the Battle of Okinawa after taking a shot in the leg, CNN quoted friends as saying. He retired after working at an aluminum company for more than 30 years.
A candlelight vigil will be held at 8:30 p.m. Friday at the Eagles Ice-A-Rena in Spokane, adjacent to the Eagle’s Lodge where Belton, who was white, was killed.
Friends and family are stunned by the apparently meaningless slaying.
Belton's death has added fuel to the already raging racial fire that started with last week's thrill killing of Australian baseball player Christopher Lane, who was studying at East Central University in Oklahoma.
Some media members slammed the senseless attack against Belton and the mainstream media's lack of response to it.
Lane, 22, was reportedly murdered last week by three teens — two of whom were African American — because they were "bored" and "just wanted to see someone die," according to police.
Conservative pundits said the media responses were hypocritical.
"What if the victim here [Lane] had a chance to see future attackers? And what if he crossed the street or went down a different block to get away from them?" radio host Steve Malzberg asked on "The Steve Malzberg Show" earlier this week. "You know what you could accuse him of? You could accuse him of profiling. … Oh, but that would've been racist. … That would have been terrible, and racial profiling's against the law and that makes him a bigot and he would be making an assumption that these kids were trouble."
We are having a problem with blogger. We cannot comment on other peoples comments. We are sure that there is some silly button that needs to be pushed, activated, slugged, or massaged, the trouble is we don't know. The way it used to work is that you would download the original post and the published comments would follow. That no longer works. Can anyone help us? Thanks. Conservative Tom
Will Obama overturn this verdict? Will he grant Hasan clemency? What will be his reaction? We expect to hear the White House say something mealy mouthed about the justice system working but not a condemnation of the psychiatrist-killer.
We also expect that as he goes out the door, when he leaves office, that he will grant clemency to Hasan. We hope that we are wrong.
A military jury on Friday found Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan guilty of carrying out the largest mass murder at a military installation in American history.
The verdict, delivered by 13 senior Army officers, came 17 days after Major Hasan’s court-martial began on Aug. 6, and nearly four years after the day that Major Hasan killed and wounded dozens of unarmed soldiers at a medical deployment center at Fort Hood here.
Major Hasan, a psychiatrist who turned on the very soldiers he devoted much of his 15-year military career to helping, sat in a wheelchair in combat fatigues, an American flag patch on his upper right sleeve. Inside a Fort Hood courtroom filled with soldiers, military police and the relatives of those he killed, but none of his own family members, he had no reaction when the verdict was announced.
For those of you who don't know, your venerable correspondent grew up on a ranch where we had John Deere tractors and manure spreaders. So the following post made us really home sick. We spent many hours on the tractor "spreadin' the manure" that our animals had deposited over the past year. The same goes for the current administration. They are proudly "spreading the wealth around", however, it is our money that they are separating from us and giving it to those who won't work for it. Those who make money are derided and those who stay home and don't get out of bed are praised. The American attitude toward working hard has been turned on its head.
However, we should be careful for expressions which could be "anti-Obama" are categorized as hate crimes. Remember the rodeo clown in Missouri who was banned for life because he wore an Obama mask and that the NAACP asked the "Justice Department" to investigate if there was anything racial about the clown? Well, this ain't your grandfather's America. We expect that agents of the US government will be soon dispatched to Bessemer, MI to investigate this obviously anti-American attempt at humor. We can't have the President and his wife ridiculed for things that he says, he is above that! We can't have a black man ride in the back of a manure spreader, that is racist. Nor should be have the American flag disgraced by riding in a manure spreader. In fact, maybe John Deere should be fined for having its products used in an anti-American way. Wow, have things changed since our youth! To only go back to the time when hard work was expected, the American flag was saluted, Presidents were easy humor targets and the government worked for us. How has this all changed? Conservative Tom
Only in America, could you get away with this without getting shot.- so far- Thank God we are free.
Our hats off to the folks in Bessemer, MI. a small community in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, located near Wakefield and Ironwood, Michigan and Hurley, Wisconsin.
1ST PLACE WINNER: Bessemer, Michigan’s 4th of July Parade Float.
For those who don't recognize it, the trailer behind the tractor is a manure spreader.
Late last week, President Barack Hussein Obama identified “health insurance” as a Constitutionally guaranteed right. While educated people from sea to shining sea perused the text of the Constitution in a vain search for the previously undiscovered right to be forced to purchase health insurance if so ordered by the President, Obama’s accomplices took to the blogosphere to celebrate the newly decreed “right.” Obama transmitted his proclamation through the White House’s Twitter account.
I have read the Constitution from “We the People” to “…shall have intervened” on more than one occasion, and have yet to find any mention of Presidential authority to subsidize insurance companies by decree. Call it the Eleventy-third Amendment.
The right of the President to impose fiscal burdens upon The People shall not be infringed. Nor shall the right of the President to excuse his kleptocrat cronies from said impositions be abridged, unless the President is a conservative — in which case, all bets are off.
Of course, Obama has made his disdain for the most important document since the New Testament of our Lord abundantly clear. Given the fact that the Constitution was designed to affirm the rights of the individual in a free society and that Obamacare was designed to terminate the same, it’s hard to imagine anyone still harbors delusions about Obama’s attitude toward individual liberty. But this new Constitutional fiat that accompanies the Obamacare Ponzi scheme marks a new direction. No longer content to treat the Bill of Rights as a cage liner for Bo, the first dog, on those long MV-22 flights, Obama has now bestowed upon himself the authority to substitute his own whimsy for the rule of law — hence, the announcement of the hitherto-unknown “right.”
Here’s the hitch, and it’s a doozy: Obama clearly doesn’t understand the definition of “right.” You have the right to speak your mind. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to worship the Almighty in whatever way you wish. You have the right to deny His existence, although I’d be doing you a serious disservice if I didn’t caution you against that. You have the right to arm yourself, lest the forces of tyranny arrive unmolested at the gates of freedom — or at your door.
According to the Constitution, you have no right to buy things just because the President demands you do so. The Constitution delineates rights, not requirements. Obamacare’s fraudulent expectations fall squarely into the latter category. Sorry, Mr. President, but you’ve flunked liberty. Again
“It was not a religion that attacked us that September day. It was al-Qaida.” — Barack Obama
While on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard last week, President Barack Obama condemned the bloodshed in Egypt. He demonstrated his anger over the recent violence that has left more than 1,000 people dead in the past week by declaring that America’s armed forces will not participate in this year’s war games with Egypt.
That’s right; Obama is canceling Bright Star, a biennial war exercise Washington and Cairo have organized since 1981.
The President must think this will bring Egyptian protestors and the military to their knees. To me, it’s like catching your teenage sons in a fistfight and yelling: “No baseball!”
If that doesn’t fix the crisis, the President just might double-dog dare Egypt. I expect the Egyptian army, which is now in control, and the Muslim Brotherhood, which is fighting for control, to say: “So what?”
Obama has made it obvious that he has no desire to suspend nearly $2 billion in annual aid to Egypt — a fortune when you consider that America owes $18 trillion — even as reports surfaced (later claimed false by the Administration) that aid payments had been stopped.
The good news is that Obama appears to not want to put American boots on the ground in Egypt. (Take that, Senator John McCain!) Instead, Obama is going to keep his fingers crossed and hope that Egypt and the rest of the Mideast doesn’t explode. If that happens, it could mean Obama will have to develop fossil fuels in North America. I can already picture the outrage from the greens. As for the neocons who never met a war they didn’t like, it will be heresy.
But events are spinning out of control in the Mideast, and Obama seems clueless when it comes to shaping them. That is either because he is weak or because he understands all too well what sustains Islam: a perpetually tribal and backward region that seems to require Sharia law or a ruthless dictator like Gamal Abdel Nasser, who seized power in Egypt in 1954.
For 65 years, Mideast nations have been ruled either by a dictator or Islamic sectarianism. Dictators like Nasser, Anwar Sadat in Egypt, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the shah of Iran. More recently, we now have the Muslim Brotherhood battling for control of Egypt and the still-unrepentant Taliban in Afghanistan.
Author Lawrence Wright wrote about “Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, he was the former leader of the Egyptian terrorist group al-Jihad, and known to those in the underground mainly as Dr Fadl” in a story for The Guardian:
The Essential Guide for Preparation appeared in 1988, as the Afghan jihad was winding down. It quickly became one of the most important texts in the jihadis’ training.
The guide begins with the premise that jihad is the natural state of Islam. Muslims must always be in conflict with non-believers, Fadl asserts, resorting to peace only in moments of abject weakness.
The Compendium of the Pursuit of Divine Knowledge, which is more than 1,000 pages long, starts with the assertion that salvation is available only to the perfect Muslim. Even an exemplary believer can wander off the path to paradise with a single misstep. Fadl contends that the rulers of Egypt and other Arab countries are apostates of Islam. ‘The infidel’s rule, his prayers, and the prayers of those who pray behind him are invalid,’ Fadl decrees. ‘His blood is legal.’ He declares that Muslims have a duty to wage jihad against such leaders; those who submit to an infidel ruler are themselves infidels, and doomed to damnation. The same punishment awaits those who participate in democratic elections. ‘I say to Muslims in all candour that secular, nationalist democracy opposes your religion and your doctrine, and in submitting to it you leave God’s book behind,’ he writes. Those who labour in government, the police and the courts are infidels, as is anyone who works for peaceful change; religious war, not political reform, is the sole mandate. Even devout believers walk a tightrope over the abyss. ‘A man may enter the faith in many ways, yet be expelled from it by just one deed,’ Fadl cautions. Anyone who believes otherwise is a heretic and deserves to be slaughtered.
Of course, Obama will never ever speak of this inconvenient truth. But that does not make it untrue.
Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall
To believe Islam can be reformed would mean we have to swallow all that garbage that was sold by the George W. Bush Administration and his triad: Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz — or, as I call them, The Three Stooges.
Dubya neocons believed that they could engineer Venice on the Euphrates. More than a decade later, we can see how that turned out.
Yet the neocons remain undeterred. Just as McCain still believes America should and could have won the war in Vietnam, Cheney proclaims he has nothing to apologize about after a political career that dates back to the Richard Nixon Administration. To this day he maintains that the Bush Administration’s policies in Iraq were correct.
Cheney really believes the $1 trillion spent on Iraq was money wisely spent. He ignores that the Mideast may erupt into one big Iraq.
American blood and money was wasted to secure Mideast oil. A dividend was those fat military contracts. Now, 12 years after 9/11, our fortunes remain tied to the fortunes of the Mideast. If the region blows apart, it will have a huge economic impact on America. Before it is over, all of Obama’s horses and all of Obama’s men will not put America back together again.
The prospect of the Mideast burning should shake Democrats to their very core. Obama may have to embrace natural gas. He may have to accept the Keystone Pipeline from Canada.
And if Obama refuses to double down in the Mideast, the neocons won’t know what to do with themselves. There are three aircraft carrier battle groups that are on permanent station in the Mideast. Obama may have to put them up for sale on eBay — especially if he continues to give billions of dollars in U.S. aid to repressive Islamic regimes.
Islam-Aid Is A Sinister Tax Upon America
The most prominent Muslim next to the Prophet Muhammad was a professor, philosopher and mystic: Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. He lived 900 years ago, which makes him postmodern in the Muslim world. Ask the Huffington Post, which ran this headline two years ago: “Al Ghazali: 900 Years Later and Still Relevant.” (It’s just another example of the liberal media’s burning need to placate Islam. If you think I am wrong, find a secular publication that claims Thomas Aquinas is still relevant.)
Farah Jassat, who wrote the story, had much to say about al-Ghazali and how “[h]e underwent a traumatic spiritual crisis riddled with doubt and confusion.”
What happened to al-Ghazali? He walked out on his students. He sold all of his possessions and moved about in the wilderness in search of wisdom and truth. If this seems familiar, it is probably because you watched the 1970s TV series “Kung Fu.”
In later life, al-Ghazali’s most important teachings were on taxation — not the taxation of Muslims, of course, but the taxation of Christians, Jews and Sabians. How else was a deadbeat professor going to make himself and Islam rich?
To do just that al-Ghazali laid out his taxation plans for the dhimmi, or non-Muslims. He declared that they were obligated to never mention “Allah” and that all must pay the jizya.
Jizya was a poll tax that non-Muslims had to pay their Muslim superiors. Al-Ghazali determined that non-Muslims were an inferior people. This came from one of the greatest Muslim minds ever, a man whose teachings are still celebrated today.
Yet what jizya really boiled down to was a protection racket no different from what the Mafia ran in America. Non-Muslims paid off Muslims or they faced reprisals.
According to Mark Steyn, author of America Alone: The End of the World as we Know It, this is the prime reason why the Prophet accepted non-Muslims in the Holy Lands. They were heavily taxed by their Muslim masters, and it provided a constant revenue stream.
Steyn writes:
[E]ventually almost all Muslim societies tend toward the economically moribund, if only because an ever-shrinking infidel base eventually wises up…
But the Muslim word has effortlessly extended the concept of the jizyaworldwide. If you’re on the receiving end, it’s possible to see the American, European, and Israeli subsidies of the Palestinian Authority as a form of jizya. Or even the billions of dollars Washington has lavished on Egypt, to such little effect (other than Mohammed Atta coming through the window). Not to mention every twenty bucks you put in the gas tank.
When it comes to 21st century jizya, Obama is all in. Each year, the United States spends $25 billion on Persian Gulf oil. In addition to the $2 billion set aside for Egypt this year, the United States will give nearly $4 billion to Afghanistan and more than $3 billion to Pakistan. This is amazing because reportedly, when it comes to support in the United Nations, Egypt votes against the United States 79 percent of the time and Pakistan votes against the U.S. 75 percent of the time.
The neocons in the Bush Administration may have believed that Iraq was bought and paid for, thus giving the United States the right to conduct social engineering.
That is not the case for Obama, who is ever so willing to continue the largest transfer of wealth in human history. Billions of our tax dollars go to Islam each year in the hope that everything works out. It is either the dream of an idiot or the ambition of an Islamist.
As for Obama’s claim that we were not attacked by a religion but by an organization, imagine if in 1942 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had declared that America was not at war with Germany but with the National Socialist Party. It’s outrageous and it is frightening.
Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. I’ve spent a lot of time right here atPersonalLiberty.com as a prosecutor laying out the indictment of Barack Obama. But now it’s time to see the glass as half full. It’s time to light the way to prosperity. Now I’m going to paint a picture of how a country should be run. That example is the great State of Texas. If you want to see how a country should be run; if you’re interested in seeing your citizens succeed; and if you’re interested in creating opportunity, mobility and the pursuit of happiness, all you need to do is look at Texas.
Facts don’t lie. It seems like everyone is moving to Texas, the land of “Wild West Cowboy Capitalism” –especially residents of high tax-and-spend States like California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Illinois and Michigan. From 2000 to 2010, a staggering 3.4 million people moved out of New York, resulting in a net loss of 1.3 million residents. California was a close second with a net population loss of 1.2 million during the same decade.
During that same time, Texas led the Nation in net population growth. A remarkable 551,914 new Texans came from one State: California. They brought with them $14.3 billion in income. In just one year (from 2009 to 2010), 48,877 Californians moved to Texas, bringing with them $1.2 billion. But even that paled against the almost $1 trillion in assets and income that relocated New Yorkers brought to the Lone Star State. Wow!
So why is everyone running for their lives from New York and California? And why are so many of them heading to Texas? The answers are taxes, regulations and quality of life — in other words, government interference in their lives or, in the case of Texas, minimal interference. It’s no coincidence that New York has ranked first or second in the Nation for tax burden every year since 1977.
In addition to State income, property and sales taxes, New York has a whopping 49 cents per gallon gas tax and the highest estate and gift taxes in the Nation. After grabbing more of your money than any State while you’re alive, New York also steals more of your money after you’re dead — with estate taxes. I should know; I left New York 25 years ago and never looked back.
But California couldn’t stand to be No. 2. Those Hollywood socialists are so competitive. Not to be outdone by New York, last November, California passed the highest State income taxes in America. You can almost hear the liberals shouting: “We’re No. 1!” Yes, the State is No. 1 in taxes, but it’s also No. 1 in people running for the exit — especially high-income earners and high-net-worth individuals. Be careful what you wish for.
California not only leads the Nation in taxes, it is also the worst State for excessive rules and regulations. It’s no wonder so many people are escaping California. I should know; I left California, too.
Lest you think this is some kind of fluke or that taxes are not the determining factor in this “escape from New York and California,” it isn’t just Texas that is gaining all these fleeing residents. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that all of the top 15 States for population growth during the past decade are no-tax or low-tax States. And since the 2010 census, Texas dominates the list for fastest-growing cities, with eight of the top 15. Remarkable.
It seems Americans are smarter than politicians give them credit for. They are voting with their feet for lower taxes, pro-business attitude and more economic freedom.
Because no State in the union has a better economy, let’s look “up close and personal” at the Texas miracle. What exactly is “Wild West Cowboy Capitalism” and why does it work?
Texas has zero State income tax, zero capital gains tax and zero death tax. It is a “right to work” State where employees may choose to join a union, but are never forced. It is a pro-business and anti-lawyer State, passing both landmark medical lawsuit reform and America’s first “loser pays” lawsuit reform. The results of the medical reforms? Lawsuits dropped by 70 percent. Twenty-five thousand doctors moved to Texas. Medical liability insurance rates dropped by as much as 50 percent. Texas is also one of the most difficult States in which to file class action lawsuits.
Quite simply, Texas treats businesspeople and taxpayers nicely. The State offers more business incentives ($19 billion) than any other State.
On the other hand, Texas is tightfisted with taxpayer money. They pay the least generous welfare and entitlement benefits. California is the exact opposite. They are the welfare capital of America. California has one-third of the Nation’s welfare recipients. Why? Because California pays the most generous welfare benefits in the Nation: $179 per citizen compared to $32 per citizen in Texas.
Texas is also tightfisted with its government employees. California government employees are paid 25.2 percent more on average than State employees in Texas. California has the highest-paid teachers in America, while Texas pays its teachers far less. Yet the high school graduation rate is higher in Texas than California. Texas runs its government far more efficiently.
Texas has a balanced budget amendment. By contrast, California owes an astounding $167 billion. The result is people with high incomes, assets and ambition are moving into Texas, while those who lack work ethic and feel entitled to handouts are moving out. Good luck to New York and California. We’ll see you in bankruptcy court.
One of the ways this has been made possible is that the Texas State constitution limits the time politicians can meet to 90 days every other year. That explains everything. Texas, like my adopted home state of Nevada, has low taxes and the fastest growing population because politicians aren’t allowed to sit in their seats all year long thinking of new ways to redistribute income, impede business and destroy jobs.
Just look at the remarkable results of favoring hard-working business owners and job-creators over entitlement addicts and lawyers. The annual Texas economy has passed $1 trillion, accounting for 8.3 percent of the entire U.S. economy. It is second largest in America and 14th largest in the world — equivalent to Russia.
How about jobs? Feast your eyes on these statistics: Since 2007, one-third of all jobs in America were created in Texas; and in the past decade, more jobs were created in Texas than in the other 49 States combined. Texas is where three out of every five jobs created in America since 2007 were created.
Even more amazing is the kind of jobs Texas has been creating. They have created the most private-sector jobs in the Nation and eliminated government jobs — the kind that cost taxpayers big money.
According to CNN/Money, Texas for the first time has more Fortune 500 headquarters than New York. Texas is also home to six of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies.
At the same time, Texas displaced New York as the second largest economy in this country. Texas’ economy had the most explosive growth in all of America for the past 50 years, while California’s economy has been among the worst.
Texas’ fiscal condition is sound. California, New York, Illinois and all these other high tax-and-spend States careen from crisis to crisis, always on the verge of bankruptcy. Business flourishes. Here’s an example why. California-based CKE Restaurants has more than 3,000 restaurants, including Carl’s Jr. and Hardees. Its president, quoted in TheWall Street Journal, called his home State of California business-unfriendly and noted that opening a restaurant in California takes two years and costs $200,000 more than opening one in Texas, where it takes only six weeks. Is it a surprise that CKE has stopped opening new restaurants in California, but plans to open 300 in Texas? Chevron must have gotten the same memo. It recently announced it is moving 800 high-paying employees (one quarter of its workforce) from California to Houston.
Still unconvinced? Ask the CEOs of America. In Chief Executive magazine’s annual poll (the one that ranked California dead last in America for business for eight consecutive years), Texas has been ranked No. 1 for those same eight straight years. And CNBC just ranked Texas as the top State in America for business for 2012 — the third time it’s been ranked No. 1 in six years.
Texas recently passed its 2013 budget. Texas cut taxes and spending, and it wound up with a record-setting $8 billion budget surplus. Congratulations to Governor Rick Perry.
Now you know why all my exes live in Texas. I’ll bet all your ex-business partners and ex-friends do, too. Now you know how to save America. Just follow Texas; it’s that simple. Now you understand that businesses, as well as people, choose States that treat them better, give them more economic freedom and allow them to keep more of their own money. Imagine that?
The results of smaller government, restrained politicians and lower taxes is dramatically increased wealth, job creation and citizens with a higher quality of life. God bless Texas. The solution to saving America is to do the opposite of everything Obama does. Texas proves it works.
By the way, my Texas friends want everyone to know: “Come on down, ya’ll are welcome. Just leave your socialist politics at home.” I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. Same time, same place. God bless America.
The following essay nails Obama. It is well written and very well worth the time to read. Congrats Maureen! Conservative Tom
P. Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions.
The accomplishment of which she is most proud is her volunteer work at an Army base where she looked into the eyes and hearts of the service members who protect our country.
Our Pledge of Allegiance, a military band playing the National Anthem, and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, inspire her passion and views. Her life is guided by a firm belief that truth is the most important virtue, and that God knows what He is doing with her.
“Obama comes from a community organizer background where it’s us against them. But that’s not who we are. And that’s not the position the leader of our Nation should take.” Dr. Benjamin Carson
Obama appears to be a tormented man who is filled with resentment, anger, and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others. Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. That was instilled in him by his family and mentors. It seems to have never left him.
It is not the color of his skin that is a problem for anyone in America. Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.
Think: Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S.? Or its people, with deep appreciation and genuine respect for our history, our customs, our sufferings and our blessings? Has he ever revealed that, like most patriotic Americans, he gets “goose bumps” when a band plays “The Star Spangled Banner,” or sheds a tear when he hears a beautiful rendition of “America the Beautiful?” Does his heart burst with pride when millions of American flags wave on a National holiday or someone plays “taps” on a trumpet? Has he ever shared the admiration of the military, as we as lovers of those who keep us free, feel when soldiers march by? It is doubtful because Obama did not grow up sharing our experiences or our values. He did not sit at the knee of a Grandfather or Uncle who showed us his medals and told us about the bravery of his fellow troops as they tramped through foreign lands to keep us free. He didn’t have grandparents who told stories of suffering and then coming to America, penniless, and the opportunities they had for building a business and life for their children.
Away from this country as a young child, Obama didn’t delight in being part of America and its greatness. He wasn’t singing our patriotic songs in kindergarten, or standing on the roadside for a holiday parade and eating a hot dog, or lighting sparklers around a campfire on July 4th as fireworks exploded over head, or placing flags on the gravesites of fallen and beloved American heroes.
Rather he was separated from all of these experiences and doesn’t really understand us and what it means to be an American. He is void of the basic emotions that most feel regarding this country and insensitive to the instinctive pride we have in our national heritage. His opinions were formed by those who either envied us or wanted him to devalue the United States and the traditions and patriotism that unite us.
He has never given a speech that is filled with calm, reassuring, complimentary, heartfelt statements about all the people in the U.S. Or one that inspires us to be better and grateful and proud that in a short time our country became a leader, and a protector of many. Quite the contrary, his speeches always degenerate into mocking, ridiculing tirades as he faults our achievements as well as any critics or opposition for the sake of a laugh, or to bolster his ego. He uses his Office to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies and actions. A secure leader, who has noble self-esteem and not false confidence, refrains from showing such dread of critics and displaying a cocky, haughty attitude.
Mostly, his time seems to be spent causing dissention, unrest, and anxiety among the people of America, rather than uniting us (even though he was presented to us as the “Great Uniter”). He is anything but. He creates chaos for the sake of keeping people separated, envious, aggrieved and ready to argue. Under his leadership Americans have been kept on edge, rather than in a state of comfort and security. He incites people to be aggressive toward, and disrespectful of, those of differing opinions. And through such behavior, Obama has lowered the standards for self-control and mature restraint to the level of street-fighting gangs, when he should be raising the bar for people to strive toward becoming more considerate, tolerant, self-disciplined, self-sustaining, and self-assured.
Not a day goes by that he is not attempting to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install controversial appointees, enact divisive mandates, and assert a dictatorial form of power.
* Never has there been a leader of this great land who used such tactics to harm and hurt the people and this country.
* Never have we had a President who spoke with a caustic, evil tongue against the citizenry rather than present himself as a soothing, calming and trustworthy force.
* Never, in this country, have we experienced how much stress one man can cause a nation of people on a daily basis!
Obama has promoted the degeneration of peace, civility, and quality of cooperation between us. He thrives on tearing us down, rather than building us up. He is the Architect of the decline of America, and the epitome of a Demagogue.
Failed Presidential candidate and weak Senator John McCain believes that we should intervene in Syria. We disagree. Intervening in the internal workings of an independent state is not what we should be doing, unless there is a national interest.
At this point, we see no reason to take any sides in this mess. There is no reason to risk talent and treasure on the Syria. While we are disgusted with the use of chemical weapons, it should be the people who make the decision and not the US.
Unless we find there is a pressing national interest, intervening will only result in the same outstanding (??) results in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is stupid and never stays as small as our leaders lead us to believe.
Conservative Tom
McCain: US Should Intervene in Syria Without 'Boots on the Ground'
The United States should intervene militarily in Syria, given evidence that the government attacked its people with chemical weapons Wednesday, Sen. John McCain said Thursday.
And, in an interview with CNN, he criticized President Barack Obama for not reacting strongly enough.
The United States doesn't have to take risks in Syria, McCain said. "There would be no boots on the ground. We would use standoff weapons just as the Israelis have four times as they’ve taken out targets inside Syria," he said. "We would not put a single life at risk."
The U.S. could neutralize Syrian runways and battle planes in a "matter of a couple of days," McCain said. "We can supply the right kind of weapons to rebels and to establish a no-fly zone by moving patriot missiles up to the border. This can be done very easily," he said.
"When does the United States, with very little cost stand up for these people and stop this horrific — you can’t look at the pictures without being deeply moved. Are we just going to let that go on?"
Shocking pictures emerged from Damascus suburbs on Wednesday of dozens of people said to have been killed by poison gas attacks.
McCain criticized Obama for taking no action to back up his year-old threat that the use of chemical weapons by President Bashir al-Assad's regime would be seen as a red line that would spur action. Instead, he said Assad "now sees that as a green light."