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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Leadership Failure II

We received news yesterday that the United States is involved in a "joint" operation in Libya. Why are we there? Don't we have enough going on in other places? What about Iraq, Afghanistan, the Japanese Tragedy, the "democracy" movements in the other parts of the Middle East and yes, let's not forget the American economy? And where is our esteemed leader, he is on a tour of South America with his wife, daughters and mother in law. Today he is visiting Rio.

I just don't get it.  We are deeply involved in two wars and  our budget deficit is measured in trillions, yet we get involved with another "mini-war" further stretching our military and fragile economy. What is he thinking?

We hear the reason is "humanitarian", yet we are not involving ourselves in other places like Bahrain or Saudi Arabia. We did not get involved in the Iranian put down of protesters, why in Libya?  Why here, why now?

 Gadaffi is not a good guy. And even two weeks ago, the President assured the world that we would not become involved.  Now we are and American cruise missiles and planes are leading the way.  We have been "assured" by the President that there will be no American troops involved in this conflict. However, given his past assurances, one would be doubtful that he can be depended upon to follow through with this one either.

So here we go.  Another involvement in a part of the world which already hates us and who views America and Americans as the Great Satan. We are told the Arab League wanted the "no fly" zone imposed but where are they?  Where are their planes, their troops, their equipment?  The answer, safely  back home! Why home, well, could it be they are saving them for another reason?

The bottom line is that we have a President who intentionally wants to appear weak and by extension making the United States' influence around the world disintegrate while purposely cratering the military and economy. If this is his plan, it is brilliant. However, this is not the type of leadership that most Americans want.

Most Americans want a strong country that protects it own citizens with a strong economy and military. A country that is a beacon of hope to the world and an example to all peoples that someone can come to our shores with a few dollars in their pocket and through hard work and tenacity achieve the "American Dream."

Unfortunately, the current occupant of the White House, would rather play golf, go on expensive trips with his family, and put together his "March Madness" predictions than to do the hard work of leading the American people. As was reported on an earlier post, we have been way behind most countries in the world in our response to the Japanese Tragedy. In foreign affairs, leaders around the world, do not know where we stand from day to day  because our President does not have his own compass and goes where the wind blows him.

This lack of leadership is going to imperil the United States for years. Future Presidents will face worldwide questioning of our resolve and commitment to the decisions we made and will make. Can the United States be a reliable partner? Will we live up to the agreements we make? Once we abrogate our leadership role, it will be hard, if not impossible, to resurrect.

Presidents are gauged by the way they handle the events that are thrust upon them. Certain ones rise to the occasion and others fail. Our current President is a failure but that is his plan. He wants the US to be no better than any other country.  He doesn't believe in American exceptionalism.  He doesn't believe in what has made America great. 

In 2012, we must show him real leadership by leading him out of the White House. If we do that maybe, only maybe, can we save this great country.

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