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Friday, August 12, 2011

Is the Tea Party Wrong?

The Tea Party must be the strongest group of people who have ever set foot in Washington D.C. for all the anger being expressed by those opposing financial responsibility. It seems that everyone on the Progessive/Democratic side of the aisle blames this group for the problems that Congress had reaching an agreement on the debt ceiling. Never in history  have  60 or so like minded people controlled the other 475!  It must be some sort of out of this world mind control!

I know it is unpopular to reduce benefits or eliminate programs, however, for our nation to return to financial sanity, it must be done. To go down the road where we are currently headed is a recipe for disaster.   Greece and Italy should not be used as examples of how to run our governments rather we should be following examples of Great Britain where austerity measures are causing pain and yes, some rioting.

When your family income goes down, do you continue down the same path or do you make the necessary changes. Of course, we make changes. I know that governments and families are not really comparable but financial rules are the same. Income must not exceed expenses unless in a time of emergency.  Are we in an extra-ordinary time now? I don't think so. We do have the wars (three at latest count) going on and yes, we do have a fragile economy due to many things that have gone wrong in the past years (in the current and previous administrations.) However, if this is not the time for financial sanity and starting to right our ship of state, when will there be a proper time?

The Tea Party recognizes the issue and they have been blamed for keeping it paramount in the minds of all Americans. If that is wrong, then I admit being wrong. However, my strong belief is that unless we do not voluntarily make the appropriate corrections, others will force them upon us. How would you like China dictating how we live and spend our money? I wouldn't. However, since they hold a significant part of our debt they by extension have the power to dictate our actions.  I am not comfortable allowing any foreign nation telling us how to govern ourselves. 

Are YOU?

I do not think the Tea Party is wrong and predict that, if financially, we are no different next November than we are now,  there will be a large group of incumbents voted out by dissatisfied Americans of all political stripes. The new members of Congress will be financially conservative and willing to take election risks to put the United States back on a financially sound track. What do you think?

More on the Tea Party bashing by Frank Salvato:

Salvato: The Stunning Demonization of Fiscal Responsibility

By Frank Salvato 
Just when you thought the Progressive Movement could be more deeply invested in denial, now comes the absurd notion that somehow, the TEA Party Movement, whose pinnacle tenet is fiscal responsibility; which has devoutly insisted that the federal government cease the practice of spending beyond the tax revenue it gleans from taxpayers, that somehow it is the TEA Party Movement and their affiliated members of Congress who are responsible for the downgrade in the US credit rating by S&P and not the glad-handing spendthrifts of the big government, nanny state Progressive Movement.
“Bottom up, top down...inside out.”
Shameless partisan, Chicago Progressive operative and former senior advisor to Pres. Barack Obama, David “Say Anything, Lie, Cheat and Steal to Win” Axelrod is quoted as saying, “The fact of the matter is that this is essentially a Tea Party downgrade.”
US Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), who, it was revealed during the 2004 General Election, was fast and loose with the truth about his service in Vietnam, parroted Axelrod’s talking point, saying, Standard & Poor's decision was “without question the Tea Party downgrade” because Tea Partiers held bipartisan lawmakers back from a bigger deal. This, even though the facts bear out that it was in fact Democrats who refused the deal, demanding almost a half trillion dollars in additional tax revenue be added to the mix.
And Howard Dean, Progressive ideologue extraordinaire, who has devolved into irrelevance since losing both his ill-fated presidential bid and the leadership post of the DNC, said, “I think they're totally unreasonable and doctrinaire and not founded in reality. I think they've been smoking some of that tea, not just drinking it.”
One has to be impressed with the coordination it must take to ensure that all the political operatives in the Progressive Movement are using the exact same talking points during each and every interview almost at exactly at the same time. If one were of a curious mind the question of who is at the helm of the USSPropaganda would come to the forefront. Of course, we shouldn’t expect to find inquisitive minds of this nature within what used to be referred to as the mainstream media...they get their Cliff Notes from the same source.
Only from the minds of the Progressive Movement can we find a converse-reality in thinking so striking, so absurd, that it would condemn as being the cause of repercussions for fiscal irresponsibility those who are demanding that deficit spending come to a halt; that those who are demanding fiscal responsibility are responsible for fiscal irresponsibility.
Night is day and day is a tree.
Yet, even as the cancer of disingenuous, partisan, Progressive ideological madness comes “fast and furious” to the American people via the usual suspects in the alphabet media, it would appear that, increasingly, the American people are beginning to see through the political propaganda of the Far-Left.
“Americans' political ideology at the midyear point of 2011 looks similar to 2009 and 2010, with 41 percent self-identifying as conservative, 36 percent as moderate, and 21 percent as liberal. 
“If this pattern continues, 2011 will be the third straight year that conservatives significantly outnumber moderates -- the next largest ideological bloc. Liberalism has been holding steady for the past six years, averaging either 21 percent or 22 percent...” 
“Among Republicans, conservatives currently outnumber moderates by nearly 3 to 1, 72 percent vs. 24 percent, while very few are liberal (4 percent)... 
“Conservatism among independents increased fairly sharply in 2009, from 30 percent to 35 percent, largely explaining the expansion of conservatism nationally at that time, and it has held at that level since then.”
Meanwhile, a new Rasmussen Reports poll indicates that:
“...just 17 percent of likely US voters think the federal government today has the consent of the governed. 69 percent believe the government does not have that consent. 14 percent are undecided. 
“The number of voters who feel the government has the consent of the governed -- a foundational principle, contained in the Declaration of Independence -- is down from 23 percent in early May and has fallen to its lowest level measured yet. 
“Perhaps it's no surprise voters feel this way since only 8 percent believe the average member of Congress listens to his or her constituents more than to their party leaders. That, too, is the lowest level measured to date. 84 percent think the average congressman listens to party leaders more than the voters they represent.”
So, with the Progressives and Democrats holding the Executive Branch, half of the Legislative Branch and just under half of the Judicial Branch (which, in and of itself has become increasingly useless in the eyes of the electorate), and with the overwhelming majority of American voters believing that the federal government does not have the consent of the governed, and with a mass movement of independents toward the Conservative political line of thinking – not to mention a move within the Democrat Party away from their fringe Progressive Left – is it a wise political move to continue jamming the disingenuous stick of non-factual propaganda into the political hornets’ nest that is the TEA Party Movement?
The American people have been awakened to the need to divine fact from fiction where the management of our country is concerned. This truth is self-evident in the results of the 2010 Mid Term Elections. That said, the only ones who seem to be in denial about the realities facing our country appear to be elected Progressive elitist politicians who would rather bankrupt the country while degrading its chances for recovery, all in the name of social engineering and social justice.
In times past, better men would have identified this behavior as treason. Perhaps it is time for those who identify with the principles of the TEA Party to “take the gloves off”; perhaps it is time for the American people to “downgrade” the Progressive Movement to its proper place...the rotting garbage heap of failed political ideology.
What do you think about that, Mr. Kerry? You had better go check with your puppet master for a response. Run along now.
Frank Salvato is the Executive Director and Director of Terrorism Research for a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and education initiative. Mr. Salvato is available for public speaking engagements. He can be contacted at


  1. It seems like you use the term 'progressive' and sometimes 'liberal' as if its a bad thing. Just an observation.


  2. Liberal and progressive express approaches to solving problems that I do not agree with. I believe that a free market with minimal government interference is the best approach to government. That is not the way that these other approaches look at government. If I make it seem they are bad, I accept your opinion.

  3. Even Alan Greenspan has now confessed that financial markets are not self-regulating. The banks were regulated after the Great Depression and we didn't have another financial market disaster until after they were substantially deregulated after 1980 (the S&L scandal) and then derivatives were totally deregulated during the Clinton administration (a "liberal") which opened the floodgates ending in the 2008 global collapse of the credit markets. This is not a "liberal" or "conservative" thing. It is just a simple fact. The Wall Street bankers get nearly everything they want, regardless whether there is a "liberal" or "conservative" in the White House. That should be clear to anybody who has been watching events in Washington, D.C. for the last 30 years. Vote for Ron Paul in the primary.



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