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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Buffet Profits At The Obama Trough

Over the past several months we have become very concerned with the pronouncements that Warren Buffett has made regarding  taxation and tax fairness as well as challenging Republicans to contribute more to the IRS while he fights the tax collectors in Tax Court. It all sounded like he was losing it and we wrote that a couple weeks ago.

However, today the following article appears and we have heard whispers of it from other sites and now we understand the rationale.  Buffett is crazy as a fox!  He has been Obama's lapdog because his Burlington Railroad will now get to transport the oil that was intended to flow through the Keystone XL pipeline! The costs are significantly higher to transport this way, but hey, he has to make a living!

So this is the reason that he has been the toast of Washington! His infamous overtaxed Secretary even made an appearance in the President's State of the Union speech. We sure do hope that Warren paid for the airfare!  After all his poor secretary just closed on a new house (with swimming pool and putting green) in Arizona and we are sure that she does not have a lot of extra cash laying around after paying those over burdensome taxes! We wonder how much she does earn. Probably would make most of us jealous.

Again, it all comes down to the "connected" get the meat and the rest of us get the drippings! 

Politics is ruining this once great country and instead of doing what is in the best interests of the country, we get this garbage.  It is time to remove all current Congressmen/women, Senators and the President and establish new rules. No more lifetime seat holders, limit it to 6 years in the House and 12 in the Senate.  Any retired person (Representative, Senator, President, military person, government employee) cannot work for a company which has any contracts with the government for 20 years after they retired. Hopefully in that amount of time their contacts and information would be so out of date that they would not be valuable to the company.

Why cannot we get back to a point in history where our leaders make decisions which are in the best interests of the country and not themselves. With the Keystone decision, we are  sure that he ingratiated himself with Buffett and we wonder what else he and Michelle received.

This event has crushed our admiration for Buffett and now understand how he has gotten his wealth. It was not through superior brain power, it was by pulling on the strings of government. Count him in the nearly 50% of the population that is on the dole. We hope that someone will take him down!

Conservative Tom 

John Hayward

Warren Buffett cleans up after Keystone XL

The Sage of Omaha is one lucky guy.
by John Hayward

When President Obama, who is normally a great proponent of “infrastructure” projects, made his bizarre decision to block the Keystone XL pipeline project, I wondered if he might have been induced to create those thousands of American jobs if the oil could be moved by his beloved high-speed rail.
As it turns out, oil is already moved from northern latitudes, such as the booming oil fields of North Dakota, down to the Gulf of Mexico by rail of the old, low-speed variety.  Fortunately, as Newt Gingrich pointed out during the Monday night Republican debate in Florida, the oil is on private land, so Obama can’t shut production down.
Shipping the oil with a pipeline would have significantly reduced costs, as an Associated Press report explains:
Billions of dollars of infrastructure improvements have been made in recent years to allow North Dakota's oil shipping capacity to keep pace with the skyrocketing production. North Dakota is the nation's fourth-biggest oil producer and is expected to trail only Texas in crude output within the next year.

Alison Ritter, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Mineral Resources, said the state's so-called takeaway capacity is adequate, though producers and the state were counting on the on the Keystone XL to move North Dakota crude.

Shipping crude by pipeline in North Dakota adds up to $1.50 to its cost, compared to $2 or more a barrel for rail shipments, producers say.

"Oil that would have moved by the Keystone XL is now going to shift to rail transportation," Ritter said.
Amusingly, a spokesman for the Sierra Club admitted “there is no question that [transporting] oil by rail or truck is much more dangerous than a pipeline,” but that didn’t stop the zero-growth eco-fanatics from calling in their chips with President Downgrade to kill that pipeline.
Those rail shipments are expected to “increase exponentially with increased oil production and the shortage of pipelines,” according to Justin Kringstad, director of the North Dakota Pipeline Authority.  That’s going to be quite a windfall for the railroad companies, isn’t it?
As it happens, 75 percent of the oil currently shipped by rail out of North Dakota is handled by Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC… which just happens to be a unit of Warren Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.  What a coincidence!
For some reason, nobody from BNSF or Berkshire Hathaway would return the AP’s telephone calls, but oilman Harold Hamm told them he was sure this was just a wonderful “lucky break” for Barack Obama’s favorite billionaire, who is “certainly favored by this decision.”  I’ve heard Buffett’s famously overtaxed secretary will be a guest at the State of the Union address tonight.  Maybe someone could ask her about it.
The “tax me more” refrain from liberal billionaires is one of the oldest sucker games in the book.  For the well-connected, the money that can be made through government power – whether by influencing corrupt politicians, or merely predicting what they’re going to do - dwarfs whatever income they offer to cough up.

John Hayward is a staff writer for HUMAN EVENTS, and author of the recently publishedDoctor Zero: Year One. Follow him on Twitter: Doc_0. Contact him by email


  1. If one were inclined toward conspiracy theories about this pipeline (I am not), one could just as easily speculate that Republicans are attaching this rider on the pay-roll tax extension on behalf of the Koch brothers, since they will be major beneficiaries of the pipeline.

    Meanwhile, I would like to hear your thoughts about the Republican presidential primary. The "Establishment" has come out full-force against Newt this week. I find it very interesting that the clear majority of the party is in the "not-Mitt" camp but they can't rally behind a single conservative to beat him and his monster Super Pac.


  2. I have never been a "Newter" nor a supporter of Paul. It appears as if Santorum cannot get traction. So we are left with Romney. So I guess I am in the "not-Mitt" group that is left with Mitt!

    I still am concerned about the news media having something really big on Mitt which will come to the fore in October! And I stay with my unfortunate prediction that Obammy will be re-elected.


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