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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Is Syria The Next UN Target For Takeover?

Syria is now under the gun as was Libya was a couple months ago, will Bashar have the same ending as Gafaffi?  Will the UN run him out of power? Will the UN be successful?

Fresh off their victory in Libya, the UN now believes they can run the world. Is this the beginning of a world wide order where the most inefficient organization in the world, runs over  individual countries under the cover story that people are being killed by  current government forces.

What happens when the UN replaces a duly elected government? Will those who support non-intervention still be supporters of the UN?  Will there be an outcry from other governments or will they meekly agree with the UN as to not bring down the wrath of them? What would you do if the UN tried to take over the US?

We think that Americans should be very careful in supporting the activities of the UN as we could become their target.  If martial law were instituted here, would the UN agree or protest it? For example, if an Occupy movement site were raided by police and many were killed, would the UN attack us?

OK, that sounds conspiratorial, but if it can happen in Libya and Syria, why could it not occur here?

Tell us what you think.

Conservative Tom


Has World War III Begun?

February 10, 2012 by
Has World War III Begun?
The new Syrian flag of independence covers the body of Syrian girl who was allegedly killed by Syrian government forces.
A “Libya-styled” NATO attack on Syria grows closer by the day. Already, British and French Special Forces are on the ground in Syria providing logistical support to the opposition. And U.S. commanders are making plans for military action there.
Fighters from the NATO-backed al-Qaida opposition group that just fought in Libya — and once fought American forces in Afghanistan and Iraq — are being airlifted into Syria as I write and are fighting with the opposition forces in Syria.
Iran is now sending fighters and material into Syria to support the Bashar Assad regime. Russia and China support Syria and Iran and are opposing NATO intervention.
Syria is about to develop into a proxy war between the West and Iran. What explodes from there is anybody’s guess.
There are unpleasant certainties. The regime of President Barack Obama will benefit from war with Syria, Iran and, if it comes, Russia and China. American jingoism will push his approval numbers up in the short term and possibly hold through the election. The military-industrial complex and the banksters pushing for the New World Order will also benefit.
The American people, however, will suffer. U.S. troops will again be used as cannon fodder, the U.S. deficit will balloon and the people will be further impoverished. The authoritarians will find new excuses to steal our liberty. The military-industrial complex will grow more powerful. Banksters’ coffers will fill.
Governments love war because it masks its debasing of the currency. War is used to stave off collapse; money printing and increasingly confiscatory taxes can be implemented in the name of war. Karl Marx long ago suggested that capitalist economies escape from their “internal contradictions” by going to war.


  1. >OK, that sounds conspiratorial, but if it can happen in Libya and Syria, why could it not occur here? Tell us what you think.

    The difference between Libya and Syria is that the U.N. Security Council authorized the operation in Libya, but China and Russia blocked the resolution against Syria in the Security Council. If any such resolution were ever made against the U.S., the United States would exercise its veto power in the Security Council just as it did on behalf for Israel to block the Palestinians.

    Besides, if we ever have a bloody revolution in this country with our own government slaughtering thousands of civilians in the streets as they are doing in Syria, the U.N. reaction will be among the least of our problems.


    P.S. Since you are constantly complaining (without justification in my opinion) that the United States does not support Israel, I would like to point out that Israel just successfully tested its updated missile defense system. The United States has funded that with more than $1 billion since 2007.

  2. I think the master plan of Obama and the many socialist creeps in D.C. plan for the takeover of the U.S. by the U.N.. That is one big reason for their seeking total gun control.

  3. There have been no major federal gun control laws passed since 1994, and the cities that have tried to establish strict gun controls (Washington, D.C. and Chicago) were both defeated by the U.S. Supreme Court.


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