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Friday, March 22, 2013

Is The TSA Nuts?

Is this Administration setting us up for another attack like 9/11? It would appear that is a fact.  Allowing a blanket "free pass" for Saudi citizens is criminal when Americans don't get the same!  Should we have an attack, anyone associated with this approval must be brought up on charges of dereliction of duty and conspiring with a foreign nation.

Conservative Tom

Where Did Those 9/11 Hijackers Come From Again?

March 22, 2013 by  
Where Did Those 9/11 Hijackers Come From Again?
The Department of Homeland Security has decided to give “trusted traveler” status to Saudi Arabian travelers. That’s right, the country that we’re told produced 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers can have its citizens coming to the United States pass fast-tracked through customs without hassle, while the Transportation Security Administrationperverts and criminals fondle and/or irradiate U.S. travelers and their infants and children — even those who are wheelchair-bound — and wounded U.S. warriors.
It’s an announcement made “under the radar,” sort of like on 9/11 when four off-course hijacked airliners meandered in U.S. skies while North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) failed to take notice. And it exposes the DHS and the TSA as the frauds they are.
Folks, the 9/11 attack did not happen as you’re told. See here and here. The bombers — like the Christmas Day underwear bomber — were part of a conspiracy all right: one designed to expand the U.S. war and security state and clamp down on American liberties to the benefit of the elite.
Fifteeen Saudi “student” travelers supposedly evaded the world’s greatest and most expansive (and expensive) intelligence apparatus to pull off 9/11. Now, travelers from that same country are going to be given special status that U.S. travelers and travelers from friendly countries — outside of Canada, Mexico, South Korea and the Netherlands — don’t get?
The TSA has yet to locate and arrest an al-Qaida hijacker trying to sneak through airports. It can’t even locate and stop people trying to get caught smuggling something through TSA screening in tests.
In making the announcement about the program, DHS Secretary Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano, the totalitarian, said there was a special “bond between the United States and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” What she didn’t say is that bond was formed after the 1973 oil embargo. It’s a petrodollar bond.
As John Perkins writes in The Secret History of American Empire, establishing an ”oil standard” dollar to replace the  former gold standard and ensure that OPEC would funnel billions of U.S. dollars spend on oil back to U.S. companies required Saudi Arabia:
[B]ecause it possessed more oil than any other country, it controlled OPEC; the Saudi “royal” family was corrupt and highly vulnerable. Like other “kings” in the Middle East, the Sauds understood the politics of colonialism. Royalty had been bestowed on the House of Saud by the British… [One of the agreements made with the Saudis that went unreported] Saudi Arabia committed to trading oil exclusively in U.S. dollars. With the scratch of a pen, the dollar’s sovereignty was reestablished. Oil replaced gold as the measure of a currency’s value.

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