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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

ISIS Muslims "Doing Their Thing" Wouldn't You Want Them For Neighbors?

By The Right Scoop

Another video has emerged today from ISIS that is so horrifying that even the Daily Mail refrained from posting certain photos from the video, because they said they were just too brutal to be published.
In short, ISIS takes several men that they’ve labeled spies, puts them in a cage and lowers them slowly in a swimming pool until they are drowned. At that point they switch to underwater cameras to show the men actually drowning. These are the photos which the Daily Mail refrained from publishing. Then ISIS pulls the cage back up to show the men frothing at the mouth as they die.
Also in the video, ISIS executes a group men by locking them in a car and shooting the car with a grenade launcher.
They also behead another group of men using a necklace made out of explosives.
The video of all this is at the bottom of this post. But before you watch it, look at these pictures and decide whether or not you actually want to watch it. It is incredibly brutal:
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I don’t recommend watching it. But if you must, here’s the video:

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