Maxine Waters likes to say millennials love her, but if her own campaign event is any indication, that might be more rhetoric than reality.
79-year-old “Auntie Maxine” held a Meet & Greet Tweet-A-Thon on Sunday for two hours, and while it’s hard to know what she hoped the outcome would be, but the turnout seemed to be underwhelming.
“Come join top social media influencers for a tweet-a-thon in support of Auntie Maxine, our fearless champion in Congress who taught us how to reclaim our time!” the flyer read.
“Millennials come energized & ready to get out the vote!” her campaign urged.
But a video posted of the event by Waters’ campaign shows only a handful of millennials actually attended.
Waters used the event to allow attendees to gripe about what they think is wrong with America.
“When you come here you always have an open mic, you can say whatever you want to say,” Waters said.
Moments later, Waters took the microphone back to address the small group.
The camera showed empty tables, likely intended to be filled with fans of the liberal darling.
“We’re going to take back the House,” she predicted to the group.
She said pro-Trump forces “think they’re going to take me out.”
She predicted, “I ain’t goin’.”
Waters spent quite a bit of time attacking her main rival, Republican Omar Navarro.
After criticizing Navarro for having Roger Stone, Joe Arpaio, and Michael Flynn appear on his behalf, Waters argued her opponent should have certain beliefs merely because of his last name.
“He has a last name that is Latin. He’s Cuban and what a lot of our people don’t understand is he supports the president building a wall. He’s opposed to DACA, he does not support DACA, and in addition to that, he is not worried at all, has not said a word about what is happening at the border,” Water said.
The so-called “jungle primary” is June 5th.