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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

McCain Never Took Responsibility For Loss--Blamed Palin

Sarah Palin Says McCain Family Gave Her ‘Gut Punch’ in Wake of Senator’s Death

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin revealed Monday that not being invited to the funeral of Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona was like a “gut punch.”
Palin, who was McCain’s running mate in the 2008 presidential campaign, spoke out during a “Good Morning Britain” interview in which she called Democrats “wackos” and said no rival comes close to President Donald Trump.
Interviewer Piers Morgan brought up the subject of McCain’s 2018 funeral after exploring the relationship between McCainand Palin in the post-2008 years.

“I wasn’t invited,” she said, adding that despite some harsh words from McCain about her, she would have attended because “I am a respectful person.”
“I was kind of surprised to be publicly disinvited to the funeral,” she said. Trump was also publicly not invited.
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“They didn’t have to embarrass me and embarrass others,” she said. “And it wasn’t just me, it was other good people in our campaign back in 2008 who were very, very loyal to Senator McCain. (I)t’s kind of a gut punch.”
Earlier in the interview, Palin talked about the roller coaster ride she went on from the time she was tapped to be the first Republican female vice presidential nominee through the failure of the campaign and the backbiting that ensued.

“It’s been bizarre. When I was tapped to run as the first woman VP candidate on the Republican ticket, I had nearly 90 per cent approval rating as the governor of the largest state,” she said.

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‘It made sense to me and my supporters why John McCain did tap me. But, yeah, once getting out there on that national stage and realizing that there are so many snakes in politics, they are so many snakes in the Republican party who were running the show and allowing me to get clobbered,” Palin said.
Palin turned philosophical about the past.
“They were looking for someone to blame for their really crappy type of campaign that they ran. I was a scapegoat. That’s in the past though,” she said. “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn and I certainly learned through that.”

Much of her interview focused on American politics, principally the 2020 presidential election.
“Trump stands a strong chance of being re-elected because no other candidate comes close,” she said.
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Trump has battled the odds his entire presidency, she said.
“Consider what Trump has been able to accomplish, despite it being a three against one game going on here. You have the Democrats, the media, which is complicit with the Democratic shenanigans and then you have obstructionists in his own party, and despite that the president has enough support of the people, the average forgotten man and woman of America. He has had, relatively speaking, a reasonably wonderful two years,” she said.

She contrasted Trump with the Democratic Party.
“(T)he Democratic candidates, they have really dug themselves in a hole collectively as a party. They are seen as wackos over here nowadays, because they are supporting those issues that certainly do not connect with the average man and woman in America – they are radically anti-child. They are so pro-abortion. They are pro-illegal immigration, they are inviting and incentivizing illegal immigrants to come over here,” she said.
Democrats are not addressing the critical issues facing the nation, she said.
“The Democrats represent and support more taxation on the middle class, on the working class, very disconnected, the party as a whole, to the people who really care about this nation. We elected Trump and nobody on the other side, they don’t come close. No Democrat can hold a candle to what it is we the people are desiring,” she said.

During the interview, she was asked about whether she and Trump are allies or potential rivals.
“Well, I think already presently President Trump and I work in certainly different realms but on common policy, on trying to let the public know what is best for America, when it comes to our sovereignty and our solvency, already I think we work together on quite a few issues,” she said.

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