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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

This "Journalist" And His "Paper" Just Broke Through Their First Amendment Rights!

Journalist Urges Waiters to Tamper, Contaminate Trump Official’s Food

While those on the left preach the importance of tolerance and kindness, their actions are often very different from their words. When it comes to Donald Trump and anyone who is even remotely allied with him, any idea of tolerance quickly goes out the window.
Far left extremists have attacked Trump supporters in public places, have driven members of the Trump administration out of restaurants, and have openly called for the assassination of a sitting President. Now, one so-called journalist working for the Boston Globe has written an abhorrent op-ed urging waiters to contaminate a Trump official’s food with “blood and urine”.
On April 18, Luke O’Neil wrote an op-ed for the Boston Globe in which he lamented the fact that he never took the opportunity to infect the food of Republican political commentator Bill Kristol during the time that O’Neil was working as a waiter. He then encouraged other waiters who would be serving food to the soon-to-be-replaced head of the Department of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielson not to miss the opportunity that he failed to capitalize on.
“As for the waiters out there, I’m not saying you should tamper with anyone’s food, as that could get you into trouble. You might lose your serving job,” O’Neil wrote, “But you’d be serving America. And you won’t have any regrets years later.”
By some, this sickening call to action may be taken very seriously. As a journalist writing for a highly popular publication, Luke O’Neil wields a lot of influence through what he writes. Instead of using that influence to help heal the divide in our country and bring Americans together, O’Neil is using it to encourage violent acts against Trump officials.
At the same time that those on the left decry Trump’s so-called “rhetoric” as being dangerous, they apparently don’t think twice about directly calling for waiters to poison a Trump official’s food.
Such is the nature of “tolerance” for the modern left, though. While the left prides itself on supposedly being a champion of tolerance, the truth is that the left only stands for tolerance of identity and not tolerance of ideas. In other words, they don’t care if you’re black, homosexual, Muslim, or transgender so long as you support their leftist agenda.
If your viewpoints don’t fall within what the left considers to be acceptable, though, you can’t expect to receive very much of the tolerance that those on the left preach so much about. Instead, those on the left meet goals for the country that differ from theirs with a level of close-minded hatred and violent resentment that even the most cranky, old GOP politician could never come close to rivaling.
Luke O’Neil is not an outlier when it comes to just how low those on the left are willing to sink. The fact that the Boston Globe – a once renowned and respected paper – chose to publish his vile and dangerous op-ed is evidence enough that O’Neil and his ideas enjoy a terrifying amount of support.
In the wake of the backlash that ensued over O’Neil’s piece, the Boston Globe did try to edit the language to make it a little more palatable before the piece was eventually pulled after it was noticed and condemned by the owners of the paper, John and Linda Henry.
Luke O’Neil, however, stands by his words. In a series of tweets, O’Neil defends his article and the dangerous call to action that it contained, never coming close to issuing an apology or realizing the seriousness of his actions.
If the backlash against O’Neil continues to mount, there’s little doubt that he will try to shift the blame and defend the article as a piece of comedy. It’s a common scapegoat for radical journalists such as O’Neil – if the public decides that something they say or write crosses the line to a degree that their careers are put in jeopardy, proclaiming that it was simply a “tasteless but harmless joke” is an easy out.
What’s even more sad about this is that even though O’Neil has gotten some backlash for his call to violence against Trump officials and supporters he is still free to continue writing pieces like this in the future. Neither he, nor anyone else on the left, learned anything from this incident. Their refusal to show people this this call for violence is unacceptable can only lead radicals to believe this kinds of behavior is normal and acceptable.
Rest assured there will be more “blood and urine” to come from the left because they really aren’t sorry when a MAGA supporter gets hurt.

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