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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another Viewpoint on Panetta's Speech

The Defense Secretary Gives Israel a 'Turn of the Screw'

Bruce Thornton - FrontPage Magazine,  December 6th, 2011

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s  “chiding” of Israel, as the Washington Post put it, was a strange performance, so muddled in its ignorance of fact and logic that one wonders if the Secretary was attempting some rhetorical misdirection to lull our enemies into complacency. Unfortunately, the more likely reason for his misguided remarks is the dead hand of foreign policy received wisdom and unexamined ideas.
The orthodox narrative purporting to explain the Israel-Arab conflict goes like this. The Palestinian people were deprived of their homeland as a result of the creation of Israel, which continues to occupy the territories belonging to Palestinians. Among the Arabs, a radical minority of terrorists, mirrored by a radical minority of Israelis, have fomented violence to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. The goal of “two states living side by side in peace and in security,” as Panetta repeated the mantra, has thus for 60 years been blocked by these minorities, who have been abetted by weak, venal, or fanatic politicians on both sides. Instead we have the “cycle of violence” that creates fear among Israelis, and hence oppressive security measures that retard the economic development of the Palestinians and frustrate their daily lives, further radicalizing them and legitimizing more terrorist violence. The solution, according to Panetta, is “for Israel to take bold action and to move towards a negotiated two-state solution.”  Or as Panetta shouted, “Just get to the damn table.” Only then will stability and order flourish in the Middle East, and Israel’s security be assured.
The only problem with this story is that there is little evidence to support it. Sixty years of history shows that the primary aim of Arabs in the Middle East is the destruction of Israel, not the creation of a Palestinian state coexisting with Israel. Hence the impossible conditions for peace that always appear in the Palestinian list of demands, the worst being the “right to return” for a metastasizing population of Palestinian “refugees,” which would be a demographic WMD for the destruction of Israel. Nor is Panetta’s suggestion that the Israelis have refused to negotiate true to the facts. Most recently, Israel suspended building apartments in East Jerusalem for a year to lure Palestinian President Abbas back to the table, and Abbas did nothing until a month before the moratorium expired, insuring that talks would fail. This has been the pattern of “negotiations” for decades: start with impossible demands, trumpet a willingness to negotiate for the benefit of gullible Westerners, then sabotage the whole process, confident that the international community will blame Israel. This behavior makes sense if one realizes that negotiations, like terrorist attacks, are a tactic for pursuing the long-term strategy for the destruction of Israel. The Palestinians have followed the method of Konrad Henlein, Hitler’s Nazi stooge in Czechoslovakia, who in 1938 said, “We must always demand so much that we cannot be satisfied.” Having gone through this process repeatedly, why should the Israelis heed Panetta and once more play a game that furthers the aims of those who want to destroy them?
Indeed, every Israeli concession to and agreement with the Palestinians has been followed by more terrorist violence. After the Oslo Agreement of 1993 handed the West Bank over to the Palestinian Authority, 300 Israelis were killed by terrorist attacks. After Arafat was offered virtually everything he had demanded for creating a Palestinian state in 2000, in the following five years 1,100 Israelis were murdered during the Al Aqsa Intifada. After Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, another 118 Israelis have been killed, and thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel. The 2000 withdrawal from Lebanon was followed by the creation of a Hezbollah terrorist state armed with 50,000 rockets. Only someone with a penchant for magical thinking could believe that more negotiations and concessions could lead to peace. To paraphrase Goldfinger’s comment to James Bond, the Palestinians don’t expect the Israelis to talk, they expect them to die.
Panetta’s other comments are equally naïve and blind to reality. For example, Panetta advises Israel to “reach out and mend fences with those who share an interest in regional stability – countries like Turkey and Egypt, as well as Jordan.  This is an important time to be able to develop and restore those key relationships in this crucial area.”  This would be the same Turkey that is virtually an Islamist state, one that supported the so-called “freedom flotilla” patently intended to isolate Israel internationally, one that has threatened to attack Israeli vessels developing natural gas fields in its territorial waters, one whose prime minister joined the genocidal Iranian president Ahmadinejad at the U.N. in September to slander Israel, expelled Israeli diplomats from his country, and in a speech in Cairo threatened that “Israel must pay a price for its aggression and crimes.” How do those actions reflect an “interest in regional stability”?
As for Egypt, the overthrow of Mubarak has been followed by attacks on Israel from the Sinai, the border with Hamas opened to weapons traffic, the assault on Israel’s embassy in Cairo, and an election in which Islamists sworn to the destruction of Israel won 61% of the vote. How then can Panetta instruct Israel that “the best way to address these concerns is through increasing communication and cooperation – increasing communication and cooperation with Egyptian authorities.” What “authorities”? The Muslim Brothers, whose subsidiary in Gaza, Hamas, has written the destruction of Israel into its charter? But Panetta thinks there is international public relations value in making the attempt anyway: “If gestures are rebuked, the world will see those rebukes for what they are.  That is exactly why Israel should pursue them.” Well, for decades Israeli “gestures” and more tangible concessions have been met with violent “rebukes,” and Israel’s international enemies––and now it seems its most important ally––still haven’t seen those “rebukes for what they are”–– the evidence of a desire to see Israel disappear.
Panetta’s inability to see the real motives of Israel’s enemies is also evident in perhaps his most laughably naïve statement: “Egypt’s current leaders, along with Jordan, have made very clear to me privately and publicly that they are committed to their peace treaties with Israel.” Why should Israel worry about the threats to her security if a nation of 85 million on its southern border is dominated by a religious ideology that wants to destroy her? Mr. Panetta has been assured that the peace treaty will be respected. I am reminded of Churchill’s comment about delusional British and Americans who took seriously Hitler’s claims that “Germany neither intends nor wishes to interfere in the internal affairs of Austria,” or that Sudeten Czechoslovakia was his “last territorial claim I have to make in Europe”: “One can hardly find a more perfect specimen of humbug and hypocrisy for British and American benefit  . . . What is astounding is that it should have been regarded with anything but scorn by men and women of intelligence in any free country.” One wonders what Churchill would have made of 40 years of Westerners swallowing the “humbug and hypocrisy” of Palestinian leaders assuring them that all they wanted was to live in “peace and security” with Israel in their own state. Panetta should remember the Biblical wisdom: “By their fruits ye shall know them.”
Panetta’s failure of imagination, his inability (whether real or feigned) to imagine that there might be peoples who have aims different from and hostile to our own, is most obviously manifested in his delusional expectations for the “Arab Awakening”: “I recognize that there is a view that this is not the time to pursue peace and that the Arab awakening further imperils the dream of a safe and secure, Jewish and democratic Israel.  But I disagree with that view.  I believe Israel will ultimately be safer when other Middle Eastern states adopt governments that respond to their people, promote equal rights, promote free and fair elections, uphold their international commitments, and join the community of free and democratic nations.” Panetta has no evidence whatsoever that the sort of genuine liberal democracy he describes is likely to appear in Tunisia, Libya, or Egypt; and he is silent on the considerable evidence that Islamist regimes shaped by shari’a law, with all the intolerance and hostility to “infidels” that it implies, are quickly arising in those countries. Such wishful thinking is the worst basis for foreign policy one can imagine.
Israel’s predicament continually reminds me of Czechoslovakia’s in 1938. Particularly similar is the despicable pressure that Israel’s ally has been applying to a country whose very existence is at stake. As Hitler’s aggression against Czechoslovakia relentlessly intensified with each new demand, that beleaguered country’s allies grew more and more impatient with the desperate attempts of the Czechs to save their country. The French warned them that if they were “unreasonable,” France “considered herself released from her bond” to guarantee Czechoslovakia’s security. And the British thought the solution to the crisis was “for Prague to get a real twist of the screw.” Meanwhile Hitler wrote in his attack plan, “It is my unalterable decision to destroy Czechoslovakia by military action in the foreseeable future.”
Under Obama Israel has been subjected to the same pressure from her ally, and she would be well advised not to rely overmuch on this administration’s protestations of commitment to her security.


  1. Statement from the Gingrich campaign regarding two-state solution, Palestinian state, and border negotiations…

    "Mr. Gingrich’s spokesman issued a clarification Saturday afternoon. “Newt Gingrich supports a negotiated peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, which will necessarily include agreement between Israel and the Palestinians over the borders of a Palestinian state,” the spokesman, R.C. Hammond, said in a statement."

    None of that is going to be possible unless both sides get back to the damn table.

    This is the same policy as Obama, Bush, Clinton.

    I agree with you that negotiations are useless at this time, but let's stop acting like Obama is calling for anything different than his presidential predecessors or his current Republican presidential opponent.

    And let's at least acknowledge that he has:

    1. Supported Israel against the Palestinians in the U.N.

    2. Given them all the military support and weapons Panetta mentioned.

    3. Panetta is lobbying with Egypt to retain the peace treaty with Israel, and he is soon going to Turkey to ask them to cooperate more with Israel.

    4. Panetta wants Congress to continue financial aid to Israel. (Arg! Vote Ron Paul!).

    None of this has come out in either of these articles you posted, or in your comments. On the contrary, the second article concludes that Israel can't rely on Obama for support -- despite the fact they have been getting it for 3 years in all the ways Panetta outlined in his speech.


  2. Yes, 1.Obama did not support the statehood of the Palestinians, not because he wanted to but because Congress made him.
    2.Panetta is lobbying Egypt, but that is like throwing sand into the wind--the new Egyptian government is not interested in relations with Israel. And Turkey has turned into an Islamic state--do you really think they will even consider relations? So both of these points are
    paper tigers--look ferocious but nothing there.
    3. Discussions behind the scenes have put strict limits on the aid.

    The real issue that David is missing is that Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East, provides civil rights to ALL of its citizens, has contributed to the world many times more than the Arab world has (even with all of its money)and has not threatened to end any other country, nor has it ever attacked another country. Why is it being forced to do things that no other country in the Middle East, or the world ever has had to?


  3. 1. Susan Rice, as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. takes her orders from president Obama, not Congress. The only thing Congress can do -- and did do -- to oppose Palestinian statehood is threaten to withdraw financial aid and write letters. You should also note that Obama tried hard to get the Palestinians to withdraw their plan, and also got Germany and France to vote with him.

2."Panetta is lobbying Egypt, but that is like throwing sand into the wind." We shall see. I will bet you (but not $10,000) that Egypt will not nullify its treaty with Israel.

    3. "Turkey has turned into an Islamic state." That is an overstatement, and you may be surprised at what Panetta might get done. Is it better to try nothing?

Again, I agree that negotiations are not going to produce any positive results.

    The point YOU are missing, although I keep repeating it, is that Obama's foreign policy with respect to the two-state solution, Palestinian state, need for border negotiations, is the same as the one I just quoted to you from the Gingrich camp, as well as sought by Bush, Clinton, and previous presidents.


  4. So if negotiations are not going to produce any positive results, why have them?

    And the point you miss, is that I do not think a two state solution will ever work until those who would set up the other state (Hezbollah and Fatah) agree that Israel has a right to exist. It did not work in Gaza, why would the West Bank be any different?

  5. You and I don't disagree on that point. I don't see much value in these negotiations under current circumstances. I don't think massive bombing in Gaza is going to be productive, either.

    Time is on the side of the Israelis. They can just gradually continue expanding their settlements on the West Bank, force out the Palestinians, and continue to use military power to put down rebellions as needed.


  6. I don't think that time is necessarily on Israel's side. The Arabs are going to continue pushing for a Palestinian state and the world will continue to push Israel.

    My original suggestion of overwhelming bombing Gaza would be in response to attacks and not for political reasons.

    David, have you ever been to Israel? The settlements are a very small part of the West Bank and it will take centuries to create enough settlements as to "force out the Palestinians."

    What rebellions has Israel used military power to put down? I don't know to what you are referring?

  7. There are 121 settlements and 100 so-called "outposts" on the West Bank. Israeli population on the West Bank is 460,000, and growing at a rate of 4-6% per year, which is considerably higher than the rest of the Israeli population over the last two decades (1.5%). It has grown at that rate consistently over the last 10 years. This is why I say time in on the side of the Israelis. All they need to do is continue the process. I expect there will be rebellions from time to time, as in Gaza. But they will be localized, and easily crushed by the Israeli military. Of course, there will be the usual rhetorical outrage from Arab countries and the U.N., but that hasn't changed for the last 50 years.

    -- David


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