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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What Would Obama's Second Term Look Like?

In the following article by Doug Patton, he nails what a second Obama term will look like. It won't be pretty and you will find that most of us will be on the outside looking in. Historical precedents, past rulings, tradition, and freedoms of all types will be thrown under the bus, if they do not agree with "the master divider" as Patton calls him.

Should Obama win a second term, we can expect attacks on the Second Amendment as well as continued tenth amendment challenges as both of these are pivotal in his attempt to make the national government supreme.  States are going to be relegated to subservient entities and more and more regulation, funding and enforcement is forced upon them.  Any challenge to federal control will be met at the courthouse with multitudes of paid legal talent both from the government and private law firms. We already have seen this taking place in Arizona and South Carolina in relation to illegal aliens. It will only get worse.

Second Amendment foes have been waiting to turn the Amendment into trash. Many have described this as the most important fight in the history of the United States. Without Americans having the right to own weapons, we will be no different from any other country. Rocks and bottles do not stop an army but millions of armed angry citizens trying to reclaim their country definitely would. To transform America, guns must go.  How  will he  accomplish this goal?

Some have postulated the propelling event might be  street riots, a natural disaster, a financial calamity, or anger among the populace in reaction to events in their lives. Whatever occurs, the population will be on edge, fear will grip most people and the government will "save the day" by imposing weapons collection.  Just as they did in New Orleans, the powers-to-be will say that it is just too dangerous for ordinary people to have guns.

The abortion pill/abortion/contraceptive controversy is  an example of the way Obama will handle the gun issue. He will back the regulation until it gets too hot in the kitchen and then he will reach a "compromise" with the opponents. However, the compromise will not be backed by any regulation or bill, just his words. In other words, meaningless gibberish. Unthinking Americans will breathe a sigh of relief since they believe the  issue is over. Those of us who understand Obama, know that this is just the beginning of more restrictive and  more un-Constitutional edicts from on high. 

Without Americans right to own weapons, the government will be unrestrained in its efforts to control us.  We will have no way to fight back. We have seen this in countries around the world and through the ages. Germany under Hitler, Cuba under Castro or China under Mao are only  examples of what happens when the people cannot take their country back.  The Founders understood the value of the an armed force. We must never forget it or we will become enslaved like other countries that have lost the right to own guns.

We are not looking forward to the next four years if Obama gets another term. He definitely is doing what he promised-- to change America! What do you think?

Conservative Tom

Patton: Just a Taste of a Second Obama Term

By Doug Patton
First, he came for the General Motors bondholders, but the religious leaders were not GM bondholders, so they did not speak up. Then he came for the oil companies, but they were not oil company executives, and again they did not speak up. Next, he came for control of the nation’s health care system, and again they saw no threat — in fact, many of them supported his plan.
We were told we had to pass the plan to find out what was in it. Then he came for our freedom of religion, and we found out what was in it: pure, unadulterated tyranny.
In a stunning exercise of raw, unconstitutional power, Barack Obama now tells people of faith that their rights do not come from God, as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment to the Constitution, but rather from him. The right to practice one’s religion is now codified in the so-called Affordable Care Act of 2010, otherwise known as Obamacare.
Last week, Obama announced that religious organizations would be required to include birth control and abortifacient devices and medications in the health care plans they provide for their employees. When it became clear that America’s Christian leaders would not stand for this, Obama is said to have “backed down.” In reality, he did no such thing.
What the president did was to call a press conference to announce his “compromise.” Rather than religious institutions being forced to provide these services directly, Obama decreed, their insurance companies would be compelled to do so — at no cost to the employee.
While making the rounds of the Sunday talk shows, White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew said, in essence, that insurance companies should be happy to give these services away “free” since it costs less not to have babies than it does to have them. As for the president, he clearly believes his power to dictate such things under Obamacare trumps the Constitution’s authority to stop him.
Do not believe for a minute that Barack Obama intends anything but a wholesale takeover of this nation’s health care system. He is on record as favoring a single-payer plan similar to what is in place in Canada and Great Britain.
The president is fully aware that Obamacare’s mandates are driving up the cost of private health insurance, thereby ultimately forcing all Americans into a one-size-fits-all government run plan. Obama also knows that many religious organizations are self-insuring. That means that the costs associated with health care for their employees come directly out of the pockets of the church itself.
There may be a difference of opinion between Catholic doctrine and the teachings of most evangelical churches on the issue of birth control, but these denominations are in lockstep on the issue of refusing to pay for abortion-inducing drugs. Some of their leaders have sworn to go to prison rather than violate this principle.
Obama is a master divider, and I believe that once he has convinced a majority of American women that contraception is a “right” that should be free, he can then divide people of faith against one other and against their own church leaders. He also believes that persuading a few liberal Catholic groups to support his "compromise" ends the discussion. Someone compared this to forcing all Jews to eat pork chops just because some of them don't keep kosher.
It is long past time that Christian leaders stood up in their pulpits and declared that a vote for Barack Obama is a vote against God. Just imagine if every Bible believing minister in America made that announcement to their congregations the Sunday before the election. Then, try to imagine what a second Obama term might look like.

1 comment:

  1. Find out how most Canadians feel about their healthcare system by reviewing the short presentation on YouTube entitled, "Obamacare Scare."


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