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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Obama Wins Two In A Row

We are sure that some of you are wondering what we are talking about with the headline. Let me explain. Most people believe that Obama lost the first debate but they would be wrong. Secondly, most people believe that the unemployment numbers were wrong and again, it is all part of the plan.

So, now that you believe we have lost our mind, an explanation follows.  It is rather simple when you look back at  the Obama team handlers.

The debate which Romney "won" was all set up.  Obama is an actor, he plays a role and for this one,  he should win an Academy Award.   Had he won the first one, it would put lots of pressure on him to do as well in the next two. However, if he "blew" the first one, his next performance had only to be a bit better and the press would anoint him as the "comeback kid." And when he comes on really strong for the third debate, they  will essentially call off the elections. This is all a scripted plan by the Alelrod/Obama team.

The ink was hardly dry on the papers who knocked Obama for a poor debate performance when the unemployment data was reported.  This will help the "dictator" announce that his programs were working, that Romney's wouldn't, and that he was going to win the election. In other words, he announced  "I'm back!!", 

The team that Romney Inc. is facing will do anything, say anything to get their man elected.  If it takes "blowing a debate" to make their man look better, it will be done. If they "prevail" on government statisticians to "fudge" the numbers, they will do it. This is Chicago politics at its best and we have not seen the coupe d' etat, yet.

We have written before and want to repeat it here, the Axelrod team has something on Romney which will be revealed in the next 15-20 days. The "October Surprise" will be so devastating, so demoralizing, so outrageous that even if it is completely untrue, it will ruin Romney's chances for the Presidency.  This has been their pattern in previous elections and we expect it this time, also. What it will be, is anyone's guess. However, it will be a barn burner to which Romney will not recover.

So, for all of those who saw a chance for Romney to win (we did too), lets hope that there will be no October surprise, that Obama will be as flat and uninteresting in the next two debates and in November, the unemployment numbers will be restated, higher.  These are hopes but we doubt they will be realized.

Conservative Tom


  1. A few months ago you bet me $20 that the October unemployment rate would be under 6%. So now it is at 7.8%. So even if BLS does not restate it higher (a distinct possibility), it is still going to have to drop 2% in one month in order to get under 6%. That ain't happening, but if it did, I would join you in saying BLS rigs the data.

    If Obama had won the first debate, Romney would have been doomed for sure, because Karl Rove would have given up on him moved his big dollars into congressional races this month. Romney has almost no chance anyhow unless he wins Ohio, and he just suffered another setback there because a court just ordered that the state must allow voters to early vote on the last Sunday before the election. I have a friend from Ohio, and he complained that voters had to wait hours in line on election day in 2008 to vote. I wonder whether that will happen again, or will more people vote early to avoid it.


  2. Obama will win due to Axelrod's manipulation and scheming. The bottom line it is all planned!

  3. Alexrod? Are you kidding? He's just a mouthpiece.

  4. Anonymous--you need to read up on Axelrod. He has been the genius behind ALL of Obama's wins starting from his first win for Illinois state house or senate when they took on Obama's sponsor. They threw her under the bus!

  5. Name one thing Axelrod could possibly do that would change the outcome of the election. This is absurd. Your old theory was that Obama would declare a national security emergency and suspend the election. Then came the BLS theory. I haven't heard much from you about either of those lately. The Alexrod theory is even more over the top than either of them, if that's possible.


  6. One thing--he could dig up dirt on Romney and drop it two weeks before the election. If this is whooey, please explain the press's hands off attitude toward Romney during the Republican campaign? He never was put through the wringer as others like Michelle Malkin, Governor Perry, and the pizza guy were. You need to go back and review the press coverage. It was completely hands off because I feel they had something on Romney and felt they could use it to elect Obama.

    As far as the national security emergency and the BLS, we haven't had the election yet, have we?

    If all my theories turn out to be wrong, great! I would love to be wrong.

  7. Romney's own "47% speech" did more harm to his campaign that anything Alexrod could dig up. I suppose if they got copies of his old income tax statements that showed he paid zero in taxes some years and/or committed outright illegal income tax evasion with his Cayman islands accounts, that would do it. But if they had something like this, we would have learned about it by now.

    Has it occurred to you that the reason why the press has not dug up any scandals on him the way they did on Perry and pizza man is that there are none (except the high school story about forcibly cutting a gay kid's hair or putting his dog on the roof of the car). It seems that Romney is a good Mormon and has led a clean life. Hard to find any dirt of him. That would be my take on him.



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