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Monday, October 1, 2012

We Do Have A New Political Prisoner In The US

We do have political prisoners in the US and it is going to get worse!  Over the next 24 months, should the dictator be re-elected, we predict that blogging like we are doing here, will be ruled unconstitutional.  It causes riots, makes people unsatisfied with their situation, and does not promote domestic tranquility.  (Isn't that just right out of the Constitution?)

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Muhammad filmmaker, is the first to be locked up for producing a film. Of course, there will be those who say that this is not true. They will say that somehow violated the rules of his probation by using a computer and he is a flight risk.  Yea right!  So, if he flees the country, what damage has he done?

The major point is that this is a trailer, a very poor example at best. Heck, we believe that we could do a significantly better job ourselves and we have only shot home movies. Hey, maybe we should go into the picture business.

This piece of dog excrement did not cause the riots in Libya. Only after the White House said it did, did the riots spread across the Muslim world.  If the people at 1600 Pennsylvania had kept their mouths shut, none of the riots would have occurred. So one can only wonder, was that not the plan?

As you know we are not supporters of the current occupant of the People's House and believe he has done significant damage to the credibility of the US. This is not by mistake, it is by design. We have only seen the beginning as it will get worse should he be re-elected.

From the start with the Arab misery tour, to pledging to the Russians that he would have more flexibility, to bankrupting the treasury and to the attack of the consulate to which they threw gasoline on an easy controlled situation, this group of traitors in the White House have executed a flawless plan to turn the "bright light on the hill" to a burned out third rate trash heap. 

Can it get worse? It sure can.  We see daily attacks on our freedoms. Whether it was trashing Catholic organizations freedom of religion by forcing them to provide abortions and contraceptives to their employees or the jailing of a filmmaker for expressing his freedom of speech in a film that upset Muslims, the loss of these freedoms will never be regained if Obama is re-elected.

It might have sounded like hyperbole when we wrote that blogging would be unconstitutional in 24 short months, but we believe it. Are we crazy? At the speed new rules are being passed, we doubt it. Let's hope we are all WET!!

Conservative Tom

Read more about the jailed movie maker at:


  1. Fear not, you are all wet. Obama explictly stated -- and I already quoted it to you -- that the film was protected speech under the First Amendment. I think that is at least debatable, but there should not be any doubt that this is Obama's opinion on the matter.

    Second, this scumbag was not arrested for making the video. He was arrested for 8 violations of his probation for bank fraud. If he had sold the film to Hollywood instead of posting it on the internet, he would have been in compliance with that part of his probation. He lost his rights to use the internet, because he used the internet to commit fraud. Do you have a problem with that?


  2. David, you are avoiding the obvious. He would not have been arrested, kept in jail indefinitely had not the Egyptians demanded that he be jailed. Additionally, had he made the movie, posted it on youtube and there not been the publicity from the White House, he still would have been a free man. However, now they had an excuse to arrest him and keep him in jail for an undetermined period of time.

    We are heading to a time when only politically correct speech will be allowed.

  3. It is logically impossible to prove a counterfactual statement. But, for sake of argument, let's say you are right. If he had failed in his mission and all the Muslims in the Middle East had simply ignored the video, it probably would have been lost amid the 100 million (or whatever number) of videos that are already on YouTube. I seriously doubt that his probation officer has been routinely scanning the internet or doing other sorts of investigations to check whether this dude has been violating his probation. But given the fact that the video was spectacularly successful in its purpose to incite hate and violence globally, his probation officer certainly did not need Egyptians or statements from the U.S. government about it to call his attention to these violations, The publicity was already established around the world before the White House had a chance to utter one word about it. He was arrested for flat-out violations of his conditions of parole. He'll get a hearing in court on the charges. He was not arrested for making the video. He was arrested for posting it on YouTube in violation of his parole.

    You are trying to construe this as a free speech case. It is not, although I think it ought to be. In my not so humble opinion, this video has the same purpose as yelling fire in a crowded theatre; namely, to simply cause violence and death with no other "socially redeeming value" that might serve to give it prima facie protection under the First Amendment. As I said, Obama doesn't agree with me. He clearly stated that he believes the video is an exercise of free speech.


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