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Monday, December 17, 2012

The Connecticut Murders

It would be callous to not discuss the deaths of the children and their teachers in Connecticut. It is a tragedy with which no parent, grandparent or friend would ever want to deal.  These children were indeed innocent bystanders to a crazy young man's insane temper tantrum. We suspect the reason for this violent explosion died with him.

Regardless,  everyone in the world is touched by the actions of this one man. He probably wanted that. It was his last moment of glory.  All were conducted by loners who wanted their "day in the sun." Why did it take killing to make them feel alive?

 As with the other murders we have seen in the past at Columbine, Aurora, Fort Hood, the attack on Gabby Giffords, Virginia Tech and now Connecticut, innocent unarmed individuals were killed. Had there been someone else with a gun, would have the toll been as large?  We think not.

We suspect the more we find out about this young man we will see someone who, like the others, was weird and a loner. He also probably scared people.  It is not that people had not noticed him but they all thought he was "harmless."  This was and is a mistake. 

All of us have to be more vigilant to paying attention to those who might do others harm. We are one big community and each of us must be aware of our surroundings and the people with whom we have contact.We cannot prevent all murders but if we can stop only one, that would be success!

We wrote the following letter to our friends over the weekend as part of a holiday greeting.  It illustrates how we feel and how we feel about our family, associates and fellow bloggers. Please read this as if it was directed at you, personally, as this is the way we feel at this time of the year.

Happy Holidays,

Conservative Tom

Dear  Friends:

Generally, at this time of the year we write an inspirational letter However, the events of December 14, 2012 are tempering that outlook this year. The killing of the children and their teachers in Connecticut will be seared into our consciousness for years to come. The death of anyone before their time is a tragedy; however the senseless murder of innocent children is beyond belief.  We send our thoughts and prayers to those who lost their children but also to those survivors (children, parents, grandparents, first-responders and strangers) who will be scarred for life by events totally out of their control.

None of us will ever understand what drove this 20 year old man to such senseless hate that he would invade a safe place for children. There must have been some symbolism between his mother and the school for him to take these actions against helpless children that he did not know. However, in his sick mind, it did not matter. He was out of control and it was of no concern to him who he hurt.

In light of these events, we suggest that you do two things. First of all, be aware of those around you and report to authorities, people who might bring harm to themselves or to others.

Secondly and most importantly, relish every moment you have with your family, your children and your friends. We do not know when we will not be able to put our arms around them or to dote on them.  Today, there are parents in Connecticut who wish they could give their children just one more hug or kiss.

Have a wonderful Holiday Season and may 2013 be a safe one for all of you and those whom you love.

Conservative Tom

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