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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Newest Occupant of Gitmo

 It won't be long before Gitmo gets its newest occupant.  It will be Edward Snowden, the source of the leak on the NSA.  Obama will make sure that he is punished and punished quickly for embarrassing the Administration!

Conservative Tom

Former C.I.A. Worker Says He Is Source of Leak on U.S. Surveillance, British Site Reports
WASHINGTON — The British newspaper The Guardian on Sunday revealed the identity of the source of its information for a series of articles on surveillance programs by the National Security Agency.
In a posting on its Web site, the paper identified the source as Edward Snowden, 29, a former technical assistant for the Central Intelligence Agency who has worked at the N.S.A. as an employee of outside contractors.
The British newspaper said it was revealing Mr. Snowden’s identity at his request. It said he had decided from the moment he chose to disclose top-secret documents to the public, revealing the highly secretive data surveillance programs, that he would not remain anonymous.



  1. Hong Kong has an extradition treaty with the U.S. I think I would go to Madagascar to be 100% safe.

    But I don''t think the government will try to extradite him. That would just keep the whole issue in the news cycle. They'd like this matter to go away -- sooner the better.


  2. Sorry David, they might want this to go away, however, they also want to stop the leaks. They will suffer the arrows that are thrown at them to send a message that they will prosecute to the highest degree anyone who leaks information up to and including the death sentence, if they can get a good judge.

    If you think that the McCarthy era was bad, just wait for the Obama trials where they go after anyone who touches the information that gets leaked.

  3. I guess it is possible, but I'd put the probability at less than 40%. They may file some extradition papers with Hong Kong, but that's probably as far as it will go. Basically, same as Assange. Still, if I were this guy, I'd go to Madagascar and watch out for drones.


  4. they are still after Assange! Probably not a bad idea to watch out for drones even if you are a blog writer in the US!

  5. Yes, I know that officially they would like to get Assange, and he would be arrested if he came to the U.S. But so long as he stays out of the country, I doubt he will ever stand trial. I think this guy is in the same position.



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