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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

AOC--The Most Dangerous, Unscrupulous And Disingenuous Legislator

The Absolute Insanity of Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal

The Democrats’ favorite Representative has published her first bit of legislation. The “Green New Deal” is a formal resolution that she aims to submit to Congress. That means it doesn’t contain any changes to law.
Instead, it’s aimed to push Congress, and especially the House, in the direction of change outlined in the document. That’s good because this is the most radical, insane and unbelievable legislation ever put before Congress. In fact, it’s best to let it speak for itself.
The Not So Green Deal
Where do we even start? Maybe, it’s best to point out that this so-called green deal has very little to do with environmentalism. Sure, there are a few paragraphs that discuss climate change, greenhouse gasses and such, but the bulk of this resolution has absolutely nothing to do with environmental regulation and change. Mostly, it’s a modern retelling of the communist manifesto.
AOC’s green deal wants to see a complete socialist overhaul of our economy. This isn’t surprising in general, but it’s weird to add it to this particular resolution. Among calls for action are universal health care, universal free education (which we already have), universal income — especially for those who are “unwilling to work,” and a redistribution of wealth.
This legislation is so crazy that it stops to call the environment racist and sexist (as in nature itself), and it blames climate change for wealth inequality. At the most basic levels, this entire document is a departure from reality. It’s also worth noting that implementing just 10 percent of the calls to action in this resolution would permanently destroy the U.S. economy.
Insane Environmental Goals
We talk about the stupidity of socialism all the time. AOC’s real gift to this country is in the form of the language she used for her stated environmental goals. This part of the bill might be small, but it’s worth your time. The green part of the new deal calls for a “carbon neutral” society within 10 years. In order to do this, we’d have to make some wild changes.
For starters, AOC wants to “get rid of airplanes” and replace them with high-speed rail systems that make said airplanes obsolete. First, that technology doesn’t exist. Second, it leaves Hawaii in a pretty tough spot.
She also demands that we replace every road vehicle with an electric alternative, completely abandon fossil fuels for the production of electricity (without using any nuclear power) and upgrade every existing building in the country to be more efficient.
No, really. She wants to upgrade every single building in the country. She doesn’t seem to understand that even using electric tools to do so, this would dramatically increase our carbon footprint.
Still, we’re saving the best for last. According to the first published version of the resolution, AOC believes that we need to “get rid of cow farts.” Go ahead and read that again. It’s ok to laugh. Now we have to be serious for a minute. Since cows are always going to fart, this resolution is actually calling for the United States to get rid of cows. That’s pretty crazy.
Don’t Forget the Gaslighting
A discussion of the green new deal isn’t complete unless we talk about how AOC has handled criticism. Her office originally released the contents of the documentation to NPR and published it on AOC’s official government website. It included everything you just read and more.
When the deal was criticized for its obvious stupidity, AOC took the documents off of her website. She then accused Republicans of lying about the content to make her look bad. She then uploaded edited documents that remove the most flagrantly ridiculous language. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, this is classic gaslighting. Unfortunately for AOC, internet archives exist, and there is proof of her stupidity forever.
There are a few big takeaways from AOC’s first submission to the House of Representatives. First, she is dangerously stupid. If she believes anything she published in this resolution, her ideology could literally kill millions of people.
Second, she’s unscrupulous. She showed no hesitation in her willingness to lie about things she published on the internet. If it will further her agenda, she’ll do anything.
Lastly, her green new deal is a thinly veiled call for the destruction of America—especially our economy. That’s upsetting, but we can use as a litmus test. Anyone who openly supports the green new deal is actively rooting for the United States to be demolished, and that’s all we need to know about them.

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