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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Omar Is Hateful, Uninformed And Dangerous. She Might Also Not Be The Sharpest Knife In The Democratic Kitchen!

Can’t Make It Up: Ilhan Omar Says TSA Workers Should Be Paid, Then Moves to Defund Them Entirely

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While there have long been politicians on both sides of the aisle who have said dumb or disingenuous things, there is a new Democratic member of Congress who seems intent on claiming the title for being the absolute worst in that regard.
That member of Congress would be Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, and when she isn’t tweeting anti-Semitic jabs at Jewish people or the nation of Israel, she is launching poorly thought out attacks on President Donald Trump and his administration.
The latest example of such came on Feb. 8, when within the space of one hour Omar used Twitter to decry the fact that some Transportation Security Administration employees had yet to receive their back pay from the partial government shutdown, then proceeded to suggest the entire governmental department within which the TSA is contained be defunded … you know, in order to spite Trump.

The glaring disparity in those two tweets did not go unnoticed, and Fox News early morning host Rob Schmitt combined the two tweets into one to highlight the contradictory comments.
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Schmitt tweeted, “Ilhan Omar angry and complaining TSA agents haven’t received back pay, then an hour later calls to defund DHS… which would end TSA.”

Indeed, Omar’s first tweet declared, “This is an outrage. I’m hearing from TSA workers back in Minnesota who STILL haven’t received backpay after the shutdown. All workers affected by the shutdown — including contractors — deserve backpay!”
But that tweet, rightly demanding just compensation for the TSA workers who’d been furloughed or forced to work without pay, was followed little more than one hour later by another tweet which declared “#Not1Dollar” for the Department of Homeland Security, from which the TSA derives its funding.

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The follow-up tweet also referred to the president as “Individual 1,” which stems from the indictment of Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen, and is meant to insinuate that he is some sort of criminal co-conspirator.
Omar’s second tweet read, “When Democrats stood our ground last month, we proved that Individual 1 does not have the public support to ram his hateful wall through Congress. Let’s stand firm: #Not1Dollar for DHS.”
Following the justifiable pushback she received over that massive contradiction, Omar attempted to backtrack and explain that she had said something to the effect of “not one dollar more” for DHS, but as can clearly be seen in the above tweet, that isn’t what she said.

Instead, Omar implied through “not one dollar” that the entire department should be defunded.
Playing along for a moment and following the suggestion to defund DHS to its natural conclusion, The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra listed all of the governmental agencies that are funded through DHS and noted in a tweet, “Omar is calling for the destruction of agencies that keep America safe.”
RELATED: Jawdropper: Rep Ilhan Omar Retweets, Then Deletes Message About ‘Hook-Nosed’ Jews

Those agencies within DHS include: the U.S. Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection, Customs and Immigration Services, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Secret Service and the TSA, among many others.
People like Rep. Omar demand that they be taken seriously by the American people, but then proceed to say and do incredibly un-serious things like gripe about government workers not getting paid and then call for the defunding of the department that pays them in back-to-back tweets.
Omar is either incredibly ill-informed about the structure of the federal government and how the appropriations process works, or she is being frustratingly disingenuous to demagogue the situation for partisan purposes.
There really aren’t any other options to explain Omar’s dueling tweets, and neither explanation is a particularly good look for a sitting member of Congress.

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