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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Like Sheep To The Slaughter

If you were to ask Jewish leaders what the most important challenge facing American or Israeli Jewry, it would be Conservatives, the arising of Christian believers in the US, xenophobia, abortion rights or the economy.  Nowhere in their discussion would be Iran,  the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, The Palestinians, Sharia Law, the effects of the Arab Spring or anything Muslim. They are either asleep at the switch or have their heads buried deeply in the sand. No thinking, rational individual could miss the real issues of the day but somehow these leaders do!

As the following article makes very clear, there are movements occurring around the world and in the US that should be of concern to these leaders, however, they seem to want to avoid the obvious.  When US Senators openly welcome Muslim Brotherhood members and the Secretary of State will not condemn their statements, there is a problem when Jewish leaders to do not speak out loudly.

Additionally, there has been very little Jewish support of the Catholics in their fight with the Obama Administration.  Granted, there has been some, but it has been very limited to basically  the Orthodox.  This is a mistake for who knows what rules will come out of this administration that will effect Jews.

Obviously these are not stupid men, but they certainly are acting that way. They are like sheep being lead to the slaughter, not saying a "baa!"

Conservative Tom

Jewish leaders mum as Obama embraces anti-Semitic Brotherhood

Charles Jacobs - The Jewish Advocate,  February 17th, 2012

Last June, President Barack Obama began to openly court Egypt's anti- Semitic Muslim Brotherhood. Yet, with few exceptions, American Jewish leaders are keeping quiet.
The Brotherhood's spiritual leader, Sheikh Yusef Qaradawi, makes things perfectly clear:
“Oh Allah, take the Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. … Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.”
The sheikh who – by the way – was a trustee and fundraiser for the Boston mega-mosque – explains the Jews to his followers around the world thusly: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption. … The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. … even though they exaggerated this issue. … This was divine punishment for them. … Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.”
Obama sees the situation more broadly: Not to engage the Brotherhood, a senior administration official explained, “would be impractical.” Besides, he said, since winning the parliamentary election, the MB has been “very specific about conveying a moderate message – on regional security and domestic issues, and economic issues.”
It's been a persistent fantasy of Western diplomats that by governing – or even participating in elections – radicals are transformed into pragmatists. Facts show otherwise: Radicals and Islamists across the Middle East, as they vote or govern, have not lessened their virulent hatred of Jews, their antipathy toward democracy, or their horrid treatment of Christians, women and gays. As Professor Barry Rubin points out: The radical nationalist PLO – given money, guns and power – has not moderated; Hamas won an election in Gaza, yet still wants to commit genocide on Jews; Hezbollah won an election in Lebanon and has not moderated; Turkey's Islamists, now in power, adopted an anti-Western foreign policy that backs radical Islamists; and Egypt itself seems set to violently return its Christian minority to pre-colonial “dhimmi” serfdom. “Where,” Rubin asks, “is the renunciation of past extremism, the reinterpretation of Islamic texts to justify a totally different worldview?”
The Muslim Brotherhood is unlikely to moderate because its core doctrine is Islamic supremacy: Democracy is not in its DNA. Sayyid Qutb, the Brotherhood's chief ideologue, saw the collapse of the world's last Muslim empire in Turkey. He taught that Islamic civilization had crumbled because it had strayed from its original path. His solution – and the foundational principle of the MB – is a return to the flawless, unspoiled beliefs and practices of the Prophet Muhammad.
Since its founding in 1928, the Brotherhood has spawned practically all modern jihadist movements. Hamas is its branch in Palestine. The Muslim American Society- the organization that runs the Boston mega mosque – is said by federal authorities to be its front group in the United States. The Brotherhood's spiritual guide, Qaradawi, says it must destroy Israel and then conquer Europe and America. The Brotherhood's ultimate goal is to impose Sharia law worldwide and create a global caliphate.
The Brotherhood is not “only” out to destroy Israel: It has from the start expressed genocidal intention toward the Jewish people. During World War II, the organization distributed Nazi-funded Arabic copies of “Mein Kampf ” (“My Struggle” is uncannily close to “my jihad”) throughout Palestine to inspire the Arab troops to slaughter Jewish immigrants.
When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton first defended working with the MB, she promised that in any contacts with them, “we will continue to emphasize the importance of and support for democratic principles and especially a commitment to non-violence, respect for minority rights, and the full inclusion of women in any democracy.”
Clinton's support for these principles went unnoticed in Cairo on Oct. 9, 2011, when Christians were massacred by Islamist thugs. And it goes unnoticed every time Qaradawi calls for killing the world's Jews. Instead the Administration has recruited this would-be genocidaire to mediate its negotiations with the Taliban.
Since the Obama Administration seems intent on working with today's Hitlerites, it's not surprising that US aid continues to flow to the Palestinian Authority after the PA announced a unity deal with the Brotherhood's Hamas branch. Preventing American dollars from funding Hamas is clearly a national Jewish issue. Yet so far, the only national Jewish organization that has challenged Obama on this betrayal of the Jewish people has been the valiant Zionist Organization of America.
But Obama's outreach to Muslim anti- Semites is no less an issue right here, for Boston's Jews.
It is Massachusetts Senator John Kerry who has become the point man for the president's push to build ties with the MB in Egypt. In December, Kerry met with the top officials of the Brotherhood's political party. The senator said he “welcomed the results of Egypt's first democratic elections,” which gave 40 percent of the vote to the MB and another 24 percent to the even-more radical Salafi al-Nour Party. Then he urged the International Monetary Fund to fund the MB. US dollars ($55 billion) account for nearly 20 percent of IMF's worth. So now, a Massachusetts senator is helping to send US dollars to people religiously committed to killing Jews – yet I am not aware of any Jewish leader here lodging a protest against him.
And of course, there is that still simmering issue of the Saudi-funded megamosque in Roxbury, built in part with funds raised by Qaradawi, who – because he was banned from setting foot in America by President Bill Clinton – had to raise money for the mosque among Boston Muslims via video broadcast to a gathering at the downtown Sheraton. Since then, thinking about his own end time, he's expressed this delightful wish: “I will shoot Allah's enemies, the Jews, and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus I will seal my life with martyrdom.” Here too, there is silence from our local Jewish community and religious leaders.


  1. Check out my blog. I just made an entry about whether or not America should support Liberal Israel. I think that you would find it interesting.

  2. I disagree with some of your comments, however, your point on
    american Jews continuing to support Obama in light of historic hate for the country of Israel is on point.

    Welcome to conservative musings.


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