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Monday, July 1, 2013

Are All Politicians Psychopaths?

The following post might be just a tad "over the top" but don't let that prevent you from gleaning the nuggets of truth that are in the article. We are in troubled times and we all need to make preparations for what might come. If it does not occur, we are still in a better place and no harm comes from being prepared.

Conservative Tom

What Can You Do Now As An American Citizen?

July 1, 2013 by  
What Can You Do Now As An American Citizen?
The first answer is to recognize and realize that the government, with all of its propaganda and police power, is at war with the American people. The fact that most Americans are totally oblivious to all-out war against their way of life, their savings and their retirement assets doesn't change a thing.
Governments always silently make war on their own citizens behind a propaganda front so as to alert as few people as possible. The less resistance the better.
One of the fastest ways to clear the mental fog is to realize that the two-party political system is only one. Anyone clinging to the illusion will be deceived to their grave. America has become a fascist state, and the whole Congress supports the agenda of the state. Any dissent is frivolous and transparent.
We could turn the clock back toward human liberty by doing one simple thing: limiting the terms of Representatives and Senators to just one, with no pensions. Also, they should be put on Social Security and receive the same medical benefits as the American people! There should be no privilege associated with elected office. Of course, this will not happen; the entire government is infested with psychopaths who will not relinquish any of their accumulated power.
Americans are under the strain of great financial repression. Interest rates are not high enough to cover inflation, let alone provide an income for seniors. Millions of seniors are living out of their savings instead of earnings on their savings. There is no risk less way to generate income.
The powerful, rich and well-connected politicians in America all use the dysfunctional political system and the money-printing central banks to their every advantage. The U.S. reckless system has created an enormous economic and political mess. The scene now reminds one of vultures flocking around a carcass. Nothing can or will be corrected now. All that anyone in power can suggest now is more money printing.
There are no financial answers, and there are no political reforms on the table; so politicians will continue to postpone meaningful reforms, which will lead us to the final crisis. More than ever, the present system is doomed. It is only a matter of recognizing what is happening and making preparations to survive.
I am still accumulating silver coins, as I believe that they will have high exchange and barter value in the near months to come. I sincerely hope that all of you will do the same. That the price has been manipulated down is fortuitous.
I fear that investors and savers may no longer have access to their accounts and funds during the ultimate crash. Look at what happened in Cyprus, for example, where bank accounts were frozen for a week. If this happens, silver coins dated before 1964 will look awfully good in your possession.
Also, my friends, please don’t be surprised if the government implements measures of some form of increased financial repression or expropriation. Many people will wind up much poorer than they are now. I am sorry to give you this sad information, but my vast reading and study confirms it. And if you cover the amount of material that I do, you will be on the same page.
There is a better day coming if the good people prevail and seize power after the crash. There are now millions of people who know the critical situation in America and understand that America has been sold out and hollowed out and that what is left is an impoverished people and economic depression.
The U.S. authorities know full well the shock potential of the social order in the United States. They are buying time with food stamps and all sorts of cash payments.


I mentioned above and have said before that the U.S. government is run by and inhabited by psychopaths. Psychopathy by definition is a personality disorder characterized by shallow emotions with reduced fear and lack of empathy. Also, psychopaths exhibit coldheartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm and criminality. They are manipulative, irresponsible and impulsive. They are antisocial, they lack remorse, and they are attracted to a parasitic lifestyle.
We think that most Representatives and Senators are psychopaths. Lawyers are the second most psychopathic profession. Most Representatives and Senators are lawyers.
Governments attract psychopaths because these people have tremendous greed and they see government as a means of free riches and aggrandizement.
No matter how much they steal or how many evil laws they pass, they believe that they do good and that they have “clean hands.” They have every opportunity for corruption. They believe that their constituency is a milk cow to use and abuse.
If placed before a firing squad, they would profess no wrongdoing but their own persecution. These government politicians are depraved. But they don’t know that they are psychopaths.
More traits of government politicians (psychopaths):
  • They don’t like the U.S. Constitution.
  • They don’t like guns in the hands of the people.
  • They don’t like silver and gold in the hands of the people.
  • They don’t like small independent farmers and gardeners.
  • They don’t  like small shell re-loaders.
  • They don’t like the Internet.
  • They don’t like natural or alternative medicine.
  • They do like paper fiat money.
  • They do like the stock market.
  • They do like genetically modified seeds and food.
  • They do like vaccinations and inoculations.
  • They do like wars.
  • They do glorify death and ritual sacrifice (wars).


  1. "Governments attract psychopaths because these people have tremendous greed and they see government as a means of free riches and aggrandizement."

    Ha! Politicians get only crumbs from their Wall Street bosses. It takes a Congressman's salary 91 years to earn what a Wall Street CEO "earns" in one year -- for wrecking their own bank and the global economy with derivatives security fraud! These guys are the pschopaths who run the government for their own aggrandizement. But so long as Congress (with their 10% approval rating!) takes all the criticism, Wall Street stays under the radar of most people.


  2. The people who work for the government are not smart enough to become a Wall Street CEO they just cooperate with their supervisors to continue to raid the people's treasury while doing no work.


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