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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Questions And Comments That Need Answering By Democratic Candidates Who Would Love To Spend Us Into Bankruptcy.

And the winner of CNN Democratic presidential debate is …

Hi, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty®. The first Democratic presidential debate is in the books. And the winners are …
First, the winner on that stage was Bernie Sanders. Why? I understand sales. Sales is my life. I teach sales at events all over the world. The key to sales is energy, enthusiasm and authenticity. What I saw on that CNN stage in Las Vegas were four boring stiffs and one man of energy: Bernie Sanders. I predict polls will show that Americans responded to his energy.
Is he a socialist? Sure. But so are the others. Did you hear what they promised on that stage in Las Vegas? They all want to spend us into bankruptcy. They all want to spend, spend and spend some more. They all want to give everything away to everyone for free. They all want to redistribute wealth. But at least Bernie is an authentic socialist.
He is a true believer. He’s not preaching free stuff to everyone to buy votes. Bernie really believes in this stuff. He drinks the socialist Kool-Aid. Bernie sells his socialism with conviction. I’d have to check the pulses of the others to find out if they were alive.
Is Bernie a crackpot? Yes. Is he certifiably insane on many issues? Yes. But the guy with the most energy, enthusiasm, passion and lifewins every time. Bernie will be the only one on the stage in Las Vegas that walks away smelling like a rose.
But the overall winner was Joe Biden. He wins by default. Crazy Joe must have been watching with a big smile on his face. He can beat those five with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back. Hillary Clinton is a crook. She will never be the nominee. Her scandals threaten to wipe out the entire Democratic Party at a moment’s notice. Giving her the nomination is a disaster waiting to happen.
Bernie is literally a commie (by his own admission). He says Republicans should have to defend their support of capitalism. Bernie literally thinks capitalism is a sin. He can’t possibly be the nominee.
That leaves the other three on the stage. They are all pathetic, boring stiffs. Only Joe Biden can save the Democratic Party. You can bet he’s getting his presidential announcement speech ready at this very moment. I wonder who he’ll steal it from?
The third and final winner was gold (the precious metal). Did you really listen to these five Democrats? I took detailed notes. It was like a nuclear arms race to see who can spend more money and pile up more debt. These people are literally certifiably insane. Each one tried to top the others in how much stuff they can give away for free.
Democrats are no longer content to save Social Security. They want to expand it. They’re no longer content to save Medicare. They vow to expand it to everyone. They’re not content to save Obamacare. After Obama passed it by swearing it would never go to illegal aliens, these clowns promised to expand it to illegal aliens. They want to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens. They want to make college free for everyone. They want to make $15 minimum wage the law. They aren’t content with the massive unaffordable regulations of Dodd Frank. Hillary promised it was a “good start” and she’d expand it.
The nation is $18 trillion in debt and this new crop of Barack Obama-wannabes promises to set new spending records. Democrats are in a nuclear debt race. Insanity rules. So if there is one winner that comes out of this debate, it is gold. My advice if you want to save yourself: Buy gold, buy gold and buy more gold. Throughout history, gold protects against reckless irresponsible politicians and debt crisis.
That is the only solution I can think of to protect us from these madmen and madwomen of the Democratic Party. The policies they are promising can only lead to economic collapse, dollar collapse and what promises to be the worst debt crisis in world history. If any of these Democrats are elected, we’ll look back fondly on the Greece debt crisis as “the good old days.”
Those are the three clear-cut winners of the first Democratic presidential debate: Bernie, Joe Biden and gold.
The losers? The American people, capitalism and sanity.
And that sound you just heard? That was the Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves.
Now to a few questions that should have been asked at that debate (if the media really cared about truth and fairness):
  1. Are you a progressive or a socialist? And please explain in detail the difference.
  2. Do you agree there is a problem at the border with Mexico, and is it possible that radical Muslim terrorists are walking right into America?
  3. Is it fair and affordable to give $3,000 “earned income tax credit” checks to illegal aliens, often crediting them for years before they even entered the country, while saddling honest law-abiding taxpayers with higher tax rates to pay the bill?
  4. Should politicians be allowed to break the law? If not, then do you support “sanctuary cities” and should the mayors of those cities be prosecuted?
  5. Why won’t Obama use the words “Islam” and “terrorist” in the same sentence, and will you? (America is dying to hear your answer.)
  6. Obama spent 20 years with Jeremiah Wright as his pastor and spiritual adviser. Only days ago, Wright told a crowd at a Black Lives Matter rally in Washington, D.C., that “Jesus was a Palestinian” and Israel’s taking the land of Palestinians was one of “great injustices of 20th and 21st centuries.” Do you agree or disagree?
  7. When Obama sold Obamacare by saying, “If you like your insurance and doctor, you can keep your insurance and doctor,” wasn’t that a lie and should a politician be held accountable for fraud? If not, please explain why a politician lying to sell his program is different from a private-sector CEO lying to sell his product?
  8. What do you say to millions of small-business owners and middle-class Americans whose health insurance rates have skyrocketed to the point of crippling and bankrupting them, when they were promised by Obama that rates would go way down? Do you owe them an apology? Or do you stand by the theory that prices have gone down?
  9. Are we winning or losing the war against ISIS? (The American people can’t wait for this answer.)
  10. Democrats claim the economy is “in recovery” under Obama. Does the fact that the Federal Reserve just refused to raise interest rates one-fourth of a point above zero for the 55th straight meeting indicate the economy is strong or very weak 7½ years after Obama took office?
  11. Democrats claim jobs are “robust” under Obama. Does 94 million working-age Americans not working indicate the economy is “recovering” or in serious decline and dysfunction?
  12. George W. Bush added $4 trillion in debt in his eight years in office. Obama, the candidate, called that “unpatriotic.” By the time Obama leaves office, he’ll have added about $12 trillion (three times more) and more debt than all other presidents in history combined. Isn’t that three times more unpatriotic? Or is debt different when added by Democrats versus Republicans?
  13. Hillary was secretary of state while her Clinton Foundation accepted billions of dollars in bribes — I mean donations — from foreign governments and then awarded contracts and awards to those same governments. Is that legal in your minds? Could that be construed as selling her office? Could you understand someone seeing that as treason? What would you say if a Republican accepted billions of dollars in donations from foreign governments while secretary of state?
  14. And finally, one bonus question just for Hillary: The media asked very intrusive questions about Donald Trump’s private life, so we’d like to ask a specific question on the minds of millions of Americans about your marriage, Hillary. After hearing about all the women over the years who have had affairs with your husband Bill — and the more recent news about his trips with a known sex offender friend to Orgy Island — wouldn’t you agree that someone suffering from battered wife syndrome should seek counseling rather than run for president of the United States?
Now those are questions that might have turned a snoozefest into an interesting and revealing debate.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty®. See you next week. God bless America.

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