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Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Different View Of Our Health Care System. Is Its Ultimate Goal Euthanasia?

America’s ‘sickness care’ system: Putting profits over health

Modern medicine has one purpose: to make money for the pharmaceuticals and their army of “trained practitioners” while funneling money through insurance companies under the false label of “healthcare.” It’s really just “sick care,” and anyone in America seeking serious health attention must take personal responsibility, pursue alternatives and pay for it out of his own pocket.
I will quickly give you a valid exception and that is if one needs trauma care. It is generally and quickly available and most of the time lifesaving, as America’s trauma physicians and practices are among the best in the world. But this is a very small part of medical practice in America.
In fact, there is now very high risk in going to the hospital. Besides hundreds of thousands of drug-induced and medical-error-induced deaths each year, people who check into hospitals are dying unexpectedly of infections that antibiotics can’t help. Old, old infections are laughing at our modern multitrillion-dollar medical empire.
The first premise of modern medicine is to avoid simplicity and cheap health solutions. Boy, have they ever done this. They have succeeded in leading the sick public to feel helpless and hopeless in taking responsibility for their own health. They have successfully destroyed what used to be just common sense.
Old home remedies passed down for generations and old country doctors’ simple therapies have all been erased for life-threatening trips to the hospital and thousands of drugs.
We are the victims. It’s our bodies they “practice” on. We are literally a prescription drug culture, and we accept the doctor’s advice on drugs without question, not suspecting that the drug the doctor prescribes is done so based on a monetary interest as much or more than a medical one.
By the time we reach adulthood, the system has sealed our thought processes so that we question nothing. What the doctor says is gospel. The imperative to inquire and question is gone.
Our minds are so smug in darkness and organized confusion that we are complete automatons. Our ego, our individuality, is completely excised; and we are completely transferred into the state organism and group thought. Any deviation from the system by anyone is met with hostility by friends and neighbors. The more one is formally educated, the more he or she is locked into the system mindset.
Your body is not your own. A brand-new baby gets vaccinations before leaving the hospital, and the parents are glad. The state begins to seize an infant’s body the first day of his life. He is being prepared for death the day he is born. Then as many as 50 more vaccinations come before the end of high school.
All is done in the name of health and for the good of society. It’s all for profit of the giant pharmaceuticals enforced by the political system. The parents believe that it’s good.
But it is not. Vaccines destroy natural immunity while pumping you full of chemical toxins — agents that you would avoid like the plague if they were sprinkled on the food set before you.
Vaccinations and their health consequences are often separated by time. This confuses cause and effect. This is the perfect crime. That is, the vaccination does not appear to be linked to illness years later or even a few months later. What’s more, even when death or injury occurs following a vaccination, the official line is that no causative relationship can be proved. After all, why would anyone not want their child vaccinated against disease?
Why do big pharmaceuticals engage in this murder by injection? It’s money! It’s a multibillion-dollar annual industry. And it supports the medical system, which the drug companies own.
Why does the federal government support universal vaccinations, even paying for the damages caused by them along with bonuses and kickbacks to doctors and pharmacies? Here goes: Governments are all on a paper money system. Paper money moves wealth and production into the hands of government. All is fine with this mass theft until there comes along an aging population.
An aging population means non-producing consumers. This reverses consumption from the government to the non-producing, aging consumers. Governments can’t afford this, and they have to reverse consumption back to government. They want young people to produce and fight wars created with paper money.
Then there is an organized system of sickness called healthcare. This system must have an endless supply of bodies: yours.
Thousands of tests, biopsies, sonograms, catheterizations, etc., etc., leading to making huge profits through drugs, surgery, radiation, etc., leading to the general demise of the natural immune system guaranteeing sickness and your early death.
Patent “medicines” are among the greatest deceptions of our time. They are products of advertising — very sophisticated and expensive advertising.
What do patent medicines do for their buyers? They are palliatives that suppress symptoms. They do nothing to “cure” or in any way enhance the immune system. Nor do they make any claims as such, but the public misses this vital point.
The federal government, through the FDA, has now unleashed the pharmaceuticals upon the American people, resulting in massive and unbelievable profits. The American people have not one chance in a million against this monstrous and deceptive fraud. What a scam! What a cash cow!
And once you are on one drug, another drug is needed to mask the side effects, then another.
According to a 2008 Medco Health Solutions report, 51 percent of Americans were taking at least one prescription drug for a chronic condition. An examination of prescription records found that 75 percent of those aged 65 and older were taking at least one medication, while 22 percent of men and 28 percent of women were taking at least five.
Individuals aged 65 to 69 take nearly 14 prescriptions per year on average, and those aged 80 to 84 take an average of 18 prescriptions per year, according to the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists.
Our seniors are walking zombies, with most taking two or more over-the-counter medications in addition to the 14 to 18 prescriptions. Shockingly, 40 percent of all adverse drug reactions occur in the age 65 and over group. And since seniors have less ability to assimilate, the toxic buildup of pharmaceutical drugs becomes deadly and fatal. Slower and deteriorated liver and kidney functions compound the buildup of toxemia. Enough toxemia concludes life on this Earth.
Americans spent $374 billion on prescription drugs in 2014, the most since 2001. In states that expanded Medicaid under the grossly misnamed Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), spending on prescriptions was up 25.4 percent over 2013. In other states the increase was almost 3 percent.
These legal drugs lock you into a vicious cycle of chemical dependency. And they have side effects — side effects that are often worse than the disease for which they were prescribed in the first place. And that is only the beginning.
Down the road there is euthanasia, as I told you last week in “How the elites make murder acceptable.” But for now, we put people under the tender care of the medical establishment. Everybody gets rich except the aging victims killed with drugs, operations and “medical care.”
Does anybody ever find out about it? Nope. Only a few find out who have the capacity to look beneath and discover the perfect — and very profitable — crime.
What happened to the “war on drugs?” Well, what happened is that the war on “illegal” drugs was, is and will always be a spurious issue designed as a decoy for legal drugs.
The legal drug monopoly is riding high on the irresponsibility of Americans to take responsibility for their own health.
That silver bullet everybody expects from drugs is really rusty iron. You would think everybody would be vitally concerned about their health and longevity, but few really are.
To take control of your health, you should work to ditch your prescriptions (but not all at once). Realize that most prescriptions merely mask your symptoms, and you must understand the root cause of them if you are to find a cure. Find an alternative medicine or integrative medicine doctor to help you with that. Getting to the root cause of your illness is a central premise of alternative medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.
Diet is a key component of health, if not the key. Stay out of the central aisles of the grocery store and buy whole foods: organic fresh fruits and vegetables and seafood. Limit your meats — especially red meat — and avoid all those not certified GMO and hormone-/antibiotic-free. Go hereand here for good starting points.
Every home should have a “Physicians’ Desk Reference,” or you should learn to use or to do an online search of medications. And you should look up everything doctors intend for you to take or give to your children.
Don’t depend on the system that has its own best interests — not yours — at heart.

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