REVOLT: Angry, Starving Venezuelans Tear Down Statue of Socialist Hugo Chavez
In recent months you may have noticed it seems like everyone loves socialism. Except the people who have actually suffered through it (see Russian Chess Grandmaster Gary Kasparov Smashes Bernie Sanders’ Socialism). See the heart of socialism, Venezuela, for instance. The home of the hungries. If you’re a regular reader of LwC, you likely know that Venezuelans have been starving for a while now. Naturally, they’re not too happy about it. Looks like their patience is running as thin as their frail, ravaged-by-socialism bodies. Watch as they take out their hangry on this Hugo Chavez statue…
Protesters objecting to the left-wing government of Venezuela pulled down a statue of deceased strongman Hugo Chavez in the city of La Villa del Rosario on Friday. Telemundo51 reporter Alberto Rodriguez posted footage of the demonstrators throwing the dismantled statue on Twitter.Anti-government demonstrators also severely damaged another Chavez sculpture in the city of Mariara by setting it on fire.Over the past five weeks, protests have spread across Venezuela. A Fox News report on Friday pointed out that “at least 38 deaths have been reported by various sources in five weeks of anti-government protests…” Hundreds more have been injured.
This took some brass ones. Venezuela’s armed militia is shooting people in the streets simply for rudely staring (see Thanks Gun Control! Helpless Venezuelan SHOT by Socialist Militia). I imagine defacing the country’s ode to Hugo scores one negative points in the eyes of the military. Alas, these guys have no craps left to give. Because the government took them all. Then redistributed them to someone else.
This is how desperately fed up Venezuelans are. It’s possible these chaps won’t come by another meal for a while, since food is scarce over there, yet they’re still expending precious energy on raising a middle finger to their government. Instead of searching for foods and whatnot.
These people would rather risk being shot than spend another day staring at the brass pudginess of Hugo Chavez, immortalized in statue form and standing in their parks for an eternity. See, because for people who have actually experienced socialism firsthand? Hugo Chavez is not their hero. He, and the regime he represented, is their oppressor.
Feel free to take notes, leftists…
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