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Monday, December 19, 2016

Michelle Obama Is Totally Out To Lunch

Michelle Obama: Since Election, ’We are Feeling What Not Having Hope Feels Like’


First Lady Michelle Obama says Americans are not feeling hopeful after the election of Donald Trump.

The First Lady was asked by Oprah Winfrey whether she thinks that her husband’s administration had achieved his promise of hope for America.
“Yes. I do,” she said. “Because we feel the difference now. See, now, we are feeling what not having hope feels like. You know. Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept and Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes. He and I and so many believe, what else do you have when you do not have hope?”
Michelle Obama adds that she thinks her husband had been a calming voice for the country, comparing him to a parent calming a child that had bumped his head.
“I feel like Barack has been that for the nation, in ways that people will come to appreciate. Having a grownup in the White House who can say to you in times of crisis and turmoil, ‘Hey it’s going to be OK,’” she said.
The Oprah Winfrey special interview debuts on CBS on Monday and is her farewell interview before leaving the White House. A special clip of the interview was aired on Friday morning on CBS.

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